
Ryzom Forge Public Meetings agendas & reports

Ryzom Forge meeting report – January 18th, 2021

1 - Ryzom Team activity in 2020

Tamarea (RT) – 20:34 UTC
This page of the Ryzom Wiki lists the activities of the Ryzom team in 2020 :
It remains to be completed but thanks to the members of the Wiki group, who created it.
NB • The link is given for information so that you can read the page… later: the list is a long one!

2 - New launcher and installer

Tamarea & Ulukyn (RT) – 20:39 UTC
Windows, Linux and Mac versions of the new launcher and installer are in test.
We are looking for a maximum of volunteers to test this new launcher with the maximum of Windows, Linux and Mac versions.
The testers will not have to uninstall the game but just connect to Atys via this new launcher and check that the updates are done correctly.
Those who use different profiles on the current launcher will also be able to check that they appear on the new one.
If some of them wish, they can also test the installation of the game via the launcher. Please make sure to back up your data before doing so. If you make a new installation next to the one you usually use, please allow 8 GB of free space.
If you wish to help with these tests, please contact Tamarea on or by email at

Q: At the last RF meeting only testing for Linux and Windows computers was possible… Can testing for Mac computers start now?
Yes: the development phase of the Mac launcher was completed just today!

Q: Can you give us a link to download the new launcher?
Not here nor now: so that we can solicit feedback from all testers, this link will only be given upon individual request made to Tamarea.

Q: Will the new launcher allow two characters from the same account to connect simultaneously on Atys?
No, this is not technically feasible. As today, therefore, the simultaneous connection of several characters will only be possible if they are under different accounts.

Q: Will our guild channels soon benefit, like others, from automatic translation?
Most likely, yes. This is one of the requests under examination within the RT.

3 - Implementation of high-definition textures

Tamarea & Ulukyn (RT) – 21:11 UTC
Icons, user interface textures and all Atys maps have been enlarged by IA to get an improved HD version.
This improvement, currently under test, will be added in-game in the next patch.

Q: Will this HD version compensate for the visibility defect found when the value of the local interface parameter (scale) is greater than 1.00?
Yes, with these HD textures the tests confirm a very correct visibility for a value of 2.00 and they continue in order to improve the icon texts for intermediate values.

Q: Will the API be updated accordingly?
We are working on this update, but it is not without difficulties. However, all the images made available in the API will be in their HD version as soon as the next patch is released.

4 - Boss refactoring

Tamarea & Riasan (RT) – 21:28 UTC
For those who are not familiar with this project, it is detailed in the (FR) document available at this address: et qui sera publié sous peu sur le forum.
Latest developments :
- all the new spots of Boss' pop have been added ;
- all new Bosses and the loots they drop have been created and their translations are under testing.

Q: Will the names of the current Bosses be changed?
Non. Mais il y en aura de nouveaux !

Q: Will the value of the items collected from the remains of a Boss be related to the level of the latter?
Yes, the loot obtained from a low level Boss has less value than that obtained from a high level Boss.

Q: Is another test phase scheduled? And if so, for when?
Yes, a test phase on the development server will start soon (there are still some problems with the new loots and we hope to have it finished by the end of this week.

Q: Will a Boss of level N now be able to give up to his executors a loot of higher quality than N?
No: a killed Boss still provides a loot of equal quality to his level.

Q: Will there be Boss level lower than 70 and intermediate to the current scale (70 | 120 | 170 | 220 | 270)?
No, but the number of Bosses will increase significantly for each level of the recalled scale.

Q: When will these changes take effect in game?
As soon as possible, i.e. as soon as conclusive tests are completed... tests whose duration depends on the number of volunteer testers.

Q: Will there be new Bosses accessible for beginner characters (on Silan)?
No, the project concerns only the continents and the Prime Roots.

Q: Will there be other "corrupt" Bosses, like Cratchakyo was?
No, this is not planned at the moment.

5 - Events

Tamarea & Ulukyn – 22:04 UTC
The live events (scripted ones) resume at the rate of one per week.
Regarding the Storyline, the end of episode 1 is approaching and the beginning of episode 2 is coming soon!

Q: Is it planned to link live events to the Storyline?
Yes, a first one will take place soon, by the way.

Q: Will the Storyline prologue (the rumors) be debugged before the launch of its episode 2?
Yes, this to allow newcomers to unroll the episodes in order. It will also be improved in its operation to make it easier to play.

6 - Recrutement

Tamarea – 22:19 UTC
We are now focusing on recruiting volunteer testers. We have several additions under test (launcher, Boss refactoring...) and in order for them to come quickly into play, we need more testers.
If you are interested in joining the testing team, contact Tamarea on or by email at

Q Are volunteer testers notified individually of the dates and times of the tests they are asked to run, or do they have to watch for a request to appear on a page listing all of them?
No. The dates and times are, if necessary (group testing), determined jointly on the dedicated Ryzom Chat channel where the use of the @all mention allows all testers subscribed to the channel to be notified by email. But individual test requests are simply posted on a scheduling table. The suggestion of individual notification for casual testers will however be carefully considered.

Q: What exactly is expected of a tester?
Play an addition or a patch to the game, spot possible bugs in its operation and then tell us about them on the document gathering the feedbacks from the testers. But also, if it is an addition, give us your opinion on it, so that we can improve it before it is put into service on the game server.

Q: When a test is in Waiting column of the scheduling table (KanBoard), is it still possible to complete the feedbacks' pad?
When a test is in Waiting, it means that the test object has been handed to the developers for them to fix the bugs reported by the testers. It will be handed over to the testers (put again in column Testing) once the correction completed.

Q: Shouldn't volunteer testers be trained and accompanied, even if only a minimum, when they first join the team?
Yes, probably. We are thinking about that.

Q (off-topic): Is the Scenographic Editor scheduled to come back in game?
A (unexpected):
Yes, this is the next scheduled development task, by the way.

The meeting is closed at 23:00 UTC.


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