
#1 [en] 

The Following is the text, as far as I know it, of the Treaty of the Four Nations. It was referenced in the New Trykoth Constitution and I realized that while I knew *of* it I didn't really know what it said.

(Taken from the words of Senator Dios at:

The New Treaty

We the undersigned being the chief representatives of our races gathered here together, declare that in perpetuity,

I. All Homins of whatever race or religious persuasion owe initial allegiance to their Faith. Two Faiths are recognized;

The Faith of the Kami with Ma-Duk as the Head of the Faith.
The Faith of the Karavan with Jena as the Head of the Faith.
Homin Faith accordingly comes above all else, but may not be used as an excuse to break the other tenets of this treaty.

II. Homins' secondary allegiance is owed to their Nation, determined by citizenship. Homins who have not attained citizenship owe allegiance to the Nation of their race. Four Nations are recognized;
The Fyros Nation whose head of state is the Emperor.
The Matis Nation whose head of state is the King.
The Tryker Nation whose head of state is the Governor.
The Zorai Nation whose head of state is the Grand Sage.

Homins are expected to behave with loyalty and decorum to their Nation and their head of state at all times, only turning to the higher power should there ever be a conflict of issue.

Homins must obey the laws of their Nation without question and be willing to defend their country in times of war and strife. Homins who are resident or visiting a nation that is not theirs, must obey the laws of that Nation, but are not obliged to defend that Nation unless an emergency is called.

In a state of conflict between Nations, a Homin will obey their Nations laws in territories of conflict, until the cessation of hostilities.

III. We recognize the advantage of outposts being held by Homin Guilds in this time of expansion and growth, but have decided that the secular powers will not be responsible for keeping the peace in any disputed ownership suits.
We hereby state that no ruling power will intervene in any way in any disagreement or fight relating to outpost ownership unless it should represent a major threat to National security or the stability of a Nation’s political system.

IV. When a Homin Nation is threatened by Kitin, The Head of State (or acting Head of State) can call for the aid of the other nations...When such is the case, all Homin will assist the attacked nations as if their own.
Other threats such as Goo, marauders or unforseen enemies can also be considered in this category when such significantly threatens a Homin Nation,the same criteria apply. Nations who call for aid when none is require may be found in breach of the Treaty.

V. This treaty supersedes previous treaties in regard to the above articles.
Signed this day by;

On behalf of the Tryker Nation: Wyler
On behalf of the Fyros Nation: Dexton
On behalf of the Matis Nation: Yrkanis
On behalf of the Zorai Nation: Mabreka


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#2 [de] 

(OOC: here is the German version of the Treaty of Four nations, taken from r and translated to English by my humble self.
Please take into consideration that on the former server Leanon this Treaty has never been broken and no war has happend between the Nations of Fyros (Empire) and Matis (Kingdom) during the lives of our homins.)

Treaty/Edict of the Four Peoples ("Vertrag der Vier Völker/Länder")

We, the representatives of the governments of the four peoples, gathered on Frutor 13th in the third cycle of 2533 Year of Jena at the diplomatic outpost Destiny's End, declare that from now on:

I. - Religion
1. all Homins, regardless of their race and the religious beliefs of their race, are free to choose their own religious faith
2. two religions are officially approved and sanctioned:
* the faith in the Kami with Ma-Duk as the center of belief
* the faith in the Karavan with Jena as the center of belief
3. the religion of the Homins is put first, but it shall not be abused as justification to break any paragraphs of this Treaty

II. - Loyality
4. the second obligation of Homins is towards their country. It will be determined by their citizenship
5. non-citizens are under obligation of their race
6. four nations are officially approved and sanctioned:
* the Nation of the FYROS, governed by the Emperor
* the Nation of the MATIS, governed by the Crown
* the Nation of the TRYKER, governed by the Govenor
* the Nation of the ZORAI, governed by the Grand Sage
7. all Homins must act loyal towards their Nation and it's respective head of state
8. all Homins must subjugate to the laws of their Nation without questioning them
9. all Homins must defend the territory of their Nation in case of a war or a local conflict
10. Homins living in the territory of another Nation or travelling through another Nation have to respect the laws of that Nation, however they are not obliged to defend this Nation
11. in case of a war between Nations Homins have to follow the laws and rules of their Nation at the site of the battle. This applies only until the battle lasts.

