

#61 Reportar | Citar[en] 

still rocking the izam mail rik!! awesome :o}
ps thread has too many sentances and working rrr's and yyy's and uuu's for cidghui

#62 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Zhoi (atys)
... Binarabi and her whole former guild, including former Awakened Astarth, have insulted Matis-loyal homins over and over again very harshly.

But they are pasty Matis!!!


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#63 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Zhoi (atys)

Uh, what for Atys' sake IS "Hardcore-RP" in your opinion?

"Hardcore-RPers" who don't respect the peace-treaties and advices from the leaders of the homelands of their characters?
"Hardcore-RPers" who act against the IC-reality of Atys?
"Hardcore-RPers" who don't even know that there IS no "Holy War" on Atys (neither in the Lore nor ingame on Atys does anyone tell Karavan-followers to go kill Kami-disciples nor the other way 'round - except for some tribes that are called enemies)
- instead just trifle outpost-struggles between guilds where often (but not even always) Kami-aligned guilds and Karavan-aligned guilds will group together out of mere player-traditions?

Really now...

Some people just do whatever they want.
And then they call it whatever they want.
Why do you fall for that?

All in all you were absolutely right to tell them that we homins should all work together (and have done so successfully dozens of time in the past, so they should really start to learn from that) to stand up to the constant Kitin-threat.

Well done! :)

Oh, have you seen this post addressed to you by the way? :
http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22574/15 3726#153726

To my mind, "Hardcore RP" is when you use an overzealous interpretation of lore to try to create conflict where none really exists, and to allow that desire for conflict to trump common decency, or even the commonly accepted interpretation of the lore that includes things like treaties or members of different factions working together. When you think you know better than the devs and the community, maybe you're taking things a bit too far.

By contrast, "Casual RP-ers" may get totally immersed in their character, but they at least stay OOC enough to remember that for every homin on Atys, there is a human at a computer, that Ryzom is a game played by people seeking a pleasant diversion, and act with enough courtesy to not ruin other people's fun.

Of course, that is just my opinion and not neccessarily absolute fact.

And thank you for bringing that to my attention.

Editado 3 veces | Última edición por Gidget (9 años hace)


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#64 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Gidget (atys)

To my mind, "Hardcore RP" is when you use an overzealous interpretation of lore to try to create conflict where none really exists, and to allow that desire for conflict to trump common decency, or even the commonly accepted interpretation of the lore that includes things like treaties or members of different factions working together. When you think you know better than the devs and the community, maybe you're taking things a bit too far.

By contrast, "Casual RP-ers" may get totally immersed in their character, but they at least stay OOC enough to remember that for every homin on Atys, there is a human at a computer, that Ryzom is a game played by people seeking a pleasant diversion, and act with enough courtesy to not ruin other people's fun.

Of course, that is just my opinion and not neccessarily absolute fact.

And thank you for bringing that to my attention.



#65 Reportar | Citar[fr] 

Aujourd'hui, sauf quelques exceptions, les joueurs d'Aniro se sont pliés aux habitudes de jeu des anciens autres serveurs, moi y compris. Ou ils ont abandonné le jeu, et c'est regrettable. Sur Aniro, le RP était riche, et proche du quotidien du jeu, les liens étaient forts entre les deux, et c'était positif, même s'il pouvait il y avoir parfois des disputes entre joueurs.

Après la fusion, il y a eu une période de confusion, et aujourd'hui tous les avatars jouent ensembles, sans conflit, tant qu'il n'y a pas de "moments" spécifiques au RP. Les Karas, les Kamis, les Marau ou les neutres jouent dans les mêmes équipes, tuent les Boss Marau, ou les rois ensembles, et se partagent les mp obtenues. A titre personnel, j'ai adopté ce type de jeu parce qu'à un moment donné, c'est soit cela, soit on ne fait plus rien. Mais je persiste à penser que c'est une mauvaise évolution, en tout cas ce n'est pas une amélioration pour les joueurs qui venaient d'Aniro, et avaient d'autres habitudes.

