
#1 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Deutsch
(OOC: Hereafter, reports sent by Filira Salazar Caradini, Historian at and member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis, to the Academy, will be released. They will be published in irregular and not neccesarily chronological order.)


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#2 Multilingual 

Multilingual | English | [Deutsch]
Betreffend das sogenannte "Orakel von Min-Cho"

Bereits vor einiger Zeit kam auf einem Treffen der Kreise von Min -Cho die Sprache auf das sogenannte "Orakel von Min -Cho", welches gerüchteweise einigen Einheimischen bekannt sei. Doch keiner der Erleuchteten hatte diesen Homin, der vorgab, ein Hellseher zu sein, bisher getroffen, noch hatte der Weise Saison jemals vom "Orakel" gehört. Der Erleuchtete Rikutatis kündigte eine Untersuchung in der Sache an. Danach hat man nichts mehr von dieser Angelegenheit gehört.

Auf der jüngsten Versammlung der Kreise in Zora geschah es dann, dass dieses "Orakel" - eine Zorai - die Bühne betrat und eine Vorstellung gab, die sicherlich einen bleibenden Eindruck bei den anwesenden Zoraï hinterlassen hat und wahrscheinlich einige Gutgläubige bereits völlig überzeugte. Sie begann mit einer Demütigung der Kreise, welche sie als "Halbkreise" im besten Falle beschrieb, wobei keiner der Zorai - nicht einmal der Weise - ihr widersprach. Dann fuhr sie fort, die Zorai würden stetig im Kreis laufen oder aber schlummern, in jedem Fall jedoch nicht in der Lage sein, die Wahrheit zu sehen. Schließlich stellte sie drei Vorhersagen, in Rätsel verpackt, wie es in dieser Branche Tradition ist. Diese Prophezeiungen lauteten wie folgt:

1. Die Kinder des Goo werden den Zorai etwas sehr Geschätztes nehmen.

2. Ein verletztes mythologisches Ungeheuer wird in Raserei verfallen und Zerstörung in den Verdorrenden Landen anrichten.

3. Die Ahnen der Zorai werden sich erheben und gegen die derzeitige Theokratie marschieren.

Einige der Anwesenden begonnen sogleich mit den Mutmaßungen, wie diese Vorhersagen im Einzelnen gemeint sein könnten. Die meisten Fragen, die von Homins wie der Erleuchteten Zhoi gestellt wurden und die präzisere Antworten erfordert hätten, wurden erwartungsgemäß vom "Orakel" ignoriert. Auf die Frage des Unterzeichners, wer das sogenannte Orakel denn mit ihren besonderen Fähigkeiten versehen hätte, antwortete sie : "Mein Fähigkeiten kommen von jenem, was Ihr verwerft, was Ihr leugnet." Auf die Frage, warum - wenn sie ihr Geschenk denn von den Kami erhalten habe - der Große Weise Mabreka-Cho offensichtlich keine Ankündigung vom Kommen einer Zorai-Hellseherin erhalten habe, antwortete sie: "Die Wahrheit braucht keine Ankündigung. Sie kommt einfach. Es gibt keine Möglichkeiten. Es gibt nur die Vorbestimmung. "

Einige der Zoraï, die ihren Glauben durch die Idee einer Vorbestimmung als Erschütterung ihres Glaubens empfanden, da derartige Unausweichlichkeit die Gnade der freien Wahl obsolet macht, begannen daraufhin das "Orakel" zu hinterfragen. Dieses brachte seinen öffentlichen Auftritt jedoch mit einer beeindruckenden professionellen Gelassenheit zuende und verließ die Versammlung.

