

#76 [en] 

5) This one I'm not sure how it can be achieved, but some way to discourage cheesy farming of pvp points. Maybe if you keep killing the same person(s), the amount of pvp points you get from him keep diminishing until it goes to zero (or very low) for a cooldown period of several hours?

6) Add more items to PVP vendors. The skirts and shields are awesome, so some new exclusive items like those. Maybe even craft patterns for faction gear. I know this one is more difficult to achieve due to staff limitations though.

5.  As this remains the only way to get such, or similar,  items, I have been tempted to do the same myself.  Provide a legitimate alternative and this becomes a non issue.

6.  See above :)


#77 [en] 

I don't understand what it is you want Freddy other than trying to sound like an IRS manual. What do you want?


How can one respond to that ?  You complain about the length but despite the detail provided, you don't understand.  So what am i supposed to do ?   Explain in more detail so you can complain again ?

it's been made clear.  Others have responded, some agree some don't but most seem to understand the concepts.

As far as attacking you, for "responding in kind"... as long as you leave out the profanity and racial epithets, I will respond in kind here.

Zuletzt geändert von Fyrosfreddy (vor 8 Jahren)


#78 [en] 

stop trolling Freddy

#79 [en] 

ROFL jiminy crickets what does it take to get you to say, "I want a new dress?" or "I want this or that."

You want to contnually attack me as being an unintelligent person. I do not appreciate that.


The Clan

#80 [en] 

Rik could you rename the thread to a lengthy battle of words between freddy and nehriey!! ̿' ̿'\̵͇̿̿\з=(◕_◕)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿

2 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Nitrouss (vor 8 Jahren) | Grund: BOOBIES!


Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, you gain strength.
Through strength, you gain power.
Through power, you gain victory.
Through victory, your chains are broken.
Ma-Duk shall free you.

#81 [en] 

rofl :)))


The Clan

#82 [en] 

5) This one I'm not sure how it can be achieved, but some way to discourage cheesy farming of pvp points. Maybe if you keep killing the same person(s), the amount of pvp points you get from him keep diminishing until it goes to zero (or very low) for a cooldown period of several hours?

For starters the GMs could actually take away the farmed items of those caught cheating and ban them for a long time. Its ridiculous that people were allowed to keep them.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#83 [en] 

I understand the concerns about "PvP farming", but I can't agree to the cheating accusations.

The problem clearly is that while one cannot negotiate and arrange fights with a vorax or a kincher, that is well possible with player character counterparts.

But, without negotiating the terms of combat, and being in agreement about, PvP is widely impossible.

The core of PvP, as I understood and learnt from friends enthusiastic about, is to explore all the variants and intricacies of a given combat system, to invent ever new methods to attack and defend, to change weapons and armor, and, most important of all, to hone reactions towards mastery in all situations.

This is, like every learning, only possible through constant training, and even training rota, until the reactions, say recharging and firing enchants during combat, changing enchants from attack (e.g. affliction) to healing, and so on, come automatically, without thinking about, like an instinct. This kind of mastery is what distinguishes experts from newcomers, even with inferior weaponry and armor, and secures their superiority against larger numbers. It also requires to emulate several models and variants of attack and defence, under negotiated combat situations. And all of them have to be experienced and trained repeatedly until feeling natural.

It seems unnatural to me to punish and discourage training routine. And it is merely impossible to tell training routine from "farming" of PvP points.

Mind that level grind is rewarded with experience, and, if the trainee is not dumb, with the loot of the training victims useful for crafting or in trade (Diwu and me just earned several million dappers from our horncher bounty which somebody chose to buy in resale :)). PvP training at least yields PvP points in case that the wierd fame rules apply, else it "earns" nothing than equipment attrition.

Earning of PvP rewards should be balanced in all aspects. It should be worth while the loss off armor, weapons, ammo, and sometimes mektoubs, but should not be a source of uber stuff inviting to abuse. This balance is hard to achieve but should be possible. Threatening "PvP farmers" will only lead to less, not more PvP, in my opinion.

2 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Daomei (vor 8 Jahren)


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#84 [en] 

And it is merely impossible to tell training routine from "farming" of PvP points.

Errr.. when someone sits there killing an alt over and over again well thats farming. If someone repetitively kills someone else whilst they don't attack back, then they swap turns.. well thats farming also. Its not hard to tell. Then again considering you think a character in refugee gear not moving from a boss spawn for a solid week might just be curious about the surrounding fauna this doesn't surprise me at all. Especially when the farming alt decides to start selling off all the farmed gear on uni chat for dappers.. well then its pretty obvious isn't it?

