[Event for all] Celebrate Atysmas from December 21st to January 2nd!

Ho no, please, don't use google translate for translate tales. It's horrible, incomprehensible. Google translate is good when sentence is very simple and word no more complicated. For hunt, it's ok. To translate word by word, it acceptable. But for litterary text, it's a butchery.

Better way is to translate our tales before the evening, try to translate ourselves and ask correction by good speaker (I can translate by french to english, but it's just little better than google trad... no perfect. And I can't translate in german, spanish, russian...).

But better is to create short tale. I love talkative, but if we are 10 to narrate, and add translation, evening is long, long... And translate short tale is more easy for translator.

I try to limit my tales at 30 lines (with emote). Like chat have limit for number of character in one line, I can't speak too much. Hard exercice of brevity ! Maximum : 50 lines. It's very long to talk and translate.

If people want help us to translate tales before event, please report it here ! I can translate by english to french, but only if it's very, very simplist (a tale for people 3 year old... ok !).


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