
Natae Assembly

Nobles Assembly notes from Dua, Floris 14, 3rd AC 2577

Sirgia Pirello says: First of all, We were supposed to take a census of the guilds in the Forest that speak the dialect of Natae.
Sirgia Pirello says: Naema was supposed to undertake that task but has not communicated with me.
Sirgia Pirello says: (Is she online?)
Dazzie says: no
Ozwomen says: no not online.
Sirgia Pirello says: Well, I will have my scribe Cerulean write her a letter.
Sirgia Pirello says: In the meantime, Ozwomen if you could send an Izam Mail of the information for Spears of Eora, and Dazzie, the same for Cara Via.
Sirgia Pirello says: ((Send ingam IM to Cerulean))
Sirgia Pirello says: ((ingame^))
Dazzie says: ok
Ozwomen says: doing that now.
Sirgia Pirello says: Thank you. I know that there are other guilds but we will make do with what we have.
Sirgia Pirello says: Next item of business:
Sirgia Pirello says: Scrivener for the meeting.
Tenebra bows in a courtly manner.
Sirgia Pirello says: Naema took notes last time and sent them to Ozwomen, who published the account on the public message pillars.
Sirgia Pirello bows to Tenebra.
Sirgia Pirello says: deles silam, Please come over here to sit.
Ozwomen bows to Tenebra.
Sirgia Pirello says: Filarae Ozwomen, have you had any thoughts about who would make a good Scrivener?
Ozwomen says: I would like to ask Dazzie.
Sirgia Pirello says: ((Turn on ChatLog -- and make a reasonable RP report in the Forums of what went on at the meeeting.))
Ozwomen says: Cara Via live in Natae now.
Salazar bows respectfully.
Dazzie says: yes
Ozwomen says: How do we turn on chat log?
Sirgia Pirello says: Filarae Dazzie you anticipate my question. Thank you.
Ozwomen bows to Salazar.
Sirgia Pirello says: ((type /ChatLog in a box))
Sirgia Pirello says: Deles silam Filara Salazar
Sirgia Pirello bows to Salazar.
Salazar says: Deles Silam.
Sirgia Pirello says: ((check System Info to see if it is turned on...))
Irfidel waves to Salazar.
Sirgia Pirello says: ((it's either /ChatLog or /chatLog -- the capital letter in the middle is critical))
Ozwomen says: system states "Unknown
You say: its /chatLog
Sirgia Pirello says: ((lowercase "C" --just tested...))
Ozwomen says: Yes working now.
Sirgia Pirello says: Thank you, Dazzie, for taking this position.
Ozwomen says: Thank you Dazzie and welcome to the small team.
Sirgia Pirello says: Filarae Ozwomen, have you had any applicants for the job and title of Arms Master for Natae?
Dazzie says: Sorry:/ I was afk for a sec what position did i take?
Ozwomen says: Not received any applicants, some players asking but that is all.
Sirgia Pirello says: Scrivener... Did I mistake a comment of yours?
Dazzie says: I was anwsering to living in Natae
Sirgia Pirello says: My apologies, Filarae.
Dazzie says: What does the arms master do?
Sirgia Pirello says: First we have to deal with Scrivener.
Sirgia Pirello says: Then we will address the question of Arms Master.
Sirgia Pirello says: ((brb -- howling dog...))
Dazzie says: lol
Tenebra says: if I am allowed to a remark: as long as no arms master has been found for Natae, nobles or vassals interested in arms' training may ask Filira Osquallo or Ser Djaimse (who speak our dialect) about participating in Avalae's arms training
Sirgia Pirello says: ((back -- dog ejected...))
Dazzie says: :)
Tenebra says: ((hopes the dog is fine))
Sirgia Pirello says: Filarae Dazzie, will you take the job of Scrivener? ((Dog is fine, just excited -- and now exited))
Dazzie says: what is it that i would do?
Ozwomen says: Tenebra can we come back to that after we have talked about Scrivener.
Sirgia Pirello says: Take notes of the meeting (chatLog) and make a report on the meeting available to all (post in the Forums).
Dazzie says: so just chatlog and post?
Sirgia Pirello says: It doesn't have to be long and detailed, just good solid information.
Sirgia Pirello says: You also get the title of Scrivener.
Tenebra says: (( you may have to edit the log a bit afterwards ))
Dazzie says: I will give it a try Loracas will help me with this
Sirgia Pirello says: Thank you. If it turns out to be too much effort, then just say so.