Wenn man selbst kein Hellseher ist, kann man nur vermuten, welchen bleibenden Eindruck dieses sogenannte Orakel bei den Zoraï hinterlassen hat und inwieweit sich dieser auf künftige Handlungen auswirkt. Bereits jetzt wurde eine höhere Sicherheit für Mabreka-Cho und eine Aufrüstung der dynastischen Wachen gefordert. Die Zerschlagung der des zoraischen Glaubens in die Philosophie des Kamismus ist oberflächlich von geringer Bedeutung für andere Länder, zumal für jene, die dem überlegenen Licht Jenas vertrauen. Doch wenn wir die Sache genauer durchdenken, ist die Bedeutung bedeutend größer. Die Schwächung der Position von Mabreka-Cho und seiner Kreise, die ein ziemlich offensichtliches Ergebnis sein muss, wenn die Zorai die Berufung des sogenannten Orakels durch die Kami für selbstverständlich nehmen, wird zweifellos Auswirkungen auf die guten diplomatischen Beziehungen haben, die wir mit der Theokratie pflegen und könnte fürderhin in der Lage sein, die Zorai zu spalten, wodurch kein Vakuum entstünde, sondern eine neue Macht, deren Absicht im Moment nebulös ist. Eine solche Macht könnte nicht nur Mabreka-Cho und seinen Anhängern feindlich gegenüberstehen. Obwohl die Prognosen derart gebogen werden können, dass der Schuh jedem passt, können wir nicht hoffen, dass die Zoraï, leicht von mythologischen "Wahrheiten" gefesselt, dies mit ebensolchem Pragmatismus sehen. Es kann kaum Zweifel daran geben, dass viele Leichtgläubige einem neuen Propheten folgen, welcher in der Lage ist, mit der richtigen Werbung seine Sache an sie zu verkaufen. Und ich will nur einige Beispiele dafür, wie einfach es wäre, die "Prognosen" zu handfesten Tatsachen machen, aufführen:

1. Mabreka -Cho oder einer der Weisen könnte sterben. Attentate mit Goo-Munition sind in der Vergangenheit geschehen, wobei Gouvernor Still Wyler als das berühmteste Opfer gelten muss. Die Marodeure haben in der Vergangenheit auch versucht, den Weisen Supplice zu ermorden, wie einige sich vielleicht erinnern. Vielleicht ist ein solcher Schritt nicht einmal nötig : Aus meiner Beobachtung des Weisen Supplice, der bereits früher einmal an einer Goo-Infektion laborierte, schien er jüngst unaufmerksam und geschwächt, kaum in der Lage, aufrecht zu stehen. Wenn die Krankheit wieder ausbricht oder ausgebrochen ist, dann könnte den Zorai durch mehr oder weniger natürliche Ursachen, hervorgerufen durch das Goo, "etwas Geschätztes" genommen werden.

2. Ein verwundetes mythologische Tier, in den Verdorrenden Landen randalierend - je nachdem, wie "mythologisch" verstanden werden muss (und die Zorai haben wahrscheinlich viel mehr Definitionen für "mythologisch" als die Sprache der Matis in Worte fassen kann), könnte dies jede mächtige Bestie des Dschungels sein. Man muß es nur mit einer Waffe verletzen, und es wird toben. Es sei denn, es ist ein sehr sensibles Tier, welches bereits in Raserei verfällt, wenn man es beleidigt.

3. Viele Wissenschaftler glauben,das die wahren Ahnen der Zorai die Gibbai sind. Nun , einige von uns werden sich daran erinnern, dass die Gibbai in der Vergangenheit schon einmal aufgestachelt worden sind und die Verdorrenden Lande angriffen. Ich sage nicht, dass es leicht ist, sie aufzustacheln, aber ich zweifle nicht daran, dass es möglich ist, wenn diejenigen, die es versuchen, böswillig und raffiniert genug sind.

Wie man sieht, gibt es zahlreiche Möglichkeiten, die Wahrhaftigkeit dieser " Prophezeiungen" zu erzwingen, und daraus Waffen zu schmieden, die nicht nur für die Theokratie gefährlich sind, sondern auf lange Sicht auch für uns. Dieses seltsame Treiben muss genau beobachtet, die Absichten dahinter sorgsam studiert, und wenn die Vorhersagen eintreffen, ihre Wahrheit mit einer großen Prise Salz genommen werden.

Last edited by Salazar (9 years ago)


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#3 [en] 

(OOC - one does wonder what needs to be done in Zora/game to get an event off the ground ... Zora meetings were like watching paint dry - and this is partly because of this stranglehold some OLDer homins have over that place - Tryker meetings are much better)


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#4 [de] 

(OOC- whoever is in charge of this event- when valcorenoch comes back could the key of souls/goo titles be reintroduced and could we have the titles we have already won back?)

(PS. basing this on the assumption Valcorenoch is the rampaging beast- not just Rikutatis or Sygmus with a bad hair day after waking up on the wrong side of the bed) .



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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#5 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Deutsch
Re. Declining Health of the Kipuka in Captivity

Recently Trillo Antovaldo, the caretaker of the Kitin of the Depth, did inform the Kitin Study Group of the declining health of its captive.

