

#46 [en] 

That said: there is is till a very long road to equality. And most of it has to be done to bring the marauder faction UP than down.

Last edited by Ingfarah (9 years ago)

#47 [fr] 

Si n'importe quel type de guilde peut embarquer des joueurs maraudeurs, que reste-il à la faction du même nom ? Comment peut-on espérer qu'elle s'auto-suffise un jour en agissant comme des gosses, sans nous fixer de règle ?

Ne pas être dans une même guilde, n'empêche pas de jouer ensemble. De même que jouer l'un contre l'autre est aussi une manière de jouer ensemble... Grandissez un peu et réfléchissez-y ;)
Puis, pour le côté "on est tous des potes youpi", il reste les events hrp pour ceux qui aiment ça et les tells aussi :p


Mermaidia, heureuse Chef des Eclaireurs d'Atys
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Libres et fiers, en quête de notre histoire commune et de nos racines, nous retrouverons et protégerons ce monde qui nous a tant fait vibrer!

#48 [en] 

More to the point; does anyone have the power and/or knowledge to make this happen?
Do any of the dev's care enough about this oversight to actually go out of their way to 'fix' it?
Does it even matter?
How does it affect an outsiders game?

As i've said, i'm past caring whether it happens or not.

(this is not intended as harrassment) 


marceline nitwit.
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#49 [fr] 

How many people are we actually talking about here? How many mara toons are in kami or kara aligned guilds? I can think of 3 besides myself, only one of them (Marceline) is actively playing. Who are we hurting by taking advantage of the sandbox nature of this game that attracts people to play it?

Does this game have a big enough player base to chase away people who don't adhere to your strict Role play models? I f a guild is indeed neutral, which essentially means they don't role play, why couldn't they invite anyone they wanted? Game mechanics, the way they are now, don't allow me to make my guild completely neutral. If i could I would allow Kamis, karas, maras, rangers, Trytonists, and any other group that may come up in the future.

Wen I decided to become a marauder, I knew it was a difficult path to follow. I knew making money was going to be much harder, I knew I would no longer have the comfort of big cities with trainers and merchants, I knew I would be labeled as an enemy. What I really learned after aligning was who my friends are, my real friends. Being Mara in a non mara guild means that rp karas and kamis don't like you (even if they did before) because you're a marauder, and marauders don't like you because you're not marauder enough, neither of whom consider the fact that maybe we're just playing to have fun and don't care about the lore, which is actually quite boring for me, Tolkien, it is NOT.

Role Play if you think it's fun, but don't hate those who don't just because it doesn't fit your gameplay. Isn't it ironic that Role play is killing this little role play game for the people who are here because of it's "Sandbox" nature that attracted us to it in the first place?


#50 [fr] 

Will just quickly say Aru I still like you and think I can speak for my guild on that too :)

I completely agree. With so many current issues with the marauders why people want to take the time to restrict a handful of players instead of having time better spent elsewhere I have no idea.



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#51 [en] 

If a guild is indeed neutral, which essentially means they don't role play, why couldn't they invite anyone they wanted?

I don't see how that follows. I can easily imagine a neutral guild that is strong on Roleplay, whether it is Trytonist or Ranger. (In terms of roleplay, a Marauder guild is not neutral in my opinion.) Such a guild would not invite people who could not uphold its ideals, which would mean national patriots or religious adherents, simply because those people could not be neutral in roleplay terms.

I belong to a neutral guild. Phaedrea's Tears is a true neutral guild. We don't have "Kami/Karavan for tps". It is true that the guild per se is not a roleplay guild, but some of us very definitely do roleplay, and I maintain that in our determination to be truly neutral, all of us do a tiny bit of roleplay.

Having said that, I agree with most of what you said. The game needs to encourage players at ALL levels of roleplay from intense down to none. It also needs to have a truce. The non-roleplaying(HRP) players need to give the roleplayers(RP) room to do their thing -- it is not a right of HRP players to attend every roleplay event regardless of their game status. In return, the RP players need to stop writing and speaking as if HRP players were destroying the game -- by the very act of playing, they are helping the game.

A friend of mine has a saying: "The best should not be the enemy of the good." He applies it to an historical recreation group. I feel it applies here as well.

With respect,
Mac'Od Bittty
Tryker Ranger Aspirant


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#52 [fr] 

Thanks Virg, I like you too : )

Sorry Bittty, it wasn't my intention to imply all neutral guilds are devoid of Role Play. I know you role play and I applaud you for it, and hope it's delightfully fun for anyone who does.

I don't expect to be involved in every event that comes along, I respect the nature of what they are doing and frankly most of them, I'm not even interested in. When I first came to Zora, I sat in on one of the government meetings just to see what it was all about, and anyone who can sit for that long "listening" to it without feeling the urge to intentionally fall on their weapon and end it all, has my respect.

I recently asked for clarification of the use of "Neutral of Civilization" in Zendae's thread about the upcoming melee tournament because that would be an event I think would be fun. I thought in my coment I was very clear that I thought it was a great idea and would like to come watch even if I couldn't participate. I was immediately called a troll by one and basically told to sit down and shut up by 2 people who have never had one single interaction with me in game. Is asking "Can I play too?" really that harmful to some players' imagined journey here in Atys, that basic politeness is thrown out a window?



#53 [en] 

Did I really read that neutrals don't role play???


Ok... I'll pass on that one.


#54 [fr] 

Et tu, Ingfarah?

Maybe if you read a bit further...


#55 [fr] 

"but i won't start the mara's troll" does not mean"your are a troll".


Les rêveries du yubo flaneur
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#56 [fr] 

It strongly implies it and definitely exposes your bias to players who don't use the same tp's as you.


#57 [fr] 

I read it all.

It was still said. And moderating it right after won't change the fact that it's been said. And that it is thought by you that there is less roleplay among the neutrals. Unless you take back "not all" and replace it by "all" by "more" in your answer to Bitty?

I did explode in laughter because that particular comment did deserve my laughter. Even after being ammended. There is not less roleplay among the neutrals. Some would argue that there is more, and that it's deeper and richer. So you got no choice but to accept my laughter, because my belief is that your comment DID deserve it.

#58 [fr] 

well, ty for taking time out of your day to laugh at my mistep and completely miss the point I was trying to make.


#59 [en] 

I guess I should say thank you. :D
I think I understood your point perfectly. Which is that exploits of the system should be passed by for lack of a big enough player base.
I agree this particular one is not as big as others. And I don't believe it's a priority. But it's still just the same as if a Kami could join a Kara guild.

So someday it may be corrected because it's a bug. Maybe someday there will be little enough bugs for this one to get corrected. Just like someday, level 250 or so PvP jewells made of lower level mats and degraded boosted weapons may stop being so common because they will have fixed a pair of bugs.

The point I'm making here, if anybody's still interested, is this one: wether or not this is to become a priority is in the hands of the Ryzom team. However much anybody wants to "defend" the ones using that bug is totally pointless. It will still be a bug. So if they fix it, they'll fix it. If they don't, they won't. And every debate about it is just sterile. So why not have a good laugh?

#60 [fr] 

Exploits? Bugs?

When I open my fame window, it says:
"Civilisation allegiance: Neutral"
"Cult allegiance: neutral"

I'm sorry, but as it stands, marauder, in the eyes of whoever is in charge of runs this game means neutral of faction and neutral of civilization. If civ and cult neutrals are free to join any guild that INVITES them, then why is there a problem? Marauder, on my Fame window shows under "organization" not faction, as I assume, so does "Ranger" or "Trytonist"? If we are all "cult Neutral" then why is it a bug to belong to a cult aligned guild which can allow neutrals?


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