PvP point farming only leads to less PvP not more because if you take away the reward system of doing something then less people will do it. Would have thought that would be pretty obvious as well.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#85 [en] 

Well, I recommend not to bring up the camping issue again and again. It will lead to pointless polemics, and in the end, you'll get hurt. And while I am catty and evil enough to enjoy polemics, I hate when people I like get hurt. So let us agree to disagree about.

As to PvP farming as you describe it, yes, that is not good, and not healthy. But how do you tell legitimate combat training, also with uneven chances, testing the options left in desperate situations, from unfair farming out of greed for points only? Do you want every PvP practitioner being overheard and spied upon?

Much more, there are those many borderline situations. When somebody is training again and again, even with an alt, or a friend, or the alt of a friend, she may try to achieve perfection, but also may combine it with the usefulness of getting some reward.

I agree that ethics and responsibility should be encouraged and enforced by community consensus. That may mean that one frowns upon unfair techniques and spread the word of disapproval of such practice. But in my opinion, that is the only possibility. Setting up a bureaucratic ruleset, and enforcing it by strict supervision, will discourage everybody, even those who have nothing unfair in mind.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#86 [en] 

In the old game I played. When someone was defeated in CPK (chaotic player killing) it would announce it globally wide.


"So and so just killed So and so in honorable CPK combat!"

Now if we had an announcement similar to this, it would show the whole community who was farming points.

Admittedly, it would be hard to set up a system that monitored whether or not a person was farming points. I do think the community at large might exert a certain amount of peer pressure on someone's name who popped up 50 times in an hour.

Zuletzt geändert von Nehrie (vor 8 Jahren) | Grund: MIght improve interest in PvP too. Wouldn't be hard to implement....


The Clan

#87 [en] 

On that thought....

It would be nice if we could type in a command like "player virg" and see how many pvp kills they had. Another thing we could do is show a record of someone's pvp kills. Who they had defeated and when.

I think the PvP community and general population might find this interesting.

IMHO I would almost rather have bragging rights than crystals and gear.

The same with Yubo points it would be nice to type in "player virg yubo" and see their yubo points.

I guess in a way the mara gear for pvp or other factions is that. A way of getting bragging rights.

I think that is a reward that most players would like. Being able to have others see how good they are.

I suppose you could implement something like it for people who harvest. Person who took the most mats out of a hole ever or something.

Zuletzt geändert von Nehrie (vor 8 Jahren) | Grund: Used Virg's name cause it's easy to spell.


The Clan

#88 [en] 

Why someone would know the amount of Yubo point of an another player ? This looks completely pointless.

Same for PvP, who wants to show how many kill he did today, yesterday, the past weeks ? And this will not solved the farming issue. In my opinion, when you tag up you sign an implicit contract : you accept to be attacked by anyone whatever you are doing (leveling, digging, crafting ... either afk). If you don't want to be bothering by others players just don't tag ...

I don't really see the problem with farming PvP point, the player can detag, change his location etc... Cause if this is a problem, what can we say about player with alts camping bosses ?

@Nehrie, still my personal point of view, but i'm not enjoying at all the idea to display activity of my character like who i killed, the amount of point i have. There is no need to display such kind of info. This will only give more consideration to arrogant people (you know the one always saying that you are a noob).

My 2 daps.

#89 [en] 

see how many pvp kills they had. Another thing we could do is show a record of someone's pvp kills. Who they had defeated and when.
It looks like that:  https://zkillboard.com/ (another game though, not Ryzom).

This can be done via API. The old Ryzom Armory could track locations and equipment of characters, perhaps tracking PvP kills could also be implemented. 
 who wants to show how many kill he did today, yesterday, the past weeks?
Strange question. Many PvP players absolutely love all sorts of ladders, top killers lists and things like that. That makes competition more fun and interesting. Bragging rights, statistics, records for memorable kills, and it's easy to tell who is indeed a skilled PvP player judging by number of kills.

#90 [en] 

Man I got a good laugh out of this. :)) @sinvader

There is a long line standing calling me noob. lol I think I am at the head of that line. :))

I hadn't considered the amount of PvP points we have being published. I personally see no need for that.

More like sinvader as 0 pvp kills, nehrie has 950 million pvp kills :))

As far as Yubo points that is already implemented except that no one can see you have completed all of them or how far along you are or how many points you have. I can see taking that the extra step letting other players in the game see your amount of Yubo points.

I do think it would cut down on people farming. Unless that's acceptable practice. Guess I can just drag out my alts and start collecting pvp points if that's the case.


The Clan


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