enable kami/karavan guards killing

Getting the fame down by clicking and clicking is not fun at all and does not encourage people to lower their fame.

The point is, as marauder we are enemies of the karan and kamis as well as kamis are enemies of kara and kara enemies of kamis.
It makes a lot of sense to have their guards killing people around if their fame is low enough.

But there is a but, for marauders some res point are on TP which lead us to be killed instantanetly after respawn (as it's the case while respawning at some TP inside capitals (talking about the city guards).
Also a change like this will forbid kamis to enter FH or Yrk, and kara to enter Zora or Pyr (it can make sense roleplay wise).

Then, i'm against in the actual state of the game.
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Last visit mardi 7 Mai 05:24:16 UTC

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