

#1 Report | Quote[en] 

Where is the Event team? Jaliun promised to get back to Theharvester about a date when he can host his Tournament Event, and the Akenak Elections are suppose to be on, and i never got a response from him for my proposal that i sent to Jaliun on the LAST Event team and player meeting thingy.

Don't we the PAYING CUSTOMER count for anything? I get more attention in a crocery shop even if don't buy anything!

Atleas say that my proposal is Rubbish and the Event team WILL not support Harvy's event and we should forget about having PLayers on Fyros Govt.

#2 Report | Quote[en] 

Hello Amnesia,

We are still here but, as you know, working with a very small team and a lot of things to do. We still have your proposal under advisement, and didn't realize that you were waiting for more response. We do want to assist Theharvester with his event, but there have been some issues, of which he is aware, and things should be set straight soon. The Akenak election is being planned and will be announced when appropriate.


SEM Arispotle

#3 Report | Quote[en] 

You should join the event team and support them Amnesia!

#4 Report | Quote[en] 

Gimme better internet connection and a better PC i i will! I'll even put atleast 3-4 hours every day into it if you give me what i need. :)

#5 Report | Quote[en] 

I don't mean to be pushy, but WHEN is the Soon™, and what determines when is appropriate?

This starting to feel like the "Rebuilding of Thesos"..... All the soon, and it's in planning, and than one day Poof no more.

#6 Report | Quote[en] 

Personally i don't see logic in starting the Goo event when the Kitin and the Karavan event isn't over yet....
If it's because "The players aren't contributing" than scrap it like you did with the Rebuilding of Thesos!
There starting to be a pattern here... Anything Fyros, Zoraï and/or Kami related event ( not that i seen any Kami related event yet, or Zoraï is not getting as much attention, or time span like the Matis, and Karavan events.)
Tryker events, never heard of one...

IMHO the Kitin event should be Tryker related... THEY are the ones who are