From the symptoms given – sensibility to extreme temperatures (as in summer and winter), and to light (higher activity at night, retraction into dark corners during daytime) – it can be deduced that neither the natural end of the Kitin’s life cycle, nor an illness is responsible for the loss of appetite and animation.

The highest probability seems to be the unnatural habitat the Kitin is kept in. A creature of the depth, used to little to none natural daylight at all and only minimal fluctuations of climate, it seems to be that only for a limited time survival on the outer bark is possible (which reminds of similar observations regarding the Rotoas). This is, in fact, quite an interesting development in our studies, for it implies that – depending on the reproduction rate – Kitins of the Depth have to rotate between their natural environment and the surface of Atys, or they will weaken and most likely die.

As it can’t be our interest to limit our studies to just that one aspect, and as we have only that one Kitin of the Depth we can study at the moment, the suggestion is to move it to some place which is suitable both for the Kitin as well as for the Kitinologists. The needs here are different, obviously. For the Kitin we do need an environment which simulates the habitat natural to the creature, while for the Kitinologists we need a place which can be constantly used for observation, which is not threatened by Kitins and highly dangerous wild animals, but at the same time can be closed down on very short notice in the case the captive escapes.

The most fitting place therefore seem to be the ruin of Jinovitch’s unfinished Arena. Its corridors are perfect for simulating Kitin tunnels. They are dark, they keep a more or less constant temperature and even produce a natural humidity (although, as Filira Cuiccio Perinia since pointed out, not as high as in the Kitin lairs). Those corridors are very rarely used by homins, not even when a public spectacle takes place in the Arena.

The fact that the Arena is pretty close to the capital is just an extra. It can be reached by researchers and scientists less experienced in the Art of War without the need to be guarded. The Arena itself has only one entrance, which can be closed down quickly by soldiers. There even is a Kitin Observance Camp nearby, so relief special forces could be send in a matter of minutes. No danger to Yrkanis, not even to the camp of the Green Seeds Tribe has to be expected.

On revisiting the Arena with this thoughts in mind, it even seems to be more perfect at second view than at first. There is one rather lengthy corridor to the right from the entrance of the Arena which has a very spacious bypass in the open. That whole corridor could be closed down without much of a fuss, and serve as a Kitin cage. With more effort, even an open-air enclosure is not impossible, so that the Kitin could move inside the corridor as well as outside of it, while homins would still be able to pass by. But this concept seems to be more a pie in the sky, as the saying is. At the moment the urgent need is to move the Kitin to a place where it can regenerate its good health, and still be studied.

And wouldn’t it be almost poetical to use Jinovitch’s unfinished Arena, the brain-child of a foul creature fallen under the claws of the Kitins, as the place to study our arch-enemy?

Last edited by Salazar (9 years ago)


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#6 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Deutsch | [English]
Re. Flyners and their Practical Use

Recent projects of research in New Trykoth, funded by the N’ASA (New Academy of Sciences of Atys) and FISCH (Forschungsgesellschaft für Ingenieurswesen, Seltsames, Curiositäten und Heimlichkeiten), entails the study of the Flyner plant, growing in the Lakelands. The botanist Nili O'Toolyn and Zo'ro Argh, who led a recent excursion, reflected on the Tryker legend spread by Rosen Ba'Darins that some Trykers fled captivity once by Flyner from the slavers. Neither this event, nor the fact that Rosen Ba'Darins was a Botanist herself has led to a more detailed study of this plant later.

The Flyner is commonly defined as "airbound" because in fact the material contained in the petal is lighter than air . Stem and tuber anchor the Flyner firmly to the ground. Their distinctive tuber , which is used to store nutrients for the plant is edible but not tasty . Below the petal of the Flyner, which blooms at the end of the summer, there is a seed pod .

The recently excursion to the Lakelands - the first of its kind - led to Enchanted Island because there we expected to find the best weather conditions for the studies. It had the best fitted Flyner regarding size and maturity who were fit to Homins to take flight with them. Of course Homins of different sizes and weight need Flyners grown to the respective requirements.

In all the experiments carried out, the homins who clinged to the trunks of their Flyners were successfully carried up into the air. For this, the stem must be separated from the root tuber. None of the subjects has crashed or landed within sight of the expedition; however, only two returned back to the expedition and reported on their landing sites, which were located away from the easily accessible hiking or travel routes. It is hoped that all other subjects found safe landing sites. The undersigned has been driven by a violent gust to a high, inaccessible cliff at Crystabel, which offered a delicious view, but no extraordinary scientific findings.