C'est une des raisons d'ailleurs qui m'a fait abandonner le RP qui n'a plus beaucoup de sens pour moi en ce moment.

Je ne suis pas très convaincu qu'il soit nécessaire de parler pendant de longues heures des animosités qu'il y a sur le jeu. Il suffit d'avoir un tout petit peu d'intelligence pour comprendre que l'on peut avoir une animosité entre avatar, et une sympathie entre joueurs. Mais il est difficile de jouer un avatar "mauvais", parce que les imbéciles pensent que le joueur est "mauvais". Il faut donc que le joueur "rassure" les autres, il y a assez de canaux de discussion pour ça. (Il y a beaucoup d'avatars "gentils", joués par de mauvais joueurs, mais c'est un autre sujet)

Le problème de fond aujourd'hui, c'est que le rp est devenu fade, et très éloigné des réalités du quotidien du jeu. Les conflits bien menés apportent du piquant, des engagements, de l'animation, de la vie, du jeu. Le pacifisme anémiant stérilise le jeu.

Je crois qu'il est temps maintenant de remettre un peu d'ordre dans toute la confusion actuelle, et de redonner de grandes lignes directrices, claires. Sinon, le rp, c'est uniquement de longues réunions d'experts, très ennuyeuses, très soporifiques, menées par des avatars qui n'ont aucune connaissance du quotidien du jeu. (Je sais, j'exagère, c'est caricatural, mais il y a une vérité là dedans), et des "arrangements entres amis" pour obtenir des avantages.

#66 Reportar | Citar[fr] 

complétement d’accord avec Djaimse, je me suis aussi éloigné du RP, j'y participait avec plaisir avant.... quand il était intéressant.... la c'est juste chiant, du rp figé a date fixé, plus de rp quotidien......

on nous a en effet imposé la façon de faire des autres serveurs c'est déjà assez désagréable comme ça, mais en plus je jeu est devenue fade, terne, elle est ou la guerre des temple promis, ils sont ou les stevano et Lykos qu'on nous avaient promis belliqueux a souhait.

et juste pour dire je lis ce post depuis le début et sincèrement il m'a filé la gerbe.... d’ailleurs en ce moment je joue plus et lire ça motive pas a revenir !

ils serait peut-être bien que d'autre ex-Aniro s'exprime parce que je nous sent particulièrement ciblé ici, et ça me donne envie de taper =)

ps: je m'excuse pas pour le français vous méritez pas que je me fatigue a écrire autrement =)

Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Zilon (9 años hace)

#67 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Gidget (atys)
To my mind, "Hardcore RP" is when you use an overzealous interpretation of lore to try to create conflict where none really exists, and to allow that desire for conflict to trump common decency, or even the commonly accepted interpretation of the lore that includes things like treaties or members of different factions working together. When you think you know better than the devs and the community, maybe you're taking things a bit too far.

By contrast, "Casual RP-ers" may get totally immersed in their character, but they at least stay OOC enough to remember that for every homin on Atys, there is a human at a computer, that Ryzom is a game played by people seeking a pleasant diversion, and act with enough courtesy to not ruin other people's fun.

Of course, that is just my opinion and not neccessarily absolute fact.

Well, according to that description of extremes I'm supposedly sitting between chairs. I do enjoy a bit of conflict, for without any conflict, without contradiction of opinion all what is left - especially in politics - is a bore; it's like your whole life in RP is forever trapped in an endless circle of small talk - which I even loathe in real life, to be honest.

On the other hand I try to take in that other people might be affected in one way or the other. But at least of the politicians in game I expect both the ability to seperate IG and OOC, and to take in a somewhat rougher handling, so to say - as I expect politicians in RL to deal with animosity and conflict, for one should not stay in the kitchen if one can't stand the heat. So I really don't mind if Binarabi verbally attacks Matis as a rule, or if Rikutatis takes a more subtle method to undermine our standing. Salazar will remember, and most likely will pay back debts if he sees fit. ;)

In both cases I don't see the need to deny help to someone who asks for it. That's more a matter of manners and common sense for me than of politics and conflict.


