What do you think they should do with Kitin Patrols?
Remove them all together
Atys: Amiko, Defaultnsgxm, Grundelwolf, Ladeath, Lexius, Miosha
Leanon: Anl, Bil, Bransa, Heswa, Kybi, Med, Mirsa, Neka, Sylph
Arispotle: Faa, Goupi
17 (9)
Reduce the amount of them
Atys: Atheamas, Boojay, Ciliana, Deathlyy, Deckardcain, Demontyae, Gorran, Irfidel, Jahuu, Katla, Lwiz, Nakari, Nomga, Soloreaper, Tantalos
Arispotle: Maeilye, Marelli, Soulstarocean
18 (1)
leave them as they are
Atys: Aaylejah, Aceso, Aeralin, Arfur, Binarabi, Casy, Crafy, Daomei, Dinorath, Fitis, Fuzzyfeet, Hekla, Hungrygrumpy, Jarnys, Kreios, Kwipers, Laksmie, Liliang, Loracas, Lordana, Meagon, Mellandor, Monje, Piquedram, Reise, Rikutatis, Saady, Shadowknight, Suboxide, Ulsort, Volanis, Xemmy, Yakapo, Zyeir, Zyriel
Arispotle: Aseeker, Erizon, Kerylin, Marilin, Nauplius, Pokeraitis, Scorpius, Sherylin, Stitch
44 (6)
other...explain in thread
Atys: Bitttymacod, Crailus, Entendu, Ezex, Gasket, Kilgoretrout, Portia, Sherkalyn
Arispotle: Cidre, Waylanda
10 (1)
Andere 0
Sich enthalten 6

#71 [en] 

I consider PR the End Game of Ryzom and you can never really mastered it
and just asking to make changes just to make it easy for a few is a cop out
to the new players that will not experience what PR is supposed to be about.

It seems to me, Monje, that what you said is part of the debate that is going on here. You seem so certain in your claim that you know what "PR is supposed to be about." Other people have other ideas and are proposing changes varying from status quo ante to tweaking of the current KP. (Yes, I realize that no KP in PR was a change from an even earlier situation, but it's the one I came in on, four plus years ago.)

I really love the beauty of PR -- the sounds, the drifting motes of light, the magical flora/fauna. What I don't like is the stiff back that I have at the end of a digging session in PR. When I used to go down there before the KP it was still plenty dangerous with wandering Named and wide-ranging aggro, now it's actively painful. Right now it's really not all that reasonable to *learn* the higher levels of PR without a guide (and I would like to thank the people who are being my guides right now). Certainly there is very little chance to sit back and enjoy the aesthetic reward of simply being in PR, even with a guide.

I do not know what your "purpose" is being in PR is, Yakapo, but some of us would like to be able to sight-see. It's not all boss-hunts and digging sup mats for some of us.

I like some of the suggestions that are being made, especially those that seek to link the KP into a more Lore-sourced configuration and the one for a semi-random timer that would allow for a respawn that isn't near instantaneous. There are other things I'd like to change about them, but those are very unlikely to come to pass so I'll not mention them.

With respect
-- Bittty


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#72 [en] 

For me the presence of danger is a very important part of being in PR. I love the atmophere, landscape and wildlife down there. And i think KPs fit very well into the scenery.

I agree with those who argued getting around in PR is something like a skill you have to master seperately. I started digging PR when KPs were still around the first time. I did choose to master the getting around skill before any other and succeeded. I always said it wouldn't matter if i got 3000 or 1000 hp when getting caught by a KP by surprise. That was - of course - only partially right as it is getting easier with better running and invulnerability skills. I missed KPs when they were gone and thought it got too easy.

Now KPs are back but they are alot different from what they were. Some places are almost impossible to travel alone without running and invulnerability skills because there are so many KPs. And those places are not diggable alone. But those are very few places and i can accept that, i'll just pass through and dig elsewhere. There are so many safe places - i use them to wait for the right weather - where you can enjoy the PR atmosphere, landscape and wildlife to the fullest without being killed by KPs. I don't think that PR are meant as a region where you can wander about everywhere without risk.

Some time ago i made a new toon on arispotle and needed to get PR tps. And I can confirm: all you need to get around is the getting around skill and some mid-level running and invulnerability.

PS.: Some respawn delay would be nice anyway.

Zuletzt geändert von Ulykus (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)

#73 [en] 

Well Bitty then you are not discussing what the topic of this discutions was created for.
This discussion didnt start about wanted to enjoy the sights or relax or anything like it;

this dicussion is about Solo want them remove or reduce them for smaller groups
and is been proven you can kill and navigate all of PR with 1 team.

