
#37 [en] 


Maybe you didn't read my reply, I was just saying..

I see nothing about teleports there...

...aside from being a direct response to a comment explicitly about teleports. Context has meaning too. Maybe you didn't read what you were actually saying?


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#38 [en] 

I have a "super power" wherein I always (Always (ALWAYS)) die in the PR... I am a "death magnet" wrt the Prime Roots


I need me a new tag line on my messages!

#39 [en] 

I am a "death magnet" wrt the Prime Roots

Count yourself lucky, back in the days when I was a noob fresh from Silan, Binarabi used to craft my gear and sew bacon strips into the lining.

Now that's an agro magnet!


Everone has an opinion, and of course are entitled to have one, but others are equally entitled to decide whether they choose to agree or disagree. Acting like a complete Muppet isn't likely going to change minds or win support :)
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