
#43 Многоязычный 

Awesome! I would like some variables too! Maybe you attack a boss with a bleed and this triggers additional minions. Im all for random and new encounters. Add Kittin invasion, end boss is a puzzle, like NPC. Only it's not game over if you fail, just add penalties and additonal challenges. We can use existing mechanics, just need to think outside the box to make it challenging again! Wish i had more ideas that were easier to implement.

#44 [en] 

Hi Bones, long time no see!

An excellent idea! I used to create my kitin invasion like this way back in the ryzom ring. Think of it like a tower defense game. The kitins start with a spawn of low level mobs. Once the last member of the group is killed the next higher level of mobs spawns. Once the last member is killed the next stronger spawns until eventually a Queen appears with some guards.

To make the waves / spawn groups less obvious a group of mixed level kitins could spawn at random intervals and if a timed spawn and a random spawn happen at the same time... challenge accepted! ;)

I dislike the all or nothing concept with game over aswell. I would think of an invasion more like a capture the flag game. If all kitins of a wave / group are killed homins get a point. If the kitins can't be killed after XYZ minutes, kitins get a point. If the final boss is killed add 5 points.

Rewards could be handed out similar to the atysmas calendar from an NPC depending on the number of rounds won by the player / total points earned.

This should happen in an instance / separate area though, maybe like the Dante boss scenario.

Just some ideas, I think most of the functionality is out there - we just need a fresh take on the existing tasks.

And again in pseudo code terms:

onGroupDefeat() {
if (Group.time_alive < time_limit) score_homin++;
if (kitin_level < max_kitin_level) spawnKitinGroup(kitin_level); else spawnQueen();

onTimer() {
spawnKitinGroup(random(1, 5)); // assume those are difficulty tiers

onQueenDefeat() {
spawnNPC(rewardGiver, score_homin);



#45 Многоязычный 

Heck ya! I like the idea of waves increasing in strength. Could even mix up a spawn of kidnak or something else randomly to make the fight more interesting and less complacent. Let's say a party member accidentally casts and acid spell or something similar on a kitin.....this could trigger a spawn of two drones, be it kipee or kizoar, doesn't matter. Just something more dynamic with consiquences rather than a straight up pass or fail. You could make it so mobs have to die in a certain order or they reset, again, making the combinations random so that over time you can learn the patterns but at the same time multiple random patterns so homin are not mindlessly mashing keys. Maybe certain Lt or corporal mobs create less effective healing so they must be killed first, or mobs that while alive reduce damage done to enemy party until they are dealt with.
Could also make some new type of end game scenario where you have to dig and craft a perimeter before the waves spawn...like the temple wars only this is integrated with a Kitin invasion. Wall two was too slow so it must be repaired between waves, rewarding points again to homin. so foragaing and crafting along with combat. Again not pass/fail so you get less/more points and/or consequences for the next waves/rounds.

#46 Многоязычный 

que on noublie se qui ne parle que francais et que se soit un peux plus traduit car sa ne l aie pas assez

#47 [en] 

Arc, Bones, you're talking in a way that made me drool, this kind of dynamics would be so awesome!

Perhaps the SE could do the small Kitin invasion too, maybe not in this year, but well worth waiting.

que on noublie se qui ne parle que francais et que se soit un peux plus traduit car sa ne l aie pas assez
Miksi meijän pitäis välittää ihmisten haluttomuuksista oppia uusia juttuja? Yhdessä tekeminen vaatii yhteisen kielen.


#48 Многоязычный 

Even if it was something simple as Arc suggests. Just something to keep us on our toes again :D

#49 [en] 

+1 arc on the merchant storage
i'd play again if I had fewer slots with unlimited time
+1 for more dynamic events but eh :)

Just more "pick up and play" would be great
You log in and think, what do you wanna do... lets.. dig. that comes redily. You can just get your pick and go.

If I had mob tracking, some sort of hunting skill, just something you can run around and feel like doing, it would be nice

players make their fun, they make their hunts and group events but the game mechanics could and should support more of this. there should be more things to do, so we can do more things together. having to invent your own fun over, and over again... well you can only do it for 10 years right?

