
#33 Report | Quote[en] 


My apartment is in Pyr
My GH is in Pyr
The segregation order has me assigend to Pyr
I wanna be in Pyr

According to the post ..... only peeps wanting to keep theoir OLD guild halls and Apartments have to do the terminal thing. Says everyone else uses same old NPC to buy and "elevators" to get in

Buying a new guild hall or apartment in the capitalsThe system stays the same: Guild halls and apartments are sold by the usual NPC, at the usual price.Access stays the same, using the elevators.

Buying a new guild hall or apartment in other townsA NPC selling apartments and another selling guild halls have appeared in each town. They offer guild halls and apartments at a reduced price.

Edited 6 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (1 decade ago)


#34 Report | Quote[en] 

I was one that always loved the idea to have my apartment in Avendale, anyway I agree with your complaints:

first: devs should have advised that apt and gh in other towns would have been cheaper.

second: using 2 UI to do the same thing is bad programming.

third: seems devs don't wanna manage too much the original code, and prefer sticking with webig interface. Personally, i disagree with this choice for a lot of reasons, performances included, but i can understand why: easier to manage webig apps than the original codebase, considering now there are 3 different clients.

I had patience and didn't bought anything till the things would have been sorted out with the patch. I was right to wait.

Anyway, if you hate the terminal, just buy a new one. 1 million for an oldie, is easy to gain, more, if you choose another town it will be 500k, for a master crafter, that's just 2 overseers runs.

Don't blame devs for this work. they are doing their best, unfortunately not everything it's done correctly.


Legion of Atys

#35 Report | Quote[en] 

Overseer runs get old real fast. But that brings up another whacky thing. Overseer pays 100 times more for crafts that vendor NPC's ..... what ?????

And lotta peeps have alt GHs + alt Apartments so it adds up.

Should be able to sell the old to get new.... problem solved,


#36 Report | Quote[en] 

is it true that I have to have an appartments for me to get an pumpkin? ...I already have a q100 Yubo Teddy

#37 Report | Quote[en] 


Following the many questions that we received following the patch, we are publishing this additional information, as a Q&R.

  • What about the keyboard shortcut CTRL+<num>, for switching between action bars?
      • This bug has been resolved.

  • Buying some bricks from trainers displays a warning explaining that if we buy this apartment, it will destroy the previous one and its content. What should we do?
      • This is a display bug. This confirmation window only appears after you have visited  an Apartment Caretaker and disappears when you disconnect.

  • The font has changed since the patch. How can we get the old one back or at least change it?
      • We are working on this bug and we will keep you informed.

Town gameplay

  • I activated an access terminal in the wrong town for my hall or my apartment, just after the patch, before I knew it would be final. Is it possible to restore it?
      • We are currently thinking about a solution. Given that there was some uncertainty around access terminals, we are considering resetting all activations of access terminals. This reset would not impact the content of your halls or apartments, you would simply need to activate the access terminal that you want to use.

  • Why did you change the hall/apartment access in the capitals? It would have been more logical to use the elevators rather than a Ring terminal. Why didn't you use a transfer procedure? Is it a final or temporary solution?
      • For roleplay reasons, we needed to add halls and apartments in the towns, but it was not possible for us to have both the old (capitals only) and new (all towns) systems work in the same way. Therefore, we had to make a choice to prevent players that had already bought a hall or apartment from losing all the contents.
      • We can only encourage you, in the long term, to buy new-style halls/apartments, which would ultimately make the Ring terminals useless, and would allow us to remove them from the game. But, we really wanted to leave you the choice and therefore created this auxiliary system, which, while not perfect, allows you to keep your old hall/apartment and their content.

  • I am english-speaking, playing in the Desert. As the allocated town for my community is Pyr, the capital, I can't benefit from the reduced housing prices in the towns. Could you do something about this?
      • We would need to find a way to target only the english-speaking players playing in the Desert, so that only them can benefit from the reduced prices in Pyr. We are currently thinking about this.

