
#1 Доклад | ЦитироватьМногоязычный 

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Posters have been plastered all over Atys:

Homins from all of Atys,

Come and participate in various challenges of the 2609 Atys Games from 9h - Dua, Medis 20, 3rd AC 2609 to 9h - Quarta, Frutor 10, 4th AC 2609 included! (*)

  • All month long:
    • Mektoub race in Zora.
    • Marathon between Yrkanis and Pyr.
    • Triathlon near Windermeer (OP Windermeer Farm).
  • On 9h - Dua, Folially 20, 4th AC 2609(**) :
  • On 9h - Quarta, Frutor 10, 4th AC 2609(***)
    • Closing Ceremony

[OOC] (*) From Суббота, 8 Августа 2020 19:00:00 UTC (4 года назад) to Воскресенье, 30 Августа 2020 19:00:00 UTC (4 года назад) included.
(**) On Воскресенье, 23 Августа 2020 19:00:00 UTC (4 года назад).
(***) On Воскресенье, 30 Августа 2020 19:00:00 UTC (4 года назад). [/OOC]

#2 Доклад | ЦитироватьМногоязычный 

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Mektoub race rules:

You have to ride on a Mektoub through this game. No teleporting. On the route are Checkpoints in shape of a torch. They have to be visited in the correct sequence. If you miss one, there will be a Note on the next one you get. You are not allowed to use any Speedbuffs. You are allowed to use protecting Buffs like invulnerable.

#3 Доклад | ЦитироватьМногоязычный 

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Marathon rules:

You have to travel on foot through this game. No teleporting. On the route are Checkpoints in shape of a torch, that have to be gotten in the correct sequence. If you miss one, there will be a note on the next one you get. You are not allowed to use any Speed buffs. You are allowed to use protecting Buffs like invulnerability.

#4 Доклад | ЦитироватьМногоязычный 

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Triathlon rules:

This game consists of 3 stages: A, B and C.On each stage there are NPC arbitrators as Checkpoints. They have a capital letter of the stage in their Name and are serially numbered. They have to be gotten in the correct sequence. If you bypass or miss one, there will be an advisory note on the next one you reach. No teleporting. You are not allowed to use any Speedbuffs (like eggs). You are allowed to use protecting Buffs like invulnerability.

Stage A: You have to ride on a Mektoub through this one and, yes, it’s ok if your Mektoub has to swim.
Stage B: You have to swim through this one.
Stage C: You must run through this one.

At the end of stage C you will find a board next to the NPC that will show you the total time.

Last edited by Ghost of Atys (4 года назад)

#5 Доклад | ЦитироватьМногоязычный 

no rendorparty on silan this year?



wir sind nicht dazu da, neue Wege grosser Entdecker zu beschreiten,
sondern wir machen unsere Wege selbst, um sie zu gehen

#6 Доклад | ЦитироватьМногоязычный 

Last games were great. Think a lot of Players agree. I also miss the rendors :( why dont we get the cool events like yuboball and rendor party?
Only boring running games with almost no rewards are not a great event.

#7 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

What ?! xD
The rendors in Silan were here 4 months ago, wake up guys !
https://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/30434/1 &post199641=en#1

#8 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

So since having to teleport to each race start to get the current best times, here are the board links for the three races, usable from anywhere:

Triathlon Leaderboard
Mektoub Race Leaderboard
Marathon Leaderboard

Last edited by Siela (4 года назад)


#9 Доклад | Цитировать[fr] 

Very useful Siela. When can check from anywhere that you are first everywhere :)


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !

#10 Доклад | ЦитироватьМногоязычный 

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Cérémonie de Clôture des Jeux d’Atys 2609

Des affiches sont apparues sur les murs de toutes les cités d’Atys et les crieurs publics se sont répandus sur toute l'Écorce mais aussi dans les Primes Racines pour porter partout la bonne nouvelle.
Homines, homins !

Nous sommes heureux de vous convier à la remise des médailles et à la cérémonie de clôture des jeux d’Atys 2609.

Venez honorer les participants et applaudir les vainqueurs !
Laissez vous envoûter par le spectacle pyrotechnique le plus éblouissant de l’année !

Nous éteindrons ensuite la flamme de ces Jeux mais ce ne sera que pour mieux pouvoir la rallumer lors des prochains Jeux d’Atys.

Rendez-vous le 9h - Quarta, Frutor 10, 4th AC 2609 (*) au pied de la colline de Chiang le Fort.

N’oubliez pas vos bombes à eau et vos confettis !

* [HRP]Le Воскресенье, 30 Августа 2020 19:00:00 UTC (4 года назад). [/HRP]

#11 Доклад | ЦитироватьМногоязычный 

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Atys games 2609 are over!

The winners are

Mektoub race

  • Siela
  • Paradera
  • Nathanel


  • Siela
  • Nathanel
  • Paradera


  • Siela
  • Eolinius
  • Karmalys

Tournament-individual ranking

  • Nightviper
  • Geor
  • Balkhog

team Tournament

  • Nightviper & Geor
  • Alexarwe & Lasabo

Congratulations to all the participants!
See you in 2614!

Last edited by Ghost of Atys (4 года назад)

Last visit Суббота, 8 Июня 15:59:44 UTC

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