What do you think they should do with Kitin Patrols?
Remove them all together
Atys: Amiko, Defaultnsgxm, Grundelwolf, Ladeath, Lexius, Miosha
Leanon: Anl, Bil, Bransa, Heswa, Kybi, Med, Mirsa, Neka, Sylph
Arispotle: Faa, Goupi
17 (9)
Reduce the amount of them
Atys: Atheamas, Boojay, Ciliana, Deathlyy, Deckardcain, Demontyae, Gorran, Irfidel, Jahuu, Katla, Lwiz, Nakari, Nomga, Soloreaper, Tantalos
Arispotle: Maeilye, Marelli, Soulstarocean
18 (1)
leave them as they are
Atys: Aaylejah, Aceso, Aeralin, Arfur, Binarabi, Casy, Crafy, Daomei, Dinorath, Fitis, Fuzzyfeet, Hekla, Hungrygrumpy, Jarnys, Kreios, Kwipers, Laksmie, Liliang, Loracas, Lordana, Meagon, Mellandor, Monje, Piquedram, Reise, Rikutatis, Saady, Shadowknight, Suboxide, Ulsort, Volanis, Xemmy, Yakapo, Zyeir, Zyriel
Arispotle: Aseeker, Erizon, Kerylin, Marilin, Nauplius, Pokeraitis, Scorpius, Sherylin, Stitch
44 (6)
other...explain in thread
Atys: Bitttymacod, Crailus, Entendu, Ezex, Gasket, Kilgoretrout, Portia, Sherkalyn
Arispotle: Cidre, Waylanda
10 (1)
Autre 0
S'abstenir 6

#31 [en] 

i know of at least one other in guild who successfully mastered pr digging in the past 6 months so KP's then are the same as now.

#32 [en] 

what about getting KP's in all zones +50? (but they should be equal to zone lvl)


#33 [en] 

what about getting KP's in all zones +50? (but they should be equal to zone lvl)

I wouldn't mind a KP spawning once in a while on the surface (kind of like the kitin are probing if the homins are still there to fight them) but the regular guard squads of tribes, civilisations and factions patroling/watching the area should prevent a lasting presence of KPs in the normal regions. (ever lured a KP into a tribe camp? Fun to watch if you're lucky enough to survive)


#34 [en] 

ofc there were kp - key word "exciting" - used to nip to kara tp in spring in LoC. lots of placews near tp's to dig and much more exciting places inwards - that Jug cave was always good :D
anyways - rez spots pretty good for digging as well :D


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#35 [en] 

well you guys are obviously too good for PR *sigh* so we have had players who dont play anymore making silly suggestions and people who dig by the tp.... lol

#36 [en] 

well you guys are obviously too good for PR *sigh* so we have had players who dont play anymore making silly suggestions and people who dig by the tp.... lol

Your original post was about making PR easier to navigate for small groups, ostensibly to make supreme mats easier to dig. Many people have chimed in and said it's quite possible, and indeed can be productive if you use your head, and learn how to avoid aggro. In fact, personally, the only supreme mats that I had issues with digging was Hash amber in US. If I got too cocky and waited too long to run, the KP would chew on me until I made it back to water.

If you haven't learned how to avoid aggro, don't go to PR. You will die.
If you want the game handed to you on a silver platter, don't go to PR. You will die.
If you aren't capable of navigating PR and the hazards it presents, you don't deserve to reap the riches it holds.

You can go to the supernodes and get Sup-250 mats. You don't need to go to the "evil, KP-infested" regions of PR. Meanwhile, everyone else who actually has a clue can feast on the sups that you are too afraid of, or incapable of, harvesting. (Or are the Vorax too challenging for you at the SNs, too?)

Lots of other people can do it. If you can't, it's not the game that fails...

#37 [en] 

All I am saying is it is overkill. That is my opinion. Simple I just believe some people are trying to be funny by asking for more KPs when they arent even playing.