  • I am english-speaking, playing in the Desert. My hall / apartment is already in Pyr, the allocated town for my community, and the new system forces me to access it via the Access terminal. Why do I have to buy a new hall / apartment to be able to use the elevators access, whereas it's already in the right town?
      • Pyr is a specific case, as it's both the capital and the Desert town allocated to the english-speaking community. Buying a new hall / apartment in the same place indeed seems illogical. However, it is a technical requirement for switching from the old to the new system.

  • Why this price difference between capitals and towns? Are the halls/apartments in the towns different in size or aspect from the ones in the capitals?
      • The halls/apartments in the towns are the same as the ones in the capitals.
      • The price in the capitals has not been raised whereas the NPCs will now sell up to Q290. Reducing the prices in the towns is a way to encourage players to settle there, which will ultimately facilitate the roleplay restart of the nations.

  • "Why do I have to move to another town while my faction only gives me access to the capital of my country?"
      • Moving is only a possibility, you can also elect to keep living in a capital.


  • When will Rybambel be back?    
      • The Rybambel Company will be back at the same time as apartment items.

  • Will we need to deliver the Rybambel packages to the Ring terminals?
      • No, you will have to deliver them to the Apartment Caretaker in each town.

Anlor Winn

  • If I choose an apartment pumpkin as a reward, and I don't have an apartment, will I lose it?
      • No, you will get your reward when you buy an apartment.

We wish you a very pleasant stay on Atys,

The Ryzom Team


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#38 Report | Quote[en] 

Some of us are having a hard time understanding the need for apartments and guild halls in separate towns for role play events.

In the past events were held all over the planet, with many far from a town, if you needed to change gear or get an item you tp'd out, got what you needed and came back. Many members of my guild are from non English speaking countries with some English speaking skills. They would probably choose different language events to attend.

Is this change a prelude to wars between the French/German/English speaking communities/cities ?

#39 Report | Quote[en] 

Tamarea (atys)

Why this price difference between capitals and towns? Are the halls/apartments in the towns different in size or aspect from the ones in the capitals? [list][list][*]The halls/apartments in the towns are the same as the ones in the capitals.[*]The price in the capitals has not been raised whereas the NPCs will now sell up to Q290. Reducing the prices in the towns is a way to encourage players to settle there, which will ultimately facilitate the roleplay restart of the nations.

Clarification - The price difference in the towns is limited to just the price of the apartments / GH's ? Or mats and other items will also be cheaper ?

It says that NPC's will now sell up to QL290 in the same sentence it says the price in the capitals has not been raised. Does that mena only capitals will sell QL290 mats ?

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (1 decade ago)


#40 Report | Quote[en] 

And ..... I understand we lose our decorations if we rebuy our GHs/Apartments. If that means just the stuff post merge, that's minimal. If it means all our stuff from pre-merge, that's different. Never quite got a handle on whether all the stuff pre-merge is already lost.


#41 Report | Quote[en] 

FF --

  We already have lost our apartments and all the contents therein, that we had before the Second Swarming (server merge).  That was part of the reset. 

 As far as I know, there have been no decorations since the merger (did any come from the Anlon Wenn events?).

  This is how I understand it.

Edit: removed content that was redundant

Last edited by Bitttymacod (1 decade ago)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#42 Report | Quote[en] 

Xatokar (atys)
Some of us are having a hard time understanding the need for apartments and guild halls in separate towns for role play events.

In the past events were held all over the planet, with many far from a town, if you needed to change gear or get an item you tp'd out, got what you needed and came back. Many members of my guild are from non English speaking countries with some English speaking skills. They would probably choose different language events to attend.

Is this change a prelude to wars between the French/German/English speaking communities/cities ?

In my opinion, the addition of GH/apts in other towns is not just for rp purpose.
Avendale is french community, and I am not. Still I always wanted my apartment in Avendale, because my animals were always there, due the short distance to Loria.

The problem is not GH/apts in other towns, is just the way devs have implemented the passage for the already created GH/apts.

