

#59 [en] 

Sekumbe (atys)
Well, let's have a Tea-Party-Zone instead of PVP one? Or maybe Dancing-and-Singing-together zone. With high lvl resources in it.

In all seriousness I believe the Ryzom's problem with PvP is that, it's not easy to get there... you have to work a lot.. you need serious help to get there... and usually those who stick around for so long to be able to do it.. are friends with almost everybody on the server...

And while this is OK, i still fail to get why people are upset they get killed in a PvP map.. what is the meaning of PvP if not killing each other?

And since people threat it as something immoral it will always be a tabu subject...

NO! change that, tell your guildies about PvP make them aware... at least in PvP maps... where others can hurt you... is not that hard is it? but a lot of people are misinformed and if someone wants to do PvP they see him as an outcast.......


#60 [en] 

Hi Virg, thanks for the advise and I understand your point of view but what I am about to do, I do not want any Monk to feel the repercussions. There are only one guild member currently playing that can handle any blow-back, the rest are newbies and only 1 is P2P now and close to master hood I think.

I reread all the posts and yes some of you missed the entire point... As I stated, you know my name, you know where to find me and you better not come alone...

Happy days, be safe and lee killing toons who are almost dead anyway since that seems to be the moral of this story for PvP areas...


#61 [en] 

Eutrigan (atys)
Hi Virg, thanks for the advise and I understand your point of view but what I am about to do, I do not want any Monk to feel the repercussions. There are only one guild member currently playing that can handle any blow-back, the rest are newbies and only 1 is P2P now and close to master hood I think.

I reread all the posts and yes some of you missed the entire point... As I stated, you know my name, you know where to find me and you better not come alone...

Happy days, be safe and lee killing toons who are almost dead anyway since that seems to be the moral of this story for PvP areas...


Dude, seriously, I dont know in what kinda of Rambo you want to transform into, but that killing wasnt personal.. but you're free to take it the way you want :-)

Moral of the story is, actually, nevermind... I dont care about this anymore.

But just to clarify, Kentxtime did not kill you, you used speed and ran away.. I did not mention this, because I knew people will take your side anyway.

Dernière édition par Gkr (il y a 1 décénie).


#62 [en] 

Gkr (atys)
But just to clarify, Kentxtime did not kill you, you used speed and ran away..

Is it true, Eutrigan?

#63 [en] 

Good day Gkr, you are absolutely 100% correct and if you had actually read my post thoroughly, you would have noticed I never said he killed me but had gutlessly attacked me...

A wise man once told me "What goes in your mouth is just as important as what comes out. Think of that, maybe that will help you prevent your next mistake." So unless I have actually misread my own post, that was not said but to clarify the bleeding did do the final blow...

You seem to be a decent Toon to bad you cannot see the forest through the trees...


#64 [en] 

Eutrigan (atys)
Happy days, be safe and lee killing toons who are almost dead anyway since that seems to be the moral of this story for PvP areas...

This looks like it's implying that he did.. does it not?

Anyway it is irrelevant .. that he killed you or not.. but you had enough life to take at least 2 hits... so it wasnt that bad as you say it...

Anyway, take it as you want, if you see me and kill me and you feel better about yourself and you feel justified, so be it... I do pvp the same I dig my sources.. 4fun.


Dernière édition par Gkr (il y a 1 décénie).


#65 [en] 

The situation with PVP here is a lot worse than I thought. 5(!!!) pages of discussion about... someone being attacked. In a PVP zone. And not even killed.

I don't know what to say. I'm shocked. Its horrible. Its disgusting.

#66 [en] 

Sekumbe (atys)
The situation with PVP here is a lot worse than I thought. 5(!!!) pages of discussion about... someone being attacked. In a PVP zone. And not even killed.

I don't know what to say. I'm shocked. Its horrible. Its disgusting.

I agree, some people take it really seriously when they get attacked.. marauders are usually a lot less stressed about it probably that's why everybody hates them.


#67 [en] 

Sekumbe (atys)
The situation with PVP here is a lot worse than I thought. 5(!!!) pages of discussion about... someone being attacked. In a PVP zone. And not even killed.

I don't know what to say. I'm shocked. Its horrible. Its disgusting.

Also what you need to understand about Ryzom is that there is NO Wow alike PvP here, the diggers+crafters own the game as much as the pvpers, I personally think the crafters own the game, since without them.. we cant get gear... most of these crafters are very dedicated and oldies on the server and not much pvp oriented, not only that they tend to outcast those that like pvp and they are seen as noobs.

That's why PvP is such a delicate issue over here. You can join marauder faction and feel a lot more free to do pvp, but you will get isolated from others really quick as you can see from this thread.

We organize sterile PvP tournaments, but outside that, not much... and people also have the idea that if you want to change this you'll make it worse....

so whatever... if it's within the rules, you can do it... at least that, right? :-)

Edité 2 fois | Dernière édition par Gkr (il y a 1 décénie).


#68 [en] 

My last 2 cents : I don't mind having resources in pvp areas, as long as you can choose a pve version if you're so inclined. Just don't lock stuff, as it happens currently with Lands of Umbra bosses; thankfully they're not q260 ones, that would be .. interesting.

