What would you like for this year on Ryzom? 0#20

See this post. It tackles well the problem. What I would love to see on Ryzom is the return of some "challenge" when it comes to making valuable equipment:

- Stop the mats from respawning at reboots and put random timers instead;
- Cut down drastically the amount of supreme mats per node;
- Make the nodes more dangerous (more KPs, more aggros, etc.);
- Perhaps make the bosses spawn more often but make them give less material (more challenge to farm boss mats).

And this would be great fun too!

Remettre les tag's de Roleplay à l'ancienne.
Autoriser l’accès au canal de faction qu'aux personnes activant le flag "roleplay faction", oui comme à l’époque.

Ce qui veut tout simplement dire, tu choisi un camp guerrier, tu le vit et t'assume.




High officer of Les Larmes
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Last visit Sunday, 28 April 01:04:06 UTC

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