[Ryzom Forge] Meeting (4th of July)

I am a noob but I found the starting missions a great way to get a "feel" for Ryzom. The depth of the crafting system and the customisable actions (bricks) are great features of Ryzom.
I do find that distance is a hindrance in helping someone when they ask for help in the chat channels.
How hard would it be to allow anyone in a team to teleport to the team leaders location to help them and to teleport back when leaving the team.
That way if someone wants a rez in some other zone (including Silan) I could just teleport there and rez them then teleport back after helping them. Perhaps my bag might get locked while in the team (maybe I am only temporarily partially teleported and the merchants won't buy my stuff because they know it will vanish when I do)
Could a chat channel be changed so that characters only see help requests (and telport requests) from lower level characters? (so i don't teleport to the aid of a lvl 250 player only to find I am of no help at all.)
Or maybe the Max_Fight_Skill of the player could appear in brackets in the help request, like:
(23 Magic)NoobsGalore: Can I get a rez and help killing these gingos pls.
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