III. - Outposts
12. the benefits of the outposts for guilds, houses, clans and Homins in times of expansion and developement are known, however the Nations will not interfer with conflicts to ensure peace at embattled outposts
13. an official intervening would only be justified by a vast danger to the national security or stability of the political system of the Nation concerned

IV. - Enemies
14. if a Nation is under threat, then the head of the state of this Nation or one of his/her representatives can demand support by other Nations
15. in this case all Homins have to defend the attacked Nation as if it was their own

V. - Administration
16. this Treaty takes priority before all prior agreements between the signing Nations

on behalf of the MATIS Nation: Yrkanis
on behalf of the FYROS Nation: Dexton
on behalf of the TRYKER Nation: Wyler
on behalf of the ZORAI Nation: Mabreka

Edited 7 times | Last edited by Zhoi (1 decade ago)


#3 [en] 

On aniro we signed the TENANT treaty (pretty similar to the old treaty) after the fyros-matis war. You can find some informations about it and the full text here (it is in french though, don't think anyone translated it)


#4 [en] 

(For the benefit of those reading these messages in English here is a totally unmodified Google Translate of the reference Icus posted. It is clear that it is the French version of the same treaty, but has additions in the matter of the Commission for Peace.-- Bittty)



Dexton, Emperor of Fyros, acting on behalf of the Empire and its patriots
Yrkanis, Matis King, acting on behalf of the Kingdom and its subjects,
Denen Toen, Tryker Governor, acting on behalf of the Federation and its citizens,
Mabreka-Cho, Great Sage of Zoraï, acting on behalf of the Theocracy and its insiders
Garfish and Dradius, Chief Ranger and representative of stateless

gathered in Fairhaven on this day Quinteth, Fallenor 11, 2nd AC 2559, now declare that:

Article 1

This treaty recognizes that all homin, regardless of their race and religious beliefs were instilled in them are free to choose their faith and pass the Rite of the nation of their choice. However, these choices can not be invoked as a ground for non-compliance with this Treaty.

Article 2

Four Nations are recognized:

The United Matis, led by the King.
Fyros Empire led by the Emperor.
Federation of the new Trykoth, led by the Governor.
Theocracy Zoraï, led by the Great Sage.

Article 3

Citizens of every nation must respect the laws of their nation, the Universal Declaration of Human Homin and this Treaty.

Article 4

Homins not having spent any Rite nationality are considered stateless and must respect the laws of their nation of residence, the Universal Declaration of Human Homin and this Treaty.

Article 5

Homins resident or passing through a nation that is not theirs to obey the laws of that nation without question.

Article 6

Homins must act to prevent conflicts between nations.

Article 7

No nation can not interfere in the affairs of another nation state. In case of drama homin however, each nation can accommodate refugees and provide essential care.

Article 8

Governments do not intervene in disputes between clans or guilds for possession of outposts, unless it is a threat to national security or stability of the political system.

Article 9

Respecting points 6, 7 and 8, to assist the Nation attacked or distressed is a duty to other nations. Identified and known threats that may affect the integrity of a nation and requesting international solidarity are: - invasions kitines - attacks of marauders - the spread of Goo - and natural disasters (sécheresse. ..) This list is neither exhaustive nor definitive, it can be changed at any time by unanimous vote of the Commission Defending defined in Article 11.

Article 10

If a nation demand support when she did not need, it may be required to reimburse the costs incurred by other Nations.

Article 11

Defending the Commission for Peace is composed of one representative and one alternate Nation, designated by each of them in their own way. The Emissary stateless and his deputy are elected by an assembly stateless and appointment confirmed by the leader of Atys Rangers. A member of the Commission can not be replaced by a specific timetable, public, and established in advance. The decisions of the Commission shall be taken by Defending a vote of the representatives present. Once it is made, the decision must be made as each college and emissaries will have at heart to defend jointly.

Article 12

On voluntary one or more of Nations, the Commission, by its very purpose, may be seized to resolve any issues of international law. The following list of actions the Commission is neither exhaustive nor definitive, it can be changed at any time by consensus by the 4 Nations and Tenants.

A paragraph

Commission vouch hominitaires relief or as accredited environmental Road Water and shipments fight against Goo, enabling them to respond in an emergency without violating the laws of a nation.