Something they could have totally avoided, just disabling GH/apt since the new system was ready.
We have lost all our heavy earned stuff for the merge, i think if the devs would have spoken frankly and told us: "please, wait a couple months without GH/apts because we need some time, in the  meantime, u can get +3 packers free, for a total of 6 (3 at usual price", i think no one would have been too much upset.

And now we would have all people buying new GH/apts with new system, time to traxfer stuff and let devs free the extra packers: no terminal and no problems at all.

I think even without extra packers, it would have been better to wait.

About last question, well, i'm not english, french nor german language so I will stay neutral digging my sources.

Last edited by Gilgameesh (1 decade ago)


Legion of Atys

#43 Report | Quote[en] 

Bitttymacod (atys)
FF --

  We already have lost our apartments and all the contents therein, that we had before the Second Swarming (server merge).  That was part of the reset.

And so i thought .... here's my logic.

1. I'm told that apartment Furniture / Decorations are not active post merge so therefore we have nothing.

2. We are warned that id we buy a new apartment, we will lose all the contents, furniture, decorations.

3. Well .... f we had nothing post merge what could we possibly be worried about losing unless something is carried over from pre-merge


#44 Report | Quote[en] 

Fyrosfreddy (atys)
Bitttymacod (atys)
FF --

  We already have lost our apartments and all the contents therein, that we had before the Second Swarming (server merge).  That was part of the reset.

And so i thought .... here's my logic.

1. I'm told that apartment Furniture / Decorations are not active post merge so therefore we have nothing.

2. We are warned that id we buy a new apartment, we will lose all the contents, furniture, decorations.

3. Well .... f we had nothing post merge what could we possibly be worried about losing unless something is carried over from pre-merge

You are right, freddy, devs clearly stated that they couldn't be sure, but would have tried to preserve all decorations and furniture from pre-merge. A half-promise, essentially.

Personally I'm just interested in the storage, but I can understand people that wanna save old furniture.


Legion of Atys

#45 Report | Quote[en] 

Gilgameesh (atys)

Your calcs are right, but why so upset of overseer missions? they are not day after day.

I'm not upset at all over overseer missions. I think they serve their purpose. My point is that there is no alternative. Ya oughta be able to "make a living" in other ways besides:

1. Go to Location A and take missions 1,2,3
2. Go to Location B and take missions 4,5,6
... and so on, repeating the same tasks in the same order because its most efficient.

Digging and Crafting for example, one can choose 5 different regions, choose difficulty levels to suit your varying skills, can easily find different groups to team with, not to mention increase your skill points in a noticeable way that "craft 7 vests" doesn't do.

To my mind, the overseer missions are a "kludge" ... a work around that I guess is intended as a temporary alternative until devs get a sense of how things settle out. For non diggers / crafters I imagine changing or cycling tribe based missions where ya have story based reason to go out and kill "x" number of bandits / mobs / nameds.
Gilgameesh (atys)
devs clearly stated that they couldn't be sure, but would have tried to preserve all decorations and furniture from pre-merge. A half-promise, essentially.

The furniture will all come back easily enough but the event based stuff has some nice memories associated therewith.

Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (1 decade ago)


#46 Report | Quote[en] 

Just bought a GH in Hoi-Cho. After paying, you cant get in trough elevator as said above. when contacting a CSR they confirmed its a known issue (quote "ok, it sems we have a few cases of this, provided you have done all thats correct, as in bought from guild caretaker, then accesing via elevator and not touching the terminal")

So best wait with buying a new GH untill ticket is resolved. Will keep you updated, since WG wont.


Edited 2 times | Last edited by Magisty (1 decade ago)

#47 Report | Quote[en] 

wow, I really like how the elevators works in for the Matisian Conservatory/Observatory (I cannot remember) ...Marco Menini

just simply walk straight in and it instantaneously takes right away to the correct menu or anything like that ^_^

Last edited by Muffin (1 decade ago)

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