Everything else seems fair game, SNs have pve region equivalents, nameds have pve equivalents, etc. To draw a parallel with Eve, you can mine both in lowsec and highsec places; you're given an option, you must be given an option if you claim we're in a sandbox.

About the thug vs boxer thing I won't insist, you seem to want to stick to the letter of "anything goes". That's not a game issue, that's a personality issue. See ya out there.


#69 [en] 

Hello there, everybody and wooohoo .. it took me over an hour to read all the above. Very interesting replies, i had a good time reading it all.

So, correct me if I am wrong, but you, Eutrigan, as thread starter, are wishing for „higher morales“ in PvP (whatever they could be), is that right? Well does that not include you too? You know, the „treat other players like you wish to be treated“-thing, no?

Why I ask this? Well, I remember well, when we met the first time. It was in GoO over a season change (I was then still karavan btw). I was alone and in dig gear, with a pick in my hand, not even close to a supernode, just wanting to pass by to get to some kami friends, just to say hi mainly. And there you were, running towards me. I actually waved to you, said hi in around chat and asked you nicely to let me pass, that i just wanted to go say hi to some friends .. did you let me? No, of course not .. you did what I expected .. you attacked me. I didnt run, I didnt defend myself, I just asked again in around chat to be aloud to see my friends .. did you let me? No, of course you didnt. You continued attacking me. I asked a third time to let me live, did you? Again, of course not! You did exactly what I expected you to do in a pvp area, you killed me. Did I like it? Well of course not, I was actually pretty sad that you wouldnt let me see my friends there, but did I complain? Naaah .. why should I, I expect to be attacked in a pvp area, its just normal, no?

So, why I mention this? I am sorry, Eutrigan, but to me you seem hypocrite … I get, that its kinda hard when you are on the receiving end (trust me, i am most of the time, being the biggest pvp noob ever) but its no good whining about something that is just to be expected … you are tagged up or in a pvp map .. you can (not neccessarily will) be attacked, in any which way. And be honest, you know that well, you have done it too, do not deny it :-)


Sera :-)


Better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.

#70 [en] 

Now that's a turn! What will you say in your defense, Eutrigan?

And I have to admit - I somewhat agree with Mjollren about the choice, but in EVE certain very expensive and rare resources can be obtained only in Wormholes and Null Sec - which are lawless, and anyone can kill you there, with you loosing all the stuff - for example a very expensive barge, implants and other valuable equipment worth millions of isk.

So its a good thing to have rare resources in PVP zones - its the only promotion of PVP a PVE-oriented game can have. Remove this, and you can remove PVP zones as well - because they will loose any sense.

Edité 2 fois | Dernière édition par Sekumbe (il y a 1 décénie).

#71 [en] 

[quote=Casy (atys)]
Virg (atys)
In the early days, when this happened, we asked a SGM about the policies on the new server. He told us that mob dragging was perfectly legal. Then some got banned by other GMs, for mob dragging, different reasons or no reason at all. Yes, i can prove that easily... not publicly because evidence contains private communication to CSR which is illegal to publish under german law.

Hey this is typical Ryzom CSR & GM behavior what one CSR/GM tells you is perfectly fine to do another will transport you to a prison and hold you for an indefinite period of time with no explanation. That is what is killing this game. I've been muted, banned and imprisoned for engaging in conduct which one CSR said was fine but another did not like. This is why I let did not renew my subscription. While I enjoy the game, I see little point in paying to be beaten down for engaging in what is permissible according to one CSR/GM but is not permitted by the current tormenter in charge.


Disclaimer: Any resemblance between the characters in this post/thread and any homins, living or dead, is a miracle.* The characters in this post/thread are fictitious. Any homin resembling them is better off dead**
*You Nazty Spy
**I'll Never Heil Again

#72 [en] 

Virg (atys)
Nice to know I am considered the school bully but thank you for the complement about my strength! *Flexes his muscles*


Someone has to fill the role the was left vacant when my subscription expired. I was hoping someone from SA would step up and fill the void.

The Subjugated


Disclaimer: Any resemblance between the characters in this post/thread and any homins, living or dead, is a miracle.* The characters in this post/thread are fictitious. Any homin resembling them is better off dead**
*You Nazty Spy
**I'll Never Heil Again

#73 [en] 

Gkr (atys)

Most of the PvP we do is in a controlled environment, this is not a real PvP, we are suppose to hate each other at Season change/ OP wars, but that's it.. While this may work for me and you, my guild your guild, it's all subjective.. but is not a game rule.. not immoral or wrong.. it is our decision.

^^^ Absolutely true and shame on those who think PvP should be done this way.
Gkr (atys)
Most of them left for the reason above, that it all feels artificial.. besides this is how we the "anglophones" feel about this game, the french do RP and they think we are all lame. :-)

Finally something the French and I agree on.



Disclaimer: Any resemblance between the characters in this post/thread and any homins, living or dead, is a miracle.* The characters in this post/thread are fictitious. Any homin resembling them is better off dead**
*You Nazty Spy
**I'll Never Heil Again

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