In summary , it is therefore possible that the legend of the flight of the Trykers based on facts. However, the size and weight of the Flyernauts, the presence and strength of wind and buoyancy influence height and length of flight as well as the size and age of the Flyner does. None of this is controllable by the Flyernauts . Neither can he really determine the length of the flight, nor dictate its direction; like at the wind dispersal of seeds, the Flyernaut is at the mercy of the elements. Moreover, the Flyner is a relatively slow growing naturally resource – which, of course, certainly could be remedied by Matisian Botanists.

Although the Flyner can probably be used to cartographic purposes one can not predict the direction in which the Flyner carries the Flyernaut, so that the results of such research remain arbitrary and eccentric. No use has Flyner for targeted delivery of goods or Homins to a predetermined destination. Thus, a use for targeted surveillance and warfare is excluded completely.

The use of Flyners as an escape aid has remained putatively unique. In addition, the Flyner may be a risky tool for the adventurous hedonist. As a serious means of transport it is useless.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Salazar (9 years ago)


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#7 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Deutsch | [English]
Regarding uncommon Gibbais and an extraordinary Salina in the Nexus

Abstract: The research into the reason for the surprising appearance of Gibbais with unusual strength and increased resistance in Nexus has led to the finding of unusual, iridiscent Gibbai-made necklaces and the discovery of a Salina of unusual growth, whose Sap is harvested by the Gibbai.

Recently, Krikiteus Ibiton sent out an invitiation to look into the surprising appearance of Gibbais with unusual strength and increased resistance roaming the Nexus. In the Nexus Kami camp, the Dynastic botanist Haido Xuan informed the expeditionists about iridescent necklaces found on the dead Gibbai, and the theory that these necklaces were responsible for both heightened strength and increased resistance. Serae Xuan further explained that she has discovered a group of busy Gibbai around an unusually large Salina west of Hammer Hills and asked for escort through the Cuttler-infested countryside to a heightened place near the Highwatchers camp to observe the Gibbai activities. The expedition set out without further delay and reached the aforementioned observation spot.

From there the expeditionists could look down into a chasm where an enormous Salina roots. Its treetop actually towers above Hammer Hills. Around the Salina we saw about 12 Gibbai sitting and working on its bark. There was a discussion if they are celebrating a kind of ritual, as not uncommon in primitive races, or if they are extracting something from the tree. As it was impossible to see that much detail from up there, it was decided to fight the way through the Gibbai guarding the chasm and approach to the the priests or workers, hopefully without the use of further force.

Alas, that hope was futile. The workers extracting Sap – for that was what they were doing – attacked the expedition when it came close to the Salina. They did not follow it outside of the chasm, suggesting that they actually didn’t dare to move away too far from the tree. This might have been a kind of protective instinct. The expeditionists had to kill the Gibbai workers to get near the tree and collect samples of the sap; it was, unfortunately, in the haste of time not possible to take a sapling of that Salina as well, which certainly would have been of interest to our botanists.

The Sap samples were given to Haido Xuan, who then was escorted back to the camp. Krikiteus Ibiton announced there that they will be shared between the scientists of the four nations.

Addendum: A second expedition regarding this has taken place since. Please see my additional report on that.

Last edited by Salazar (3 years ago)


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#8 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Deutsch | [English]
Re. further research into unusual, iridiscent Gibbai-made necklaces. A list of failed attempts.

Abstract: Scientific research into the Gibbai necklaces and the efforts to recreate the effects.

So far, none of the institutions working on the Sap collected by the earlier expedition from the so-called Majestic Salina has been able to find an explanation or any practical use for it. However, the Royal Academy of Yrkanis identified the Sap as different from that obtained from a regular Salina.

In the Witherings, the Temple of Knowledge believed that power-giving necklaces could be created by dipping it into the purified Sap of the Majestic Salina; by that they created sticky jewellery instead of iridescent, and they were also unable to re-create the desired effect yet.

In the Fyrosian Desert, the Imperial Academy made tests by having probands drinking the Sap – either pure, warmed up, or dissolved in alcohol - instead of working it into a necklace. It led to no fatalities, but all probands suffered unwelcome side effects, none of them even remotely similar to the effects actually desired.*

In the Lakelands, FISHES is working on a way to apply the Sap through alchemistic means into jewellery in an effort to create the same effects as those the Gibbai necklaces have. For that, they try to find a working recipe. So far the only result of this is what FISHES scientists are supposed to strive for in everything they try and which I don't have to explicitly explain.

