
Cat Production Rate, what should be done in your opinion.
Leave it as is. 6 (1)
Increase it but not as much as it was. 11 (1)
Set it back to what it used to be. 20
Make it produce more than ever. 5
Banish Cats it is evil and the cause of all evil. 10
I don't care. 0
What's Cats anyways? 2 (2)
Other 2
Abstain 2

#1 Report | Quote[en] 

How long will it be before the Cat Production Rate will be increased back to where it suppose to be?

We were told that it's temporary, but that was a while ago. Now there are lot's of returnees, New players etc and due to that there is hardly a full stack of cats for each member a forthnight in larger guild.

#2 Report | Quote[en] 

Actually, I'd love to hear an update from the Dev team about the stockpiles of cats that do or do not exist, categorized by server, and how effective this change has been at combating those stockpiles.

Since the change, have those stockpiles decreased or disappeared?
For any stockpiles that have not decreased, have those players (for personal stocks) or guild HO+ members (for GH stocks) logged into the game since the change, or have any accounts registered to the same email address logged into the game since the change?

If the stockpiles are dropping, then the strategy is working, and there should be a fairly clear estimate of when production can be turned back up a little. Even stating that this is the case might be sufficient; we wouldn't necessarily need to know the estimated times and dates.

These are questions easily answered with a few database calls, and can help update us on the status of the excessive cats stockpiles we've been told about. We would then know that either "it's working", "the stockpiles exist but are hidden behind inactive accounts", or "the stockpiles still exist but active players are sitting on them, hoarding them".

If the stockpiles haven't been touched, and potential owners of those stockpiles have not logged in since this change was put into place, is there a reasonable case to be made for destroying some of those stockpiles so that we CAN get back to somewhat higher production? Say, destroy a certain number of stacks per week until a certain percentage has been reached, halting the process if a potential owner logs in at all?

#3 Report | Quote[en] 

If eliminating these stockpiles was the reason for the decrease...wouldn't it just make more sense to liquidate all cats instead of prolonging the agony for everyone? Sorry if that is poor logic, I have been watching the GOP debates...

#4 Report | Quote[en] 

Do you really believe that removing all old cats from the game would make everyone happy?

For my part, I rarely play, and I have a few stacks of experience catalysts in my apartment , guild hall and on my packers, so I would be very unhappy if these would disappear, just because they are old.

I really don't care, if other players or guilds have huge amounts of experience catalysts stacked, I know that mine were traded or gifts from friends, and I want to be able to use them when and for what ever reason I want.

So considering the current production rates, I have no idea on what bases the original rates where scaled, but in my opinion the rates always should reflect the current active player population.


Trini | 'Ys kard' | Arispotle
First and last of the Darkmoor Rangers

#5 Report | Quote[en] 

well said Trini.
I don't care if other people have (more) cats when I have few or none.
I find the attitude that the entire stockpiles held by people who have no outpost should be destroyed, especially when coming from people with outposts, very telling...

And I've experienced that attitude lately, as guilds (not all, but many) that have them have more or less stopped handing out cats to others, now that their guild halls are no longer overflowing with the things.


So long and thanks for all the fish

#6 Report | Quote[en] 

Currently it should be little over 6 stacks per 24h (if I did the math correctly) and IMHO it's fine as it is.

If the outpost cat productions would be increased, then it should be result of player activity in game that increases.

Say take 6stacks as minimum base value, put maintenance cost to outpost/drill and/or allow to construct more drills and/or upgrade existing drill. It would all cost guild some dappers or drills/outpost goes inactive (in which case only 6stack/24h will be produced)


Think ingame items as personal possession for a player. You just don't go and take them away if they have been acquired legitimately.



#7 Report | Quote[en] 

Well, I am sorry there appear to be so many evil guilds on the Kara side lala. I do not see that. We still give 75% of our cats away, and about 50% of our mats...mainly because we feel guilty for owning 2 OPs when we are not sure we deserve 1. But, we have alot of support for us to continue to own 2 specifically because we give so many away.