Paragraph b

The Commission oversees the military coordinators of each nation to fight effectively against the Marauders. The hunt for a criminal Marauder is the only occasion where a military of a nation can cross the borders of neighboring Nations without prior authorization. The coordinator will scrupulously informed the governments of detailed actions.

Subparagraph c

A nation may refer to the Commission if a criminal, as define its own laws, fled abroad. The Commission will then decide whether to pursue this homin in the nation where he has taken refuge. It is the latter to extradite him to the nation he fled there to be judged by it.

Article 13

This treaty takes precedence over the edicts and agreements between nations if written in the past two articles contradict each other.


Signatures in alphabetical order by standard Nations:

On behalf of the Nation Fyros: Emperor Dexton
On behalf of the Nation Matis: Her Majesty Yrkanis
On behalf of the Nation Tryker: Governor Denen Toen
On behalf of the Nation Zoraï: Great Sage Mabreka-Cho
On behalf of Tenants: Orphie Dradius, Head of Atys Rangers

Last edited by Bitttymacod (1 decade ago)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#5 [en] 

Thanks, Bitty for the translation (with all caveats). Yet I want to stress that the original Treaty of the Four Nations preceded the Treaty Icus referred to by about 26 Atys years, the one from 3.AC 2533, the other from 2.AC 2559. The first was signed by Still Wyler on the Trykers' side who is a historical figure on Aniro as well (see, though his assassination is dated 2532, here. The Treaty of the Four Nations finds mention as well).

[ooc:]I think that the Commission for Peace as laid down in that treaty and enacted by our French friends since some time on Aniro is a very good one concerning representation and roleplay of stateless Neutrals. We should find ways to revive that one during the times coming.[/ooc]

Last edited by Daomei (1 decade ago)


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#6 [en] 

*D'OH* *Smacks forehead*

I don't know how I could have dated the earlier one, but I really should have noticed that Stil Wyler was not a signator on the T.E.N.A.N.T.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#7 [en] 

This T.E.N.A.N.T. treaty is quite a cheeky one. It spares the stateless every single responsibility, while at the same time give the "Commission for Peace" an enormous and somewhat shady freedom - they can cross borders with military force, even lead the Armies of all four nations to hunt down Marauders and other criminals ("as define its own laws" - which laws exactly?). Probably I had some problems in understanding the translation, but does the Commission have one representative per nation as a member? That really isn't clear to me. How do the Rangers fit in here?

I honestly cannot understand how this treaty on Aniro could go through, although I understand that the Rangers have reasons to enjoy the fact that they are treated as a nation, even "agreeing" on a treaty between the nation's rulers, without the need to actually shoulder a nation's burden. If that would be re-installed in this form, the nations and fractions will bled to death, the stateless will become more and more common, while the power of the Rangers will know no bounds.

Last edited by Salazar (1 decade ago)


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#8 [en] 

Filar Salazar --

I submit that my feeble translation may be at fault here. It is clear to me that the Commission for Peace consists of one representative and one alternate from each State plus one representative of the stateless, approved by the Rangers and that action of the Commission is by a vote of its members.

Article 12 It acts in matters of international law when called upon by one of its members (not independently).
a) -- it supports humanitarian aid
b) It acts as a coordinator between the military commanders of the Nations when they are acting to pursue Marauders which is the only time such forces may enter another land. It reports back on its actions to the Nations.
c) If a criminal has fled, the Nation under whose laws the homin is a criminal can call upon the Commission to help them bring that criminal to justice. The Commisssion (representatives of the four Nations) decides whether it is worth it to do so, then proceeds if it is.

I don't see a lot of "power" here.

You express disdain for the Rangers, and see this as an increase in their power. But the Rangers have always been a force for order and hominity in Atys, even since the First Swarming. It was they who sponsored the meeting that led to the Declaration of Homin Rites. It is they who run the refugee camp in Silan at no expense to the States. It was they who cooperated with the Trytonists to rescue us from the Second Swarming when the Powers could not do so.

I think I saw you in the Refuge for the eight years that we stayed there while the Second Swarming scoured our cities and lands. That refuge was run by Rangers and Trytonists, who led us to it and supported us while we lived there. It was the Rangers who scouted through the Deep Roots for word of our lands and let us know when the Swarming had receded enough that it was no longer suicidal to come back to the New Lands.

What responsibility does it spare the stateless? The responsibility for running their own lives?