All of these studies so far have led to nothing. It seems that the best way to continue the work is through extensive field studies of the Gibbai. Ideally, given the circumstances, it would be best to win their trust.

Since the Tryker alchemist O'Banon Emmen in the FISHES laboratory used up all of his sap samples (in one known way or another) and badly needed more, this was a pretty good reason for a new expedition towards the Majestic Salina. Coincidentally, Ser O'Banon Emmen had recently rescued a baby Gibbai of the Nexus tribe from certain death and kept it near his laboratory to be returned to the Gibbai at a later date. From a scientist's point of view, and even more so from a former diplomat's, this seemed a very promising situation as the expedition would accompany both O'Banon Emmen and the Gibbai baby to Hammer Hills and ideally win the trust of the Gibbai tribe that way.

Unfortunately, not all expeditioneers turned out to be scientifically or diplomatically educated, or in any other way provident or bright. So when the expedition reached the vantage point over the chasm where the Majestic Salina is rooted, some began almost immediately to attack the harvesters using magic, and this, as expected, provoked a clash with the Gibbai tribe in which the expedition members were overpowered more than once. The baby Gibbai released by O'Banon Emmen quickly returned to its tribe, but after most of said tribe was slaughtered, it was also killed, making the whole expedition a more than just unfortunate failure. It is with a heavy heart that I have to say that not all of those who immediately went into battle with the Gibbai were barbarians from other countries, but also included followers of Jena and citizens of Matia.

To make sure not everything is lost, the expeditioneers – some of them rightfully enraged about their uncivilised, blood-thirsty company – made their way to the Majestic Salina to collect more Sap samples, which then were handed to a grieving O'Banon Emmen.

The expedition then returned to the Kami camp in Nexus for a report about this disastrous excursion, which destroyed nearly all hopes of obtaining the knowledge we are searching for both quickly and elegantly. The probably last chance will be to beg the Gibads for help and their ability to mediate between the Gibbai and us.

*There are aplenty of fairly amusing, but not exactly scientific theories about the side effects which I’ll spare you here.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Salazar (3 years ago)


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#9 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Deutsch
(OOC: Also posted in "Events")

When Salazar returned to the vast, empty rooms of his Order from the meeting of the Rangers at Almati, he was in deep thought and - to a certain degree - worried; less about the fact that the Rangers feared loss of support from the Nations, but about the reasons for the lack of that support.

Yes, of course the Rangers were either unduly secretive about their findings regarding the death of Orphie Dradius, or their scientists were simply not up to do their work properly, but in the latter case it would have been wise to include other scientists by the respective academies in their research. That they simply kept quiet alone would have been a good reason for raised doubts in their reliability. That the leaders wanted some sort of courtesy from the Rangers was not surprising, but just part of the game of politics, something an able diplomat could easily deal with.

The irritation was the fact that the leading officers of the Rangers, pretty obviously, never spent a single thought on the possibility that their leaders could pass away or vanish, and therefore did not prepare for a new leadership. They had no-one - especially with Melga Folgore declining to take the lead, not even for a transistion period - and now they asked the Rangers to come up with ideas to please the leaders of the various countries, while the officers themseves discussed to bring someone over from the Old Lands to step into Dradius' shoes. Until then they seemingly were like a snake whose head was cut off, wrigling and helpless, trying to survive - and waiting for a new head to grow.

Salazar shaked his own, sitting firmly on his shoulders.

That Akenak, Azazor - one whose arrogance could put an Uma Filar to shame - had a point in saying that the leader of the Rangers should just be the best man, not neccessarily one to please the leaders of the Nations, but in his somewhat charmless manner overlooked the fact that there was and is no-one in sight yet, that the Ranger officers are struggling since some time for a decision on a stranger who has no idea how the things are run in the New Lands. He also overlooked that the Rangers enjoy their freedom not least because they receive support from all Nations.

Salazar filled an amber cup with wine and took a swig of it. Then he sat down on his table and looked at his quills. He had thought about a report to the Academy, but what should he write? To point out the crisis of the Rangers would weaken them even more - and it would be of no use to anybody.

So he simply took another swig ... and went to bed.


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#10 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Deutsch
Re. research into uncommon, irrational, and dangerous behaviour of herbivores and initelligent plants in the Grove of Confusion.