Ozwomen says: Thak you Dazzie and Loracas :)
Dazzie says: Ok i will I also have a ho that may want to do this as well i will check with him
Sirgia Pirello says: An example that my scribe Cerulean might put for this portion of the meeting: "Sirgia brought up the appointment of a Scrivener. After some discussion Firlarae Dazzie agreed to take the job."
Dazzie says: Ok understood:)
Sirgia Pirello says: Of course he would not make an error in the spelling of Filarae...
Ozwomen says: lol :)
Dazzie says: :)
Sirgia Pirello says: The position of Arms Master for Natae is open and Filarae Ozwomen posted the requirements on the public pillars.
Sirgia Pirello says: The person would lead the troops of Natae in any battles, and might be given the opportunity to lead all the Matis troops if he or she is good enough.
Sirgia Pirello says: The selection will be based on skill at arms and the pleasure of the Nobles of Natae.
Salazar 's mouth's corners are twitching.
Dazzie says: perhaps salazar would like this honor?
Ozwomen says: I would like to keep it in Natae if we could.
You say: sadly, I have seen to many suns and moons for such duty
Dazzie says: Salazar do you live in Natae?
Salazar says: I have to care for Davae already ... Also, I'm a priest, not a soldier.
Sirgia Pirello bows to Salazar in a most courtly manner.
Sirgia Pirello says: Just a moment...
Sirgia Pirello checks her notes.
Sirgia Pirello says: Here it is...
Sirgia Pirello says: Applicants will be interviewed by the Nobles
and expertise checked at a tournament. Nobles choose their Master at Arms.
Sirgia Pirello says: He will have the privilege of
controlling the royal army of the city in case of unavailability of local
Chief Guards (Official Matis lead players of the same language at events)
Sirgia Pirello says: The Karan greatly desires that such a person be appointed, but if we have none willing...
Salazar says: Sounds sensible. Needs enough willing homins in one village to take part in a tournament, though.
Sirgia Pirello says: That is true, Filara Salazar.
Doca says: but you only loocking for a matis Vassal to do that job ?
Sirgia Pirello says: (( http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/19499/13 1700#131700 ))
Sirgia Pirello says: The Master of Arms must be a Matis Vassal or Noble, yes.
Salazar says: I have no idea about the statistics of people living in Natae, and being reliable enough to take such responsibility.
Tenebra says: the master of arms should really be a master, as I understood, able to teach fighters for the kingdom
Salazar says: Well, that is why it is required to show his skills at a tournament.
Sirgia Pirello says: That was the reason for the idea of a tournament.
Salazar smiles slightly at Pirello.
Tenebra nods
Sirgia Pirello says: Tenebra? Please be seated.
Tenebra says: ((apologies, had a disconnect and was not aware))
Sirgia Pirello says: Ser Salazar? Please be seated as well -- there is no need to loom in the background.
Sirgia Pirello smiles
Salazar says: Ah, yes, it's a bar ... I'm that old-fashioned.
Sirgia Pirello says: Filarae Ozwomen, please make your announcement again to remind people?
Ozwomen says: Ok :)
Sirgia Pirello says: Next item of business:
Sirgia Pirello says: The Kitin Mounds continue to have kitins near them. Have any of you worked to kill kitins?
Dazzie says: All the ones i have came across where empty
Doca says: i tryed but they win :)
Ozwomen says: Yes :) But as Dazzie said a few are empty.
Sirgia Pirello takes notes
Sirgia Pirello says: Which ones were empty? If they stay empty this would be good news indeed.
Dazzie says: maybe we could make a list of which are still active and arrange a party to clear them?
Tenebra says: I regret but my combat abilities are far too low for those creatures
Ozwomen says: The Rangers keep tell us the Kitins are around the mounds, but on looking at them they are empty.
Dazzie says: sorry to say I dont remember only that i passed them and they were inactive
Tenebra says: good news when they are empty ((but remember that after reboot they always are))
Doca says: the one in nort east of Heretic Hovel is very active
Sirgia Pirello says: Perhaps after the close of this meeting the nobles could travel to the various sites and check them.
Tenebra says: we should set up patrols or contact Ser Erminantius who patrols them to my knowledge
Ozwomen says: The Rangers could be seeing them, but we are not, Naema posted in the forums that they were empty, but was told the Kitins were back.
Tenebra says: ((was a reboot issue that they were empty I fear))
Ozwomen says: I will check again today.
Sirgia Pirello says: Thank you. We must remember that the Kitins are always an enemy.
Tenebra nods
Ozwomen says: Yes that is true.
Sirgia Pirello checks her notes
Sirgia Pirello says: I think that is all the items of business that I have.