As far as the comments here suggesting that we should do away with these mega-stashes. It was the CSRs/devs who claimed this as the reason for cat production reduction. So, we are asking if their plan has worked since it is starving some guilds who have sizable player bases. For example, I think TI (they have not complained, just using them as an example) has approximately 40 active members...and 2 OPs...12 cats every 24 hours. You do the math.

And yes...I know the response here will be "well, screw the evil TI....they dont care about anyone else anyways." Just so you know, Yakapo, the GL of TI was just ELECTED Kami Mikoto. The Kami faction as a whole found him to be the most deserving person for a monthly award...for Kaminess (helpfulness). TI has been running player events, running contests to give excellent gear to members of the Kami Community, and are now leading weekly Kami Faction Marauder hunts. I would say they have been demonstrating quite well how much they care about OUR community. Besides, I just used TI as an example. Maybe there is a reason your KA guilds have been less than generous lately...maybe they cannot even support their own populations with one stack a day/play session. If, as you suggest, you don't care...then stay out of it and let those of us who would like to allow more people to enjoy all facets of the game do so.

Personally, I find, "I don't care if other people have (more) cats when I have few or none." very telling... If you do not or cannot have it, you will not support anyone else enjoying something?

That said, I think what Karu said is 100% true...I have no qualms with the current cat production. My qualm is with people who admit they dont care, nay saying those who do. Also, I do not think the devs should give us anything for free...make us work for it. But, LET us work on something! Give us a/some big building projects...(I agree with Karu, but I would like more than a dapper price on additional drills, or even the base drill).

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Loryen (1 decade ago)

#8 Report | Quote[en] 

For those who select "What is Cats anyways"

Cats are Expirience Catalyzers, they double every 100 exp you earn. If you were to get 2250 EXP for a kill with cats you would get 4450 EXP. They are manufactured by Outposts. Depending on the Regional Location of the Outpost, ie if it is in a level 50 Zone it will produce quality 50 Cats, if in a level 200 zone it will produce quality 200 and so on.

#9 Report | Quote[en] 

well said Trini.
I don't care if other people have (more) cats when I have few or none.
I find the attitude that the entire stockpiles held by people who have no outpost should be destroyed, especially when coming from people with outposts, very telling...

And I've experienced that attitude lately, as guilds (not all, but many) that have them have more or less stopped handing out cats to others, now that their guild halls are no longer overflowing with the things.

Interesting, and a likely targeted accusation but we'll overlook that for now.

Perhaps quoting from this post will help jar your memory, assuming you're not just trolling as usual (I know, wishful thinking):

Yumeroh (Aniro)
Decreased Outpost production

An adjustment was necessary to the outpost production rates. Experience Catalyzer production is reduced by 90% and flower production will be reduced by 75%. The production of other materials will remain unchanged. This adjustment was necessary to cull the excessive quantities currently available across all shards.

(The reduction was subsequently adjusted to 65% for both cats and flowers based on player outcry)

Iala, I know you fail hard at reading comprehension, but please go back and re-read what was posted to find out what was being said, and do try to note the part about finding ways to return to a higher production.

#10 Report | Quote[en] 

i think the amount should be somehow dependent on the guild activity (paying ppl) and not coming for free

#11 Report | Quote[en] 

i think the amount should be somehow dependent on the guild activity (paying ppl) and not coming for free

Why? Are free accounts somehow lesser than paying accounts? They use the cats just as much as the paying accounts do.

#12 Report | Quote[en] 

I think cats power and ect should reflect the training the guild has to offer. like 6 220 lvl dagger crafters unite to make a high quality cat of dagger crafting quality 220. and should require teaching skill to craft.

#13 Report | Quote[en] 

i think the amount should be somehow dependent on the guild activity (paying ppl) and not coming for free

Why? Are free accounts somehow lesser than paying accounts? They use the cats just as much as the paying accounts do.

The only reason Id let free accouts out its because anyone can fill a guild with free accounts that doesnt mean real ppl (just alts).

#14 Report | Quote[en] 

Atm TI has 37 ative members, You can't even give a guildie 1 stack a day and that is nuts. So I guess its time to own 3 250 OP's to have what 1 used to produce.


#15 Report | Quote[en] 

Let me know when it is time, we can do a 2 for 1 in GoC.
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