Abstract: The recent attacks on travellers and merchants by usually harmless flora and fauna in a part of the Grove of Confusion initiated an expedition into the region to uncover the cause, which in turn led to the finding of a Karavan artifact.

Recently, the unusual and aggressive behaviour or yelks and other placid animals and even slaveni north of Westgrove Stronghold had Beero Antozzo, the leader of the Sap Slaves in the Grove of Confusion giving a report and searching help in the Royal Palace. Merchants and travellers were attacked by them in that part of our Kingdom, which, at the best of times, isn't a place you'd take your loved ones for a quiet and peaceful walk. Our Royal Highness, alarmed by the report, promised help. He set up an expedition to the camp of the Sap Slaves, from which on the Royal Hunter, Ser Tinanio Stado, joined the group. Beero Antozzo had reasonably little knowledge to share. The reports stemmed from the north of the Grove, probably near the entrance to the tunnel leading to Silan, but he didn't have enough soldiers to explore or traverse the maze. So it was pretty clear that this was a main obstacle the expeditioneers had to face.

And indeed, the expeditioneers soon faced adversity, if only the kind which was expected, namely cuttlers and jugulas. At the rangers camp near Westgrove, Bini Zhui-Hio of the rangers had little to add to what the expeditioneers already heard, but sent them up further north. So the group continued its journey, passing the rare sight of a Kipesta nest (not without a fight), but finding nothing unusual. The author, after entering Highgrove, raised the question of what might be responsible for herbivores running amuk and suggested some kind of signal or sound. But the expeditioneers, and Tinanio Stado, heard nothing, and at that point everything seemed to be more of a tall tale, not least since not much more "north" could be reached from here, and every agressive animal encountered yet was a carnivore – of which there are plenty there.

Alas, as if waiting for the right dramatic moment, the expedition was suddenly attacked by unusually strong slaveni, which they overpowered. But the next encounters were, again, more of the usual kind - a kincher patrol (which put the expedition almost in real peril), the Madding Maids, and more cuttlers. Just when the group left Highgrove, it suddenly was attacked by first mad yelks and then crazy aranas, and by then it became clear that there indeed is a mystery to solve and a reason to detect.

At Eastgrove Stronghold, the group met a hawker, who complained about the maddened animals further east. He also mentioned that, when going there, he's getting a headache after a while - which was the first real indication of indeed something preying on the minds of the fauna.

So the expedition went east back into the maze, trying to explore each corner there while fighting many ocyx, until it discovered a madakam, who, like some of the other herbivores on the way, attacked it at sight. After the madakam was struck down, Tinanio Stado with his sharp eyes spotted something in the corner the madakam obtained; a strange object, rectangular, upright, rather flat. A slight, sizzling sound was audible. By close view, the object – which seemed to be very old - showed the sign of the Karavan.

It was decided to take this artifact, with all care, back to Yrkanis. Tinanio Stado did put it carefully in his bag - after all, it was him who was ordered by the Karin to take care of the expedition - but I offered to take it over if he feels any effect; after all, the artifact seemed to have been responsible for the irrational behaviour of flora and fauna. I then kept the Royal Hunter under close observation while he was carrying the artifact. He claimed that he has the feeling someone is playing the lute on his spine. I also observed that he was constantly gnashing his teeth, which probably implies that the artifact tried to influence his mind, as it did with the animals and plants.

The expedition fought its back to the Sap Slavers camp for a report, meeting, though, no further unusually behaving animals but just the regular carnivore fauna. There the Karavan Ambassador did spot the artifact, took a close view and informed us that he has to confiscate it. In a kind of cross-examination from the expeditioneers, he told the expedition that this is an ancient Karavan item which was corrupted. He said that it moved its way up to the surface of Atys from the deep of the roots. When I asked him how it came to be in the depths, forbidden to explore, in the first place, he could give no answers and only muttered that it "fell down". He also said that he could not give us more information. When pressed, he did say, though, that he will report to the Karan.

As Tinanio Stado followed the orders of the Karin and therefore had all responsibility – and authority – regarding the artifact, I felt not empowered to claim the finding for further study in the Academy under secure conditions. The artifact, as it is, now rests with the Karavan.

I would like to suggest to the Academy to await the report of the Karavan. I would also like to suggest a medical examination of Ser Tinanio Stado to make sure he’ll not suffer any late effects.

Last edited by Salazar (1 year ago)


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis
Last visit Wednesday, 24 April 12:35:47 UTC

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