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#68 Reportar | Citar[fr] 

Bien aimé ton post, Djaimse.
Il mérite d'être traduit en anglais.

Última edición por Tiximei (9 años hace) | Razón: Corrected language button

#69 Reportar | Citar[fr] 

Merci Yenno, mais mon anglais est approximatif
J'ajoute que je fais l'effort de lire les post en anglais, j'espère que les autres font l'effort de lire ceux en Français, ou d'en trouver une traduction

google trad.

Today, with few exceptions, Aniro players are bent on playing habits of old other servers, including me. Or they gave up the game, and that is unfortunate. Aniro on the RP was rich, and close to the daily game, the links between the two were strong, and it was positive, even if he could there be some quarrels between players.

After the merger, there was a period of confusion, and now all avatars play together without conflict, as long as there is no "moments" specific to the RP. The Karas, the Kami, the Marau or neutrals play in the same team, kill the Boss Marau or others, and share the obtained mp. Personally, I have adopted this type of game because at some point it's either that or we do nothing. But I still think it's a bad trend, at least it's not an improvement for the players who had just Aniro and had other habits.

It is also one of the reasons that made me abandon the RP that does not have much meaning for me now.

I'm not convinced that it is necessary to speak for hours on animosities that there is about the game. All you need is a little bit of intelligence to understand that we can have animus between avatar and a sympathy between players. But it is difficult to play an avatar "bad" because fools think that the player is "wrong". This requires that the player "reassure" the other, there is enough chat channels for that. (There are a lot of avatars "nice", played by bad players, but that's another topic)

The basic problem today is that the RP has become bland and far removed from the realities of everyday life of the game. Well done conflicts bring spice, commitments, animation, life, game . Pacifism debilitating sterilizes the game.

I think it's time to put some order in all the current confusion and give broad guidelines, clear. Otherwise, rp, it is only long meetings of experts, very boring, very soporific conducted by avatars who have no knowledge of the daily of the game. (I know, I exaggerate, it's a caricature, but there is a truth in there) and "arrangements among friends" to get the benefits.

#70 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Djaimse (atys)
The basic problem today is that the RP has become bland and far removed from the realities of everyday life of the game. Well done conflicts bring spice, commitments, animation, life, game . Pacifism debilitating sterilizes the game.
Well, for many characters, their everyday-life on Atys is rather peaceful other than the usual fights against animals, bandits and tribes (NPCs), especially for those who stay away from outposts-PvP. At least there is no war between nations nor factions going on, and outpost-battles are guild-based with ever-changing alliances and oppositions between guilds.

So even in RP it is not more than a very thin flimsy excuse or maybe stupidity on the character's sides to "hate ALL Karas" as a Kami-disciple or to "hate ALL Matis" as a Fyros or even Zorai, while in reality your guild has merely battled for outposts against a few specific guilds of said factions or nations...

For characters who do their best to lead a peaceful life it is really absurd, sometimes shocking, sometimes saddening (and also often fun-killing for their players) to be met with words and actions of hatred (often at events that are supposed to make hominkind or at least a nation some cultural progress or should tell us all more about the world our characters are living on).

"Conflict-RP" is the total opposite of the "everyday-life" on Atys for many characters.

It's a complete illogical development for peaceful characters to be suddenly excluded from important events of other nations (like Matis not being allowed at Fyros-events) as they themselves have done nothing to "deserve" this.

All based on one Fyros-representative who once upon a time insulted "all" Matis during an assembly which then caused the nobles to withdraw their ambassadors, while their nation's leaders shrugged their shoulders and let it happen because they totally did not care. (And that's what this awesome "spice" is all about... *yawns*)

However it's even more illogical for peaceful characters to be told that they have to hate, avoid and/or even kill their former homin-fellows despite all peace-treaties and despite having saved each others behinds at a couple of past events.