With respect,

Mac'Od Bittty, free Tryker.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#9 [en] 

My Dear Mac'Od Bittty,

first, thank you for clearing up a few points of uncertainty. I have to confess that at first I wasn't sure the nation's have saying in the Commission of Peace at all, which minght be due to the fact that is was translated from one dialect into another, and finally read by a third. That led to me changing quite a few of my comments in the effort to find out first before critisise on a false understanding. Important to me was point c), for example, as a criminal in one land is not neccessarily a criminal in another, although as a rule it certainly is the case. I do feel, though, that this has to be taken into account. I remember protests from inhabitants of the Lakelands to find a Tryker smuggler arrested in Matia, as some of them pretty obviously saw no reason for punishment and reasoned that it just would be a petty crime - if at all. Fyros at that occasion argued in turn regarding a Fyra arrested for espionage, which they wanted to see set free. So, if the Fyra had fled to Fyros, would the Commission for Peace go into action if called?

I obviously was severely misunderstood regarding the Rangers, for whom I have much respect and admiration. Still, I can't see any reason why they take part in decisions regarding the Four Nations, other than being consulted by those who feel the itch to do so. I did myself consult them in the past, as well as supporting them in turn if they needed support. But they should not decide about national or international matters which not touch their work, as the nations in turn do not meddle in the activities of Rangers if the Rangers do not call for that interference. It is clear that I would rather have a say of the Rangers in a treaty than of the Trytonists, but the Trytonists may very well point out that - as you mentioned - they did provide the rainbow bridges. And although the leading powers of the Marauders denied any support to the treck into exile, there were Marauders seen helping that treck nevertheless and fundamentally selfless. Neither of this should be taken into account in a Treaty which fundamentally sets the dealing of the nations with each other, and not the dealing with Rangers or Trytonists (not to mention that nobody would imagine bringing up the idea to make the Marauders part of such a treaty).

As for the responsibility of the stateless I'd like to point out the paragraph in the treaty signed by the most honorable Still Wyler with his life's blood: "Homins who have not attained citizenship owe allegiance to the Nation of their race." While this is certainly not taken in consideration most of the time, it always might arise a situation when there is need to confide in this. Still Wyler saw that need. Is he dead for that long now that we call his foresight and dedication into question?

Finally - although that really is not important in regard to what I have written here - I doubt that you have seen me in exile. I helped to guard the refugees to the Kami Oasis, and then returned to Matia, where I survived these eight years.

Thank you for taken the time to write to me.

Jena with you and yours,


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#10 [en] 

Interesting as all that is to read and to recognize, I am deeply concerned when Filira Salazar insists on the most atavistic and questionable point of the historic Treaty of the Four Peoples.

None of the four nations grants any participation or representation to stateless homins, even of their own descent on the national level. Before the Second Great Swarming, that was the case to some extent in some parts of the world in the Empire, the Federation, and even the Theocracy, and was under discussion in the Kingdom. In other parts of the world other rules applied, the most elaborated being the representation of the statelesss (apatrides) in the aforementioned document T.E.N.A.N.T.

The clause in the historical treaty could only be justified as far as there were representation and participation of stateless homins. The TENANT construction, insofar it deals with the stateless homins, is ways more logical and elegant than any solution grudgingly granting them some symbolic participation and representation. The point is not to reclaim all the duties and responsibilities laid down in that historic document, but to ensure due representation and participation of the stateless among the free peoples of the new lands.

As to the text of the historical document, I, Daomei, from documented Tryker and Zorai descent, and possibly other, since like me, none of my ancestors ever cared wet shit for "race" in sharing sympathy, relationship, and love, do not accept any allegiance stemming from my phenotype. I consider that paragraph as an anachronism born from need to formulate any kind of ordering. We should do better today.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Daomei (1 decade ago)


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#11 [en] 

Dear Daomei,

I am sorry to hear that you disagree with my point of view, although not surprised. I don't blame you for the position you take; if at all I blame you for the fact that you have a somewhat self-centered view on a global situation, with taking yourself as a blueprint for all stateless.

You point out, quite rightly, that the stateless homins were, to a certain extend, offered the participation on the political stage in the nations. This is not status quo at the moment. But then I have to point out that we are still away from reaching the inner stability and the political order we had before the Second Swarming. If the nations have returned to this, we can also return to a discussion about the possibilities of political involvement.

