
Ryzom Forge Public Meetings agendas & reports

Ryzom Forge meeting report – May 11th, 2020

Multiboxing et Ryzom

Tykus (RT) – 19:35 UTC
I must explain clearly, the multiboxing: It's the possibility to connect several characters at the same time on the same server that we can't assimilate to the use of an external program to control one or more characters.
Ryzom is a cooperative game, so working together is a necessity. Having a partner of your own to help with drilling and storage or even care is commonly accepted, but having an army of avatars at your command doesn't make sense, the game loses its essence.
In order to preserve this essence and the soul of a game where collaboration is encouraged, we have decided to only tolerate the control of 2 characters at the same time per user and this only within the framework of a reasonable use.
Consequently, the code of conduct will be modified to specify that "the number of characters controlled simultaneously by the same individual is limited to 2, within the framework of reasonable, reasoned use and without automation". A shard limitation will be set for this.

Q : LoL ! Well goodbye and goodluck then. When you cant see any way i am cheating, just change the rules again. Typical . I have been playing Ryzom this way for 12 years and you have a problem with it now? Why suddenly now? I have been reported repeatedly and because I have done nothing wrong the decision was made to change the rules?
R :
It's not the point, even if you play them withoout third part program, it's not a good way to play Ryzom. Because, basically, if other MMOs don't give the possibility to play multiboxing, it's tolerated on Ryzom. But the current four-alts limit discourages playing with others. Yet Ryzom is the only game where playing with others is necessary, and we want to keep that, which is the soul of the game.

Q : I also dig with four toons, two masters and two careplanners. Though I fight with only one toon. Is this going to be forbidden now?
R :
Yes, two characters for drilling is more than enough. But the reason for lowering the limit is that being able to kill Kings alone with your alts doesn't add anything to the game: taking on a team challenge alone doesn't make sense.

Q : When is this new limit getting implemented?
R :
In few days, i will post the complete explanation on the forum and when Ulukyn will have implemented the limit I will change de Code of Conduct.

Q : What happens with all players who have current subscriptions for more than two accounts?
R :
We know very well that this measure may cause us to lose subscriptions, but it may cause us to lose even more subscriptions if things remain as they are.

Q : By automation, do you mean external tools? Macros use will still be allowed?
R :
Internal macro system is allowed yes.

Q : Will the special rule for large family households still grip?
R :
Yes, as before: if you have more than two people playing Ryzom at the same home, just contact us to get an exemption. But I have to warn you, the behaviour of a follower player and that of a physical player are easy to distinguish. So, avoid asking for a waiver if it is not necessary.

Q : Will you refund players with more than two accounts, since they will no longer be able to use all their alts? Or are you going to let them play with these alts until their subscription expires? Is there a refund plan for people who have resubscribed last month their alts for three or six months?
R :
No reimbursement is scheduled for now.

Q : So people paid for a service, and you are now going to not provide that service? And you will not reimburse? That doesn't sound legal.
R :
Of course it's legal, we could have banned multiboxing. Subscriptions have nothing to do with it. We don't prevent you from playing all your accounts, we only ask you to play them two by two.

Q : I don't understand what's the urge to do it now. Could you give us some exemples of facts thats motivated this change?
R :
It's been a long time that this race for alts has been making us grind our teeth and it seemed appropriate, as the server fills up again to change this absurd rule.

Q : But to do so without any warning that this might take place is really quite unprofessional. Especially when subscriptions are involved.
R :
I'm warning you now and, as soon as all the translations are done, a topic will be created on the forum where you can ask all your questions about subscriptions (see thread 5#55).

Q : Just to clarify, the rule is only for having 2 accounts online at the same time? Or are we required to have only two accounts?
R :
The rule is no more than two accounts online at the same time, whether these are subs or F2P. But everyone can open and play as many accounts (subs or F2P) as they want.

Q : Could we, as a result, see an increase in storage space? Because with only two accounts connected, it's difficult to switch to another character to access an alternative GH, since you can't connect three of them.
R :
In terms of storage, it won't make any difference: all you'll have to do is change your organization for transfers or other purposes. Nothing is planned to increase the capacity of storage spaces.

Q : Will this not hurt the game in the long run as far as income for Ryzom Team? I would think you guys would want more money coming in so you can inprove the game and bring new content.
R :
More money is good, but not at any price. Any change is difficult and risky, but this one was really necessary.

Ulukyn (RT) – 20:43 UTC
In conclusion
We have been working for a few years to redo the tools, master them and make them more fun to add content. And with the storyline that's what we're going to do. Make the story evolve and add new things.
And then the alts issue came up (on my side, as a developer).
With the storyline we will add new challenges. Sometimes the best group (which can be composed of four players only) will be rewarded. If the best team turns out to be four alts (and this is not impossible because it is in some cases an advantage) it would be rather disappointing for us.


Tykus (RT) – 20:45 UTC
The storyline is the leading roleplay thread followed by the Ryzom teams. It gathers a set of roleplay events and gameplay additions, built on a dynamic story.
During the prologue of the current Season 2, we heard rumors that things were getting ready. At the beginning of Episode 1, a strong bark shake shook Atys, upsetting the look of the Nexus. The homins are currently investigating the scene.
What's your feedback on the beginning of Episode 1?

F1 : The first Event was amazing, with new features (the shaking camera, new design of a map, etc.) And then, finally, just for something where substance lacks a bit: only points to ping on the map. With few new random missions or so, it would have been better. Sorry, Ulukyn, that was amazing, but IMO, something was missing. In advance, sorry if that might spoil something, but, having to built camps, defend scientists etc. would have been cool if that would have started missions of hunting, digging or crafting.

F2 : I'm quite new to the game. As such it was the first of these events which I could take part in. I found it exciting. However the fighting came accross as quite chaotic to me and I was not always sure that the actions actually mattered much :) However it was a nice group experience. And it will give me new reason to further and more extensively explore the Nexus. And investigate the Kitin ... issue.

F3 : As for me, running like an headless chicken, not understanding what was happening with the shaking camera, that was huge laughing. It has been a complete new thing introduced to Ryzom. Go on this way. Surprise us!

F4 : I would just add that is promising good things for the future! From a player point of view, i find it very exciting what happen in Nexus.

F5 : The new features and story progression were fantastic. I just wish we could have had some big kitin battle.

F6 : I found Episode 1 amusing, just a little long in between scouting. The Prologue was good too, but hard to finish (or I didn't get it).

Tykus (RT) – 21:00 UTC
Missions will be added soon, it's just the beginning: you have no idea what we've prepared for you to follow !
But we add things piece by piece to avoid big bugs, that's all: he game's code is ticklish, as you know.


Tykus (RT) – 21:01 UTC
We need DE, ES and RU translators as well as EN proofreaders.
Active testers are also needed.

A player recommends to put directly on the website well-visible links on how to contribute to these.


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