Unfortunately I don't know how RP on Aniro *really* was. However I know very well that even on Aniro there have been many peaceful homis as well, and not only neutrals, but also faction-loyal and/or nation-loyal homins who did not "live" hatred.

So much about the "links between daily game and RP".


Sadly it's absolutely not true that everyone now plays together without conflict. Look at what Binarabi and Suboxide and others have experienced.

Characters not being resurrected (without a care if the players of said characters even know what "RP" is), characters being told that they should stop hunting, harvesting, travelling/trekking and so on as a team because they have different religious beliefs... This has happened only recently.

And I know of a number guilds that have been threatened and/or are still being griefed occasionally because they dare(d) to be allies with "heretic" guilds. They were told over and over again that "Karas have to hate Kamis" because anything else but hatred would be "bad RP".

Which they cannot understand, as it definitely does neither go against the lore nor ingame-circumstances. Heck, I even know of guilds and characters who were told that they have to avoid neutrals too because teaming up with neutrals would be "bad RP".

Well, yes, it's quite true that some players will tend to think that the players of unfriendly characters are having an unsocial personality in RL too and should better be avoided OOC too. And sometimes they are right. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S019188691400032 4 or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_troll#Psychological_charact eristics In fact most of those who are trolls IC often are also trolls OOC and even tend to mix up OOC and IC as well to top it off.


Common, normal roleplaying will *always* also include heated discussions and verbal fights. Neither our characters nor we as humans can always be of the same opinion, so we will of course get into arguments from time to time and also be on bad terms or avoid each other occasionally. That has always been part of RP and it will always be this way.

But does roleplaying really have to "spiced up" even more with rude insults and threats to kill and/or torture each other to not be "boring"? Do homins have to break out into spontaneous (PvP-)duels every time they meet and even at political assemblies just because of belonging to different nations or beliefs? Is mass-bloodshed at every other event "necessary" to make roleplaying "fun"?

Some players seem to think exactly that... And they call it "conflict-RP". Mainly because it either includes or is aimed to lead to PvP.

I have come to realize that actions like these quickly get very, very boring and after a while will look nothing but embarrassingly childish to observers.

It's not really much different from your common OOCler/Non-RPer storming any kind of RP-event to draw attention and challenging everyone to duels there without any IC-reason but instead "just for fun". For their own fun only of course. Usually they either do not care at all if others feel annoyed by such senseless disturbances, or they even aim at pi**ing others off :(


Political RP has not turned into just "boring talk" because of the lack of "conflict-RP". On the contrary: "conflict-RP" has even played an important part in this development.

Where's the "spice" in nation-representatives refusing to work together to save all homins from Atys-wide threats or in not allowing homins from specific nations to participate at events? All for the single reason that they just prefer to merely spit the same old words of mortal hatred towards another again and again instead of getting into some action?

All this senseless and baseless (remember: no war on Atys amongst nations nor factions) hatred is even hindering Atys-wide RP-events from happening that would make this game more fun for everyone.

This hatred is one of the reasons that make politics turn into ever-repeating senseless bickerings and other than that into musings about regional affairs only (like assembly-orders) while turning their back to the other countries as if they did not exist - instead of inventing events together.

All of this is just killing fellow-players's fun instead of being interesting "spice" for most of us.

Moreover it's been driving players from this game and it is not offering anything good in return that would motivate players to play on. It only kills the mood on Atys for characters and players alike, and now even new roleplayers are being met with hostility because of this so-called "spice" that has long turned into poison both IC and OOC.

So that's why "conflict-RP" has proven to be a complete failure in my eyes.

Última edición por Zhoi (9 años hace)


#71 Reportar | Citar[fr] 

Tout comme Djaimse...

Je rajouterai juste que le rp il faut pas l'abandonner. Je suis pas forcement le meilleur, ni le plus ancien, mais je me suis donner un rp et je le tiens.
Je dirais pas qu'il faut résister, mais pas loin...