And now that the poll shows they should remains as they are.

you ask for another to be open cause we didnt agree with it.

then say we cannot dig cause of the KP yet is been told by different players
that it is posible.

and to refreshed your memory here is topic of discussion:

I want to create a petition to remove or reduce the amount of Kitin Patrols in PR, i appreciate we want to make it hard to get bosses and sup mats, however I feel it is making it unplayable for small groups.

There was once a time on atys where you could skillfully navigate through PR, now it is actually impossible not to get aggro in some areas. I feel it is overkill and with the smaller population ruining PR for some players.


Am the Lizard King......... I can do Anything
Temporary Insanity Complaint Department Officer
Bring your own Tissues

#74 [en] 

Monje, i never wanted rid of them. As i have said numerous times, i think they are overkill in certain areas.

I can deal with them, I can dig sups and kill bosses, however I feel it has ruined PR for some players. It was an open discussion that can take any slant it wants.

For someone to explain how they like PR and you to tell them it doesnt relate to this topic is just plain wrong.

My point stands valid, A slight change would be nice....respawn timers and movement. Simple enough change.

Zuletzt geändert von Sywindt(Yubo) (vor 1 Jahrzehnt) | Grund: Removed off topic text

#75 [en] 

Monje, i never wanted rid of them.
I want to create a petition to remove or reduce the amount of Kitin Patrols in PR

sure sounds like you wanted to be rid of them to me.

#76 [en] 

Gelöscht von Sywindt(Yubo) (vor 1 Jahrzehnt) | Grund: Off-topic

#77 [en] 

Poll results are not as clear as they may seem at the first glance.

I took the work and compared the posts of the last two pages with the poll. At least Daomei, Jarnys and me think it would be fine to have some respawn delay or other minor tweaks, which should move us from "leave them as they are" to "other... explain in thread".

so summed up... after discussion (did not consider pages 1-3)

33 want no changes at all
36 want large or minor changes
3 don't take a vote
as of today.

That makes it a pretty close poll and continued discussion might make sense.

#78 [en] 

Please keep any further posts on topic and relevant, or this topic will be locked.


Sywindt | Game Master | EN, NL, de, fr

#79 [en] 

There are a lot of players in game that agrees with reducing or altering their paths, because sometimes 3 KP patrols go over 1 spot, however they haven't voted or seen this thread.

It would be nice to see some compromise.

#80 [en] 

There is not a single mat or boss that you can not kill due to the KP's, all you need is a little patience and choose the right oppertunity, you can dig in certain areas of PR and you wont see aKP for along time, other areas you will have a few min to prospect, dig and get out. Or to pull a boss to a safer location.

Just spend a little time learning the routes and timings of the KP and you will see that there is absolutley no issue with them at all. What it means is that PR is harder and not as safe as other regions, well wasn't that meant to be the whole point?

We asked for years for the KP's to be brought back into the game, now they are people want them changed, no real supirse I guess.

Personaly I think that KP should comprise on Kinrey instead of Kirosta, it would make it easier for others to spam a /tar macro to spot them coming, even though they are easy enough to spot int he compass.

#81 [en] 

There is not a single mat or boss that you can not kill due to the KP's, all you need is a little patience and choose the right oppertunity, you can dig in certain areas of PR and you wont see aKP for along time, other areas you will have a few min to prospect, dig and get out. Or to pull a boss to a safer location.

Just spend a little time learning the routes and timings of the KP and you will see that there is absolutley no issue with them at all. What it means is that PR is harder and not as safe as other regions, well wasn't that meant to be the whole point?

We asked for years for the KP's to be brought back into the game, now they are people want them changed, no real supirse I guess.

Personaly I think that KP should comprise on Kinrey instead of Kirosta, it would make it easier for others to spam a /tar macro to spot them coming, even though they are easy enough to spot int he compass.

I do see your point, I have killed bosses and dug mats there. I just think a slight tweek would be better sometimes...

#82 [en] 

I'm well known for not being a big "digger" i only dig to provide myself with ammo for the wars and sometimes for jewels for guildies.

However i have had frequent case to stroll into PR and escort a digger or two who has more patience than me. I like the KP's they make things more interesting, boss hunting becomes KP avoidance or at least damage control the only thing i'd say is slap a 5-10 minute response timer that would be enough for me to be happy.

The agro range of KP's just means you have to be more patient when travelling or know your watering holes for a quick dunk and instant agro killing :)
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