DawN Guild

This may come across as repetitve or a bit suckie however we have the same discussion in ts3 most evenings. We continue to be genuinely impressed at how awesome the community is. The generosity, friendlyness and helpfulness of people makes this game so special and the community the BEST of any mmo!

For those that dont know we are a medium sized multigaming guild, who have been playing mmos for many, many years, you name it we have played it! We have our own community of aproximately 300 members across several mmos. We are so happy here that our Ryzom division will be expanding, we will hopefully continue to grow even though we are planning for new mmos.

Additional special thanks to Basic, for your help and support and continued thanks to those mentioned previously [a few posts up]. Also a big hi to all the new friends we have met, you really have made us welcome.

For anybody interested in Ryzom, try it, you will not regret it.
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Last visit Saturday, 1 June 04:40:36 UTC

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