I'm not for "dailies" i feel like every other game and it's mother has generic dailies. if it's something more "atys like" I'll support it

also, this is game , people play games to have fun. we should be able to have fun, and still follow "rp" stipulations. it shouldn't all be more pain more gain.
I quite enjoy the difficult things, the "feel good" from a world trek at level 50. but that's not all there is.

some of us want to gamble
some of us want to sell things
some of us want to run around

analyse the different types of people in atys, what they like, and give each group something to do, to enjoy. If bones and arc and jahuu have fun with dynamic events, great, i'll give it support. I don't like the  gambling but I know many do so, yay for them, im glad they have it. 

Just because I want some gen mats doesnt make me evil, there are worse things ive done :)


#50 [fr] 

The ability to equip Amps to off-hand, so you can still have the benefit of an amp while using a 1h melee weapon :P, of course using it as an off-hand only will have it's bonus reduced to 50%.

What a ridiculous idea but whatevs! it's what I want XD, never gonna happen tho, they can't even fix the Marauder camp with it's 'Walls' and I've seen some post that they 'fixed' it, that post was 3 years ago btw.



#51 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | [Français] | English

J'avoue de pas avoir eu la patience de lire toutes les suggestions... Mais en gros, deux choses me viennent à l'esprit :

HRP, j'aimerai une carte et un compas améliorée :
* pouvoir trouver facilement où sont mes toubs, qu'ils soient ou non dans une étable ou dans un autre pays
* quand dans l'équipe un homin déco, le bug de la carte me déconcerte souvent.

Coté RP, les propos de certains peuvent me heurter, ou me mettre mal à l'aise, sur le forum ou le chat. Il m'arrive moi aussi de m'énerver - je suis d'une nature soupe au lait - mais une fois passé, j'oublie hyper-facilement :p
Surtout, je pense qu'on est tous l'idiot de quelqu'un d'autre et nous savons qu'Atys est vaste et regroupe des êtres vivants, infiniment variés mais complémentaires, dans un environnement hostile...
Ainsi, c'est juste une tentative de rappel de courtoisie, un appel à l'ouverture d'esprit et à la tolérance. Je souhaite un bon accueil aux nouveaux réfugiés, aux anciens qui reviennent, de la rigolage, des meurtres pour certains et des pactes de paix pour d'autres, des chasses fructueuses, des mp forées en quantité pour tous, de beaux crafts...

Longue vie à Atys D

Last edited by Craftjenn (5 лет назад)


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais


Craftjenn, Ranger

#52 [en] 

Please make the merchants global.

I understand that "regional" merchants make sense from a roleplay perspective, but from a gameplay perspective it sucks. Having to teleport to 4 capitals is time-consuming and frankly frustrating, especially if you still don't find something useful. As a newcomer (many moons ago) this was bad; today it is worse, because fewer people sell things.

At the very least, make the merchants *list* all wares available in other nations. So let's say I'm in Pyr -- I can see and buy anything put on sale by homins in the desert; but in a separate tab I should see the items available in Zora|FH|Yrkanis. This way I could know at once whether I should start traveling around.

Or even allow players to buy from other lands, but with a 25% increase in price (delivery fee)?

Thank you.


My home is always sweet Yrkanis..

#53 Многоязычный 

I think that might be difficult, Laoviel. I think fame is connected to vendors so not sure how to get around that.

#54 [en] 

This is specially problematic for mini-masters. There are very few items crafted in the 125 - 150 range, as Laoviel describes.
I do not know if globalizing the merchant is the best, but there needs to be more incentives to craft at lower levels.
Please make the merchants global.

I understand that "regional" merchants make sense from a roleplay perspective, but from a gameplay perspective it sucks. Having to teleport to 4 capitals is time-consuming and frankly frustrating, especially if you still don't find something useful. As a newcomer (many moons ago) this was bad; today it is worse, because fewer people sell things.

