
#38 Reporter | Citer[en] 

This makes no sense, but it works.
Thanks for good error report. Its actually quite simple, Ryzom installer is reading old location from files left over on AppData directory and does not handle the situation correctly when that location does not exist anymore.



#39 Reporter | Citer[en] 

I was reading the topic as my sisters experience lag and trees mooving trouble in the game, and i wanted just to react on nume's trouble and installation process under linux.

I'm on a standard debian jessie 64, and i: just download and extract the latest corresponding kervala's beta client, on a dedicated "ryzom" folder just created in my user home (~/ryzom), and then, after allowing the to be executed, i just launch it.

it then "patch, patch, and patch"^^ and i'm able to play.

To get my interface back (for new install on another computer), i just copy my backuped save directory files in the ~/ryzom/save folder.

thats just it and whenever a crash mess every thing up (sound activated crash does on my computer), i just click on the ryzom_client_patcher

if it helps other linux user

#40 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Hum I don't understand why your installer is called ryzom_installer_qt_r.exe :(

It should be :

Did you rename ryzom_installer_windows.exe to ryzom_installer_qt_r.exe ?

They are not the same :(

ryzom_installer_windows.exe is a NSIS package to install ryzom_installer_qt_r.exe.

Edit : Steps to install Ryzom are :

1. download and save it somewhere (but not in the location you'll install Ryzom please)
2. launch ryzom_installer_windows.exe
3. choose the location where you want to install Ryzom Installer
4. wait until it downloaded and uncompressed everything
5. click on Play

Dernière édition par Xiombarg (il y a 8 ans).


Kervala - Ryzom volunteer developer - Working on different clients

#41 Reporter | Citer[en] 

I already know that, Xiombarg :)

You can't rename the initial installer and make it a different program.

The first one is what you download from the ryzom website.

When it is installed, it gives you the second one, which you then run to install the program.

That was the trouble. The initial installer stopped and would not install the second program. The reason for that was that it was misdirected to a non-existent folder.

When I recreated the non-existent misdirected folder, the program worked.



#42 Reporter | Citer[en] 


now I'm back to the original problem:

disconnect disconnect disconnect

Far more with v.3 than with v.2 on a stable high speed connection and 2 machines on a network that ran without disconnects pre-v.3.

Oh well.



#43 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Thanks :)

Please could you send me your client.log to so I'll be able to check if there is any error or warning related to that ?


Kervala - Ryzom volunteer developer - Working on different clients

Last visit mercredi 12 Juin 02:47:22 UTC

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