
#1 Melden | Zitieren[fr] 

A strange agitation ran throughout Atys: a craving to hum, to decorate one's house and even the whole bark, to give away gifts, to party... What magic had seized them all?
Ho, ho, ho! Of course! Atysmas was finally back!
Somewhere in Almati Wood, still surrounded by magical dust of invisibility, the Atysmas-village was already buzzing. Just like every Atysmas, the Lutrykins were busy preparing mountains of gifts in their workshops. Hopefully everything would be ready for the opening of the village and the launch of festivities on 13h - Holeth, Pluvia 30, 4. AZ 2575 (*)!
(*) [OOC] The Atysmas-events will start on Samstag 21 Dezember 2013 20:00:00 UTC (vor 1 Jahrzehnt) at the Atysmas village located in Almati Wood. Almati Wood is accessible by teleporter from all the temples located near each capital.

Here is the schedule of the festivities :

Samstag 21 Dezember 2013 20:00:00 UTC (vor 1 Jahrzehnt) : inauguration of Atysmas village and launch activities.

Samstag 21 Dezember 2013 20:00:00 UTC (vor 1 Jahrzehnt) to Thursday, 2 January 2014: Enter a treasure hunt to earn an Atysmas tree to be planted at the place of your choice!

Sonntag 22 Dezember 2013 20:00:00 UTC (vor 1 Jahrzehnt): Atysmas Vigil and story telling.

Sunday, 22 December to Thursday, 2 January 2014: Scavenger hunt.

... Don't forget the handing out of gifts and other surprises throughout all of Atysmas!

7 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Ghost of Atys (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)

#2 Melden | Zitieren[fr] 

Whom to contact for taking part in story telling event?

#3 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

I guess from experience it's gonna be the moment itself. Meaning they will need to find translators, some stories gonna not be in rule with the concept again and so on....

Why not let us send in the story 24h before so somebody can translate it and that it can be checked if it's within the rules?

ps. Fish maybe if you plan to participate use google translate to translate it in 3 languages already so you can copy paste all different languages in the apropriate channels so that we don't get the discussion like during haloween (not sure I'll have time to write something this time)


#4 Melden | Zitieren[fr] 

Ho no, please, don't use google translate for translate tales. It's horrible, incomprehensible. Google translate is good when sentence is very simple and word no more complicated. For hunt, it's ok. To translate word by word, it acceptable. But for litterary text, it's a butchery.

Better way is to translate our tales before the evening, try to translate ourselves and ask correction by good speaker (I can translate by french to english, but it's just little better than google trad... no perfect. And I can't translate in german, spanish, russian...).

But better is to create short tale. I love talkative, but if we are 10 to narrate, and add translation, evening is long, long... And translate short tale is more easy for translator.

I try to limit my tales at 30 lines (with emote). Like chat have limit for number of character in one line, I can't speak too much. Hard exercice of brevity ! Maximum : 50 lines. It's very long to talk and translate.

If people want help us to translate tales before event, please report it here ! I can translate by english to french, but only if it's very, very simplist (a tale for people 3 year old... ok !).


Plus d'histoires ici.

#5 Melden | Zitieren[fr] 

at haloween even the short tails took 30min and longer and even then most stuff was quite unreadable (and when translating on the spot you will never be able to get the whole thing nice and toughether like the original was), actually thinking about it they should let us send in texts over a week in advance so some ppl can do some decent work on the texts otherwise it will never be a nice thing.


#6 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Suboxide (atys)
at haloween even the short tails took 30min and longer and even then most stuff was quite unreadable (and when translating on the spot you will never be able to get the whole thing nice and toughether like the original was), actually thinking about it they should let us send in texts over a week in advance so some ppl can do some decent work on the texts otherwise it will never be a nice thing.

I have had similar issues with some of the French players during RP events. Real-time translation really doesn't work, whether it's because the translator gets overwhelmed and falls behind and/or omits stuff, or because Google Translate fails.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#7 Melden | Zitieren[fr] 

Details about the story telling event are readable here.
Last visit Samstag 15 Juni 12:11:56 UTC

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