Ozwomen says: I would like to talk about Megacorp please :)
Sirgia Pirello says: Ah, the artifact that fell in the Lakes and the mysteries around it.
Ozwomen says: I have noticed we are giving out our passwords to and unsecured website called Megacorp, some players have asked me to look into this.
Tenebra says: ((that is ooc))
Ozwomen says: Megacorp has a (Http) page it should be (Https) for a secured website.
Sirgia Pirello says: ((Have you written a ticket on it, Ozwomen?))
Tenebra agrees but that is definitely ooc
Ozwomen says: No ticket yet, it was only 4 hours ago when told about this.
Ozwomen says: Will send a ticket is today.
Sirgia Pirello says: ((I agree that it is worrisome, but it's not a proper subject for this meeting.))
Ozwomen says: The other question players are asking me is Guild chat in Megacorp.
Doca says: but maybe you can talk about to your friends fast ? :))
Ozwomen says: Some guilds are worried about spys, should I send in a ticket about this?
Sirgia Pirello says: ((talking to friends fast... let's go on with the meeting.))
Sirgia Pirello says: If they are worried about spies, I would suggest that they use our tried and true methods of communication rather than some alien artifact.
Doca says: But Megacorp it selfe is not ooc
Doca says: o do i misunderstand that ?
Tenebra says: yes
Tenebra says: ((read the announcement by Tamarea))
Sirgia Pirello says: Many homins have found alien artifacts of mysterious purpose. I myself have not seen one.
Tenebra says: Ser Pirello, may I comment?
Sirgia Pirello says: You may.
Tenebra says: Short time ago, during the Night of the Stars, a strange object crashed into Lakelands
Salazar says: (Serae, if I can trust my eyes. *coughs*)
Tenebra says: We were able to retrieve an ancient artifact therefrom and managed to activate it
Sirgia Pirello nods
Tenebra says: In the end a message occurred mentioning the name "megacorp". I do not know what it is
Tenebra says: The karavan is observing the object, resembling karavan machines
Tenebra says: I hope we get informations in the upcoming season (ooc Saturday)
Tenebra says: that is what I know
Sirgia Pirello says: That matches the reports I have seen. Ser Salazar? I take it that you have seen this as well?
Salazar says: I only left the sight today. Over the last few days we tried to extinguish the fires, but without lasting success.
Salazar says: A Karavan Observer is there, but strangely the Trykers have not send soldiers, nor scientists to secure the spot.
Salazar says: I can't make head or tail of it at the moment.
Doca says: they made a fence around it
Salazar says: We expected a sign by Jena, but this doesn't seem to be it.
Sirgia Pirello says: (( OOC:: Guild chat in megacorp.io is available to persons kicked out of the guild until they re-log at the megacorp site.))
Sirgia Pirello says: ((OOC: no timeline on securing the login.))
Ozwomen says: They can be there for ever?
Sirgia Pirello says: I understand that there will be another gathering at the site in the near future. Perhaps then the scholars will have gained understanding.
Salazar nods.
Salazar says: As far as I know, the Academy was not yet invited to participate ...
Sirgia Pirello says: ((OOC March 29 20:00 GMT ))
Ozwomen says: I think it would be good to have guild chat like, friend list when you know when they are on like ingame. Or should this be sent in a ticket?
Sirgia Pirello says: ((Send it in a ticket or put it in the Ideas for Ryzom Forum.))
Sirgia Pirello says: ((Chats are OOC))
Ozwomen says: Ok thanks :)
Sirgia Pirello says: Does anyone have further business for this Assembly?
Ozwomen says: ignore is not working in Megacorp.
Ozwomen says: No thank you :)
Sirgia Pirello says: In that case, I see no reason to continue to linger here other than the excellent drinks.
Sirgia Pirello gathers her papers.
Tenebra bows to Sirgia Pirello.
Salazar smiles slightly.
Sirgia Pirello bows to the assembly
Ozwomen is thankful to Sirgia Pirello.
Dazzie bows to Sirgia Pirello.
Tenebra is thankful to Sirgia Pirello.
Sirgia Pirello says: Karan Aiye
Sirgia Pirello says: Matis Aiye
Doca bows to Sirgia Pirello in a most courtly manner.
Sirgia Pirello says: Jena Aiye
Salazar says: Matia Aiye, Jena Aiye.
Tenebra says: Karan Aiye, Matis Aiye, Jena Aiye
Salazar bows respectfully.
Tenebra says: deles necat
Dazzie bows in a courtly manner.
Sirgia Pirello says: Thank you all for coming.
Salazar says: May Jena's light brighten your days, and her blessings guard your dreams.
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