You claim that the point of that new treaty is "to ensure due representation and participation of the stateless among the free peoples of the new lands". You mention at the same time, that "the point is not to reclaim all the duties and responsibilities". So, fundamentally, you say that the stateless should not only be represented, but also participate in the international politics, though at the same time should take neither duties, nor responsibilities - while at the same time every citizen of a nation has duties and responsibilities galore. While the first sounds like feasting without regret, the second sounds like an option only for gluttons for punishment. It can't, it should not be that the stateless becomes a rule and the citizen a rarity! You know as well as I that in a course of war, whatever the reason is, the Rangers - as much as I respect and regard them - and the stateless will not rise to help a nation which is attacked by a madman on the loose, a war lord, or a colonialist. They will take a neutral position and watch the slaying of homins, as long as they are not endangered by Kitins or Marauders (which for some reason don't count as homins at all).

In due respect, fundamentally what you ask for is a Green Card not just for idealists and dreamers and hominists (which by all means is a squishy definition), but also for deserters, given freely to everyone without ideals, beliefs, and sense of responsibility.

Very sincerely yours,


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#12 [en] 

While I could follow and agree to the beginning of your argument, Salazar, I have to strongly protest against your assumption - no - your allegation, that the "stateless will not rise to help a nation which is attacked by a madman on the loose, a war lord, or a colonialist." While it is possible that any homin chooses the wrong wordings by accident, I presume that in your case, Salazar the "will" is carefully chosen. It is not correct.

While Daomei is perfectly capable of defending herself, I feel accused, too, by this false statement. And I believe many stateless homins are offended by what you say as well.

It is you who is not there when many folks travel to remote places and fight the marauding clan chiefs in the desert, the beaches, the jungle, and - yes - the woodland. Daomei is there as often as she can make it, and several other stateless homins help out, too. This is an ongoing fight against four examples of war lords, if any.

I don't know how big a force the stateless truly are. But there are those that I know who will defend any nation against the dangers you enumerated. Do not make the mistake to disregard those. Because of their political and ethical believes, they will most likely never turn against any nation, but there may be the time when the Matis need their help again, and they will consider such words.

Last edited by Irfidel (1 decade ago)

#13 [en] 

Dear Irfidel,

first, I have to confess I'm somewhat surprised about your statement that "when the Matis need their help again, (the stateless) will consider such words" - which mean my words. Therefore I have to suppose that every stateless homin on every step of their lives thinks and does the same as you think and do, and as Daomei think and do, while in turn every Matis thinks and does the same way as I am? I would be disappointed on various levels by this, Irfidel - not least because I have not faced Daomei on a political stage here, aided by the Nobles of Matia, nor implied to so so, and at no time supposed Daomei speaking up as an elected or appointed representative for all stateless homins and for all the Rangers; nor was that treaty I am voicing my personal view on taken on any political stage yet. In fact, to my knowledge no nation has publicly considered to take that change of the Treaty of the Four Nations to a stage it had only on one dialectic region of our beautiful world before the Second Swarming came over us all, as far as I know.

I find it also a little bit surprising - and again disappointing - that you argue (and supposedly against all Matia, taking the meaning you voiced and I already quoted above by word) I would not care for hominkind, because I not longer find the time to personally aid the fights at the Marauder camps: a task I took pretty regularly when younger, as no doubt Chanchey Breggan will confirm. Not that I am kept informed on that, nor on any actions against the Marauders main camp (some even say city) up in Hidden Source. What I do know about is the last concerted action of the Marauders, which took place when the Nobles of Matia, including me, helped to guard the Tryker's treck of Water trough that part of our country.

But I think I made myself pretty clear in my letter to Daomei, not least in mentioning that the Marauders, for one reason or the other, are not seriously considered as homins by many hominists. I will be more direct, though, if you did not consider this clear enough. In the unlikely situation a critical, a crucial argument arises between the nations of, say, New Trykoth and Zorai and - even more unlikely - the Zorai declare war against the Lakelands and move their troups in: will you march with the Zorai, Irfidel? Will Daomei defend New Trykoth, and you both suddenly see face to face as enemies? Will one or both of you decide to fight on one side, or decide to take no part in it at all? Where will the Rangers be? What official position will the stateless, as a represented group, take? And will, whatever answer you give, that be an answer that can be taken for, or against all of the stateless, the same way you take my argument against all Matis?



Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#14 [en] 

Let's focus on the original referral "madman on the loose, a war lord, or a colonialist". It's hard to argue on examples because the context always is amiss. Let me try.

If the Zorai declare war on the Trykers my likely stance will be to remain neutral as I try to be in political and religious debates. However, if some mad Zorai would have killed Mabreka himself and succumbed all of Zorai, now invading Trykoth, I'd be volunteering to the Taliari as a helping hand. If, on the other hand, the Tryker had set fire to the marvellous trees in the Jungle, threatening to do the same to the cities, I'd fight them with all my heart.

You are right, and I've not intended to imply the opposite, that every stateless has to speak for himself. All homins have to make up their own opinion, stateless or citizen. That is what I call true freedom. Report to your own conscience as the highest instance.

Do not mix up the stateless with the Rangers, please. I may be stateless. I may aspire to become a ranger. In fact I feel more like a ranger already, especially without an official "promotion" - especially because I have - like you have - survived in the wild during the second swarm. As we both know, we both admired the rainbow bridges together at the time in the Kami Oasis without making the big step. It was a hardship during those cycles to just stay alive. So I still cannot believe your words now, and still hope this is some kind of misunderstanding...

Again, my protest aims against your wording that "the stateless will not rise to help a nation which is attacked by a madman on the loose, a war lord, or a colonialist.". This is phrased in an absolute term. "Everybody who is not a citizen will not defend freedom from outside dangers" is what I interpret into this statement. And this is simply not true. We both know that. So what is the point of this provocation?

#15 [en] 

Dear Irfidel,

there seem to be some sort of misunderstanding indeed, and there mayx well be some sort of misunderstanding on my side, as I feel like a fish out of water debating in a dialect not my own. Yet there are a few things I would like to point out to you, to clear up as I think the saying is.

You say: "Do not mix up the stateless with the Rangers, please." But I do, and I do deliberately, for that is one of the aspects of that treaty, Irfidel. For example, the treaty was signed "on behalf of Tenants" (which, as there is no other definition of that term mentioned in the treaty, I suspect are the stateless) by Orphie Dradius, Head of Atys Rangers. In the treaty itself it says, "The Emissary stateless and his deputy are elected by an assembly stateless and appointment confirmed by the leader of Atys Rangers." So I guess that every representative, while elected by the stateless homins, becomes a representative only by confirmation through the Atys Rangers. This also implies that if the Atys Rangers do not see that elected candidate fit for the position, they can decline confirmation and another representative has to be found. By all means, the fact that the stateless, according to that treaty, are represented by an elected and Ranger confirmed homin opposes in a way your belief that every stateless speaks for himself - and I am, of course, not referring to conscience as the highest instance, which is a philosophical term not the least addressed in the treaty praised above.

One remark I made, and which you felt most uncomfortable with, is my line ""the stateless will not rise to help a nation which is attacked by a madman on the loose, a war lord, or a colonialist" - which, of course, you suss out and in doing so loose the context, as well as the deeper meaning. I will give you another example*: Do you remember the tense situation between the Fyros and the Matis during the time of Dexton's illness, when the Fyros historian entered Matia unannounced and unguided and was arrested by the Border Guards? Do you remember that we were at the brink of War, and that Lykos already prepared soldiers to invade the Verdant Heights? If not the Chamber of Nobles, and our sorely missed Karan Yrkanis had been able to pour oil on troubled waters, if they had stayed passive, the fundamentalists in Fyros, and the hot-headed heir, who had both already added fuel to the flames, would have gone to war against us. Now, would you, would Daomei, would Rangers or stateless have fought on our side? The tready above commits every homin to help every nation to fight Kitins, invading Marauders, and Goo, and to perform first aid in the course of natural desasters. But it commits no-one to aid a nation in the course of an aggressive invasion from another nation. The line "Homins must act to prevent conflicts between nations", which is placed in the treaty, means all - and nothing at all.

Finally, I think this is neither the right time, nor the right place to discuss the philosophical concept of "true freedom". I would like to point out, though, that the Marauders, to my knowledge, claim that they live in true freedom, free from resposibilities, from laws, from scruples, but indeed reporting to their own conscience - following a moral pattern, a moral principle totally alien to you and me. This is, though, a debate we should pursue elsewhere.


*[This referring to Leanon]


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis
Last visit Tuesday, 4 June 04:53:44 UTC

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