At the very least, make the merchants *list* all wares available in other nations. So let's say I'm in Pyr -- I can see and buy anything put on sale by homins in the desert; but in a separate tab I should see the items available in Zora|FH|Yrkanis. This way I could know at once whether I should start traveling around.

Or even allow players to buy from other lands, but with a 25% increase in price (delivery fee)?

Thank you.

Last edited by Nudge (5 лет назад)

#55 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | English | Français
About the difficulty to find low stuffs, let's talk about it here : https://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/29335/1 #1

Last edited by Tamarea (5 лет назад) | Причина: Edit to activate the link.


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais


Craftjenn, Ranger

#56 [fr] 

https://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/29124/2 0#20

See this post. It tackles well the problem. What I would love to see on Ryzom is the return of some "challenge" when it comes to making valuable equipment:

- Stop the mats from respawning at reboots and put random timers instead;
- Cut down drastically the amount of supreme mats per node;
- Make the nodes more dangerous (more KPs, more aggros, etc.);
- Perhaps make the bosses spawn more often but make them give less material (more challenge to farm boss mats).

And this would be great fun too!

Remettre les tag's de Roleplay à l'ancienne.
Autoriser l’accès au canal de faction qu'aux personnes activant le flag "roleplay faction", oui comme à l’époque.

Ce qui veut tout simplement dire, tu choisi un camp guerrier, tu le vit et t'assume.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tamarea (5 лет назад) | Причина: Edit to activate the link.




High officer of Les Larmes

#57 [fr] 

Puisqu'on en est à rêver (et râler)....
Je voudrais que les event HRP n'existe plus. Avec un peu d'imagination, il est possible de rendre ces event HRP plus RP. Exemple: au lieu d'un roi sapin et d'une attaque de yubo, pourquoi pas un roi kitin et une attaque de kitin? Au lieu de mettre des citrouilles géantes qui se déplacent dans le désert, pourquoi ne pas mettre quelque chose qui puissent se rattacher à la lore?
Le problème des event HRP, c'est que ça vous sort du jeu. Déjà que le RP est pour ainsi dire mort, si en plus quand vous vous connectez, vous avez des sapins qui clignotent et des attaques de yubo, désolé, mais on sort complètement de l'immersion.
ça doit pourtant pas être insurmontable de faire en sorte que tous les event soient rattachés à la lore non? Au moins un minimum, qu'on puisse y croire et s'impliquer.

+1 Also.
I would like to see all Holiday stuff eliminated or minimized at least. Seems more emphasis is put in that than developing or putting more content into the game.

Other things I would like to see is:
A More defined endgame. I know this is a sandbox game, but there is so many avenues this game takes, and can take even farther. Right now it is; "craft the best stuff you can and see if you can beat the other guy in PvP/Op fights. Or, Kitin fights" essentially.
I think it would be neat to have more unilateral goals, or missions, (And Make Them Hard). I proposed more sage missions for Masters as one idea. Perhaps a dungeon or two, or develop the Kitins Lair more? A really cool idea would be to have video games in the Bar in Pyr that takes you into another type of game perhaps, (Imagine Frogger, but useing baby kinchers instead? Or maybe something more complex). Or, maybe let us earn badges that let us have privelages, (Yubo Points can be the basis?). Or, unilateral missions that earn us the privelage of going into another, new world to explore, or maybe conquer, etc.

Also: Laoviel thought about Dailies, +1!
Maybe if you wanted to increase your Apartment or bag storage, you have to do something each day to increase it, like earn more dappers to pay for it, or stretch your bag by digging mission mats and filling it with something each day. Plus, you can feed berries to your meks for more storage... just ideas.

Also +1 to Acruieds & Bones thoughts about randomness in boss fights :D

Oh, and 1 more:
I love when randomness happens out of the blue. When a CSR or GM or someone behind the scenes makes certain things come alive like a person or mektoub even. Then you have to figure out the puzzle why they are there saying or doing something.

Edited 5 times | Last edited by Naema (5 лет назад)

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