[Zorai]Assemblies of the Circles of the Theocracy in Zora and Hoi-Cho

*Zhoi again pins another note below that of Icus*

Thank you, Icus, for making clear that these words of yours meant to be an explanation of some rules or so. During the assembly at Pyr I thought this was merely a hollow phrasing to justify your personal tendency of ordering around everyone else according to your own wishes and delight as you did at the assembly. I would not have thought of this as some kind of official rule or the like at that time.

Oh, it is not "Fyros business" alone to aim to break treaties with our government, and it is not "Fyros business" alone to insult a lot of Zorais for their political customs. Which you DID. This is our business as Zorai as well, so I had to know how dangerous you really are.

I know now and by that I have reached my goal by questioning you. Well, if asking mere questions was already considered a "interference in other nation" we Zorai should best start building another Great Wall right away to avoid any kind of further contacts with every other Nation on Atys...

Rollocks DID come to the assembly of the Circles of Hoi-Cho, to disrupt it, to spout baseless insults and to refuse to remove his weapon even when asked by our Sage Sens, the brother of our Great Mask Mabreka Cho. So he had to be kicked out. His acts have shown his true colors perfectly well!

Akenos Celips DID come to the assembly of the Circles of Hoi-Cho to demand an apology before the eyes and ears of the Sage Sens for something that happened only in her imagination... Still other than that she behaved honorably and even admitted to have gone too far at one point - and this gained her a great deal of respect in my eyes.

She might be wrong in her thinking and some of her words or actions might have been unnecessarily harsh, however she does not just speak egoistically on her own self-aggrandizing behalf like you and Rollocks do. Instead she obviously mainly fights for her beloved and her Sharükos which I unwillingly have to admire.

Unfortunately she slanders me just like you and Rollocks do when falsely claiming that I insulted the Emperor and/or the Fyros people. This is not honorable, dirties your valued principle of truth, and I cannot possibly apologize to her for something that did not happen.

But... if the honored Sharükos Lykos should feel that I have insulted him or the Fyros people I will of course bend my knee willingly and apologize to him as it was definitely not my intention to offend him nor the Fyros people, and I would indeed be sincerely sorry if I had given this impression.

P.S.: the last sentences have in the end also been my answer to the official note by Ambassador Arrlon:
"if the honored Sharükos Lykos should feel that I have insulted him or the Fyros people I will of course bend my knee willingly and apologize to him as it was definitely not my intention to offend him nor the Fyros people, and I would indeed be sincerely sorry if I had given this impression."
I will of course stand true to my word, if the Sharükos himself sends for me.

However I will just ignore matters if that same apology should be demanded from me by the Akenak. ...

Let's not forget that I for my part still demand an official apology (!) for slandering and spreading false rumors about my person and acting by you, Akenos Arrlon - if the Sharükos should not feel that I had offended him and/or the Fyros as a people.


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