

#34 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Talkirc (atys)
Kaerah (atys)
I appreciate all you hard-core Ryzom lovers. Really I do. You have put in your time to learn the game....... ...............why Ryzom is so desolate.

well brother (or sister) i've been here playing this for years now, and i'm still saying things like your saying, that lower level players are lacking in content to keep them going more, we won't cater to you by any means, but with effort we can change things together, i believe that more is needed for both ends now, i've had many ideas, some would favor you, some would favor high lvl players, believe me when i say that we with higher skills (if even only 1) will help you, if you just ask, and i really wish that you would ask me, you may find that i feel alot like you do about alot of things in ryzom (if in doubt, search for my name as the author of the post) but that even as i complained i continued to play, now i'm much better at all the things you listed, and have friends to do things with, so there is an advantage to having a more mature out look i guess. anyway, come and don't give up so easy.

there are cookies to be had in ryzom.


It's bad luck to be superstitious . . .

Palta e decata, nan nec ilne matala.

When one goes on a journey it is not the scenery that changes, but the traveller

#35 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

all jokes aside regarding tumble's really lovely sarcasm

(oh im still laughing every time i read it, awesome man!)

it wouldnt be too bad if players could leave a little flimsy signpost saying YO go out the north west exit of zora up the hill to get to knot of dimentia otherwise you will have more difficulty than you need!

i guess i can try to make some sort of player-tips webapp thtat works in webig... im not really good with that stuff but i will ask someone i know. maybe if i am in zora i can go read the zora player-tips about mobs and safer paths

i guess its basically just a webpage anyway with some text but it would be fun to make it so that you have to be standing in a certain spot before you can access it, or if the app can check your ryzom x-y coordinates and display things based on where you are (i already know this isnt possible at this time)

i can imagine a simple interface, it says at the top "where are you now, approximately?" then there are some nice buttons to click on, you pick zora and can read a few notes submitted by other players

actually you can make a webapp to point to a forum post if im not mistaken so.... hmm

ok, lets say i post one forum topic asking for submissions (REALLY REALLY SHORT tips) by category so my tip for example could fall under

zora, pathways
best way to KoD jungle from Zora is NW exit up the hill, the green doggies will help you sometimes to kill aggro!

then someone else posts for example:

maiden grove, pathways
the map is actually inaccurate, try talking from the MG altars toward the direction of the goo to safely reach paramount stock

then i copy/paste the MG tip and my tip into Zora, pathways reply (different topic in same thread) and in the webapp when you click on the jungle-->pathways you can see both tips

the forum post would be a little messy but it could work if everyone contributes using nice short tips with tags

what do you think?

forest-->difficulty--> if you want a challenge this is the place to be, but be warned you stand to level more slowly than someone living in the jungle, so choose carefully


P.S. gingos can smell all the snacks you have in your backpack it's not their fault they are hungry


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#36 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

No worries sweety! I will help you in the forest, and will never forget Eruvs whining about it! hahaha, He said something to the effect, iirc, that he will play the whole game and never step foot in the forest again. I conviced him to keep playing the game, and i think he is thankful, lol.
The hardness and challenge to me intrigued me so much, i loved exploring on my own after i had friends to lvl up with like Aruchima, Junjunq, Huek, Bennassi, Deathlyy, Bakasheep and others, Make friends to lvl up, then explore on your own, it is so exciting! You will have a blast.
Last visit Sonntag 16 Juni 15:33:31 UTC

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