Version 3.0 - Disconnects Disconnects Disconnets

I have the best internet connection I can get. It's stable beyond stable. It rarely goes out. I run two desktop machines side-by-side, both reasonably up to date. Both run with nVidia cards.

Prior to v.3 I had little trouble with disconnects anywhere. During PW O'Clock, it was laggy, but it didn't generally boot me out of game.

Now, with this version, I get random disconnects on both machines, sometimes at the same time. The game just freezes. It isn't in cities, it isn't in particular regions, it isn't in apartments. It's only in this game, because I don't have this trouble in other games.

What can I do to resolve this? I play Ryzom a lot but I am getting really annoyed.

Yes I'm using the installer, but as an aside, if you have an SSD drive as your main drive, this new installer writes to the main drive, which is the last place you would want it to write to.



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Last visit jueves 2 mayo 03:21:07 UTC

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