Moi pour ce qui est des grands textes en anglais, j'ai très vite abandonné de les lire. Donc toutes les discussions en anglais je les ouvre même pas. Parfois je fais des effort pour parler anglais (très rare et très mauvais) parfois je me fais aider par une personne pouvant traduire (encore merci a eu) mais je n'ai JAMAIS vu un non francophone faire l'effort inverse...

Est ce qu'il y a des choses à changer? surement.
Quoi? j'en sais trop rien.

mais je suis pas du genre à baisser les bras, et même si je me retrouve juste à une petite demi douzaine à jouer, je me suis fait un cercle d'amis (joueur) avec qui j'aime bien jouer. Donc je continuerai.

"regroupons nous et résistons"

Última edición por Tiximei (9 años hace) | Razón: Corrected language button

#72 Reportar | Citar[fr] 

Ce qui est effectif aujourd'hui, c'est que les autres "anciens serveurs" ont gagné, et tout le monde ou presque joue comme sur ces serveurs là avant, moi avec.
Parce que sinon, plus de boss marau, plus de roi, plus d'accès à grand chose globalement.

Sur Aniro, les Kami étaient séparés des Kara dans le jeu, et les joueurs s'opposaient presque partout, sauf dans la lutte commune contre les Kamis.
Les Nations avaient un sens, dans le quotidien du jeu. Et ça n’empêchait en rien d'avoir de très bonnes relations, très cordiales avec les JOUEURS opposés.
C'est trop facile de dire "je suis pacifique", donc tous les autres doivent l'être.

Pour le reste, ce sont de très longue discussions sans aucun intérêt, si ce n'est pour dire que certaines personnes confondent le RP avec l'IRL et ont une agressivité déplacée.

Pour conclure, à titre personnel, je redis que j'aimerais que les grandes lignes du RP soient définies par les animateurs du jeu. Que l'on nous dise clairement si Kara, Kami, Neutres ou Marau, cela n'a aucune importance ni sens dans le jeu dans l'attitude des joueurs au quotidien. Pareil pour les nations. Chacun en fera son affaire.

PS / Je n'ai pas envie de discuter des imbéciles, ou des mauvaises attitudes des joueurs, ni des manques de fairplay. Ce n'est pas un argument de dire que certain ce sont répandus en insultes excessives, cela reste une infime minorité, et ça ne justifie en rien le "tout pacifique"

#73 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Salazar: +1 (you're an oasis in the burning desert! Because I know you love the desert so much =P)

Djaimse: +1

Erminantius: Parfois, je fais un effort pour me faire comprendre en français pour les joueurs qui ne parlent pas anglais. Avec certains joueurs, je parle en anglais et ils répondent en français et nous comprendre mutuellement. Et je respecte et admire votre résistance, vous êtes un merveilleux RPer.

Oh and for anyone who has been around OPs and supernodes in the last several years, it'd be pretty clear kamists and karavaneers ARE at war with each other. The message on the screen may say "guild vs guild" but if every single time you see all kamist guilds fighting against all karavaneer guilds, then I think it's pretty safe to assume there's a war going on. You may not want to admit it, but it doesn't make it any less real.


"We are Kami. We are here to be you. We are many as you are of many minds. We are one as you are one in Ma-Duk."

#74 Reportar | Citar[fr] 

+1 djaimse
par contre, tu veux probablement dire ", et les joueurs s'opposaient presque partout, sauf dans la lutte commune contre les Kamis." contre les Kitins, nan ? :D

Última edición por Tiximei (9 años hace) | Razón: Corrected language button


#75 Reportar | Citar[fr] 

Icus (atys)
+1 djaimse
par contre, tu veux probablement dire ", et les joueurs s'opposaient presque partout, sauf dans la lutte commune contre les Kamis." contre les Kitins, nan ? :D
Oui, bien sûr ^^
Les Kamis, c'est quand même un peu moins pire que les Kitins .. :D
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