I wont comment on it anymore, I think it is overkill. Clearly some dont! I wonder why Ryzom has such a low population :P

#38 [en] 

Supprimé par Sywindt(Yubo) (il y a 1 décénie) | Raison: Off-topic

#39 [en] 

The point is, getting supreme-grade materials is supposed to be difficult, inconvenient, time-consuming; it's the same thing you'll see in any game that's worth playing. I can't speak for them, but it's probably a safe bet that the devs didn't, and don't, want those mats flooding the game. It wouldn't surprise me that even given the difficulty of obtaining them, they are still flooding the game.

Just be thankful that as long as someone else hasn't gotten to them first, that you KNOW they're there, such as when the server resets or crashes. That was the only way I was able to get some sup Zun one time. The weather and seasons WILL eventually line up right and you can dig. Other games, it's a random chance whether you get the best stuff. If the RNG hates you, then sorry bout yer luck, buy them from someone else.

Here, you have a definite answer if you're patient enough. Oh, yeah, if you also know how to get to them in the first place.

#40 [en] 

make em harder!!!
so even the awesome are scared :P or the sneaky are sneakier :o)
fair point thou solo :o)

#41 [en] 

Keep the KP the way it is. PR needs to be hard. Sup boss 250+ mats need to be hard to get!! That TI guild had no problem killing a 270's boss with multiple KP's attacking well killing it along with a named at times with only a full team.

Really i say bring back the angel vorax's that roamed around, they were so cool hehe :)

As for digging for a 250 PR master, there are plenty of safe mission mats spots to dig. you just need to find them :)

#42 [en] 

P.R is certainly no place for light hearted, it is evil place and should remain evil. However I have some trouble with Kp’s re-spawns timer it is too fast. Could have been better and more enjoyable if the timer was a bit longer than it is now.


#43 [en] 

Hello all:) Long time no see.
Now actually I see you, but you won't see me a lot because together with some friends we're having fun on a different server for the moment.

Sorry to bring up this thread after 4 weeks, it's just I didn't see it, but I also think that beyond the game mechanics question, it has a social importance for the game.
The KTs were re-implemented several months before I left the game. I have no idea how they were at the begining.
Some of our guildies missed them:) I have asked an oldie these days what did he think Atys will lose if the KTs were removed. He stopped a little to think then answered: nothing but the KT target macro I suppose.
Anyway while avoiding them is possible to a certain extent the real difference comes up when you type /who in the PR. The answer will be 99% your own name.
There was a whole part of the player base, oldies mainly who basically lived in the PR. Not in easy spots, mind you. Not the snatch-zun-and-run type either. More of the contemplative type, who after the adventure of reaching a hard spot would would want to look around carefully and admire the ruins of a city, or some mysterious hard to see branches.There was a minority payer base who lived in the PR. Somehow these guys, after sneaking for 45 minutes, preferred having on their spot only the regular kinchers and voraxes,)
It is also no doubt another forbidding feature for neutrals/non-pvp players. Because - while sneaking from a factional tp for 20-30 min and getting slaughtered is one thing, while sneaking for 1:30hrs just to get slaughtered after taking your bio doesn't worth the pain.
Finally it's a loss of solo content for a game that already has little solo content alltogether (and I am counting the solo smashing of plants too, here,) There are plenty of forced-teaming games out there.

Just my (obsolete) 2c here:)

#44 [en] 

Faa, you made the point I was trying to make with creating this thread. Kudos

#45 [en] 

Hello all :) Just wanted to say that by implementing kitin patrols u basically killed very interesting aspect of the game. U cannot really go with full team to try for supreme digging, very often u have to wait for weather for hours and u cannot expect your team mates will be so very happy to stay/die there with u everyday u like to dig. And it is not only supremes, think of just choice mats for nicely looking white armours for roleplay/fashion. Now even if u skilled in sneak and know ur ways in roots u have to stay alerted 100% time pressing 'oh shit patrol' button constantly, run away hundreds meters to survive then try to come back to the spot thru normal aggro which is not the easiest in roots also. How much can u dig in these circumstances? and ofc if u have weather and need to dig u will have patrol come and IF u manage to survive and come back u not have weather anymore... It is not challenging really, it is VERY frustrating and not worth spent time anymore. So sad.
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