

#27 Multilingual 

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The Karae could feel her Lady in Waiting's nervousness as she finished reading serae Canillia's letter. The box was still in serae Liosta's hands. Anything was still possible, including refusing to open it. This would sign Canillia's definitive rejection and send the young matis back to the cesspool from which she had emerged.
Tamiela understood the Karan's sentence; he hated mediocrity and demanded the best from those around him. Manalitch, who had been exiled to perfect his training, could testify to this.
But despite all this time spent as a Karae, she couldn't forget that she had only been the second choice. To deny Canillia a second chance would be to deny everything she was, everything she'd lived, everything she'd fought for.
She set the letter down and turned to serae Liosta.
"Give me this box and tell serae Canillia that I'm relying on her. She won't disappoint me, I'm sure."

Last edited by Ghost of Atys (4 months ago)

#28 Multilingual 

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Addendum to agenda of the Court of the Karae - 10h - Quinteth, Thermis 11, 1st AC 2627

Members of the Court
  • Finalization of Serae Canillia's application.
Last visit Thursday, 9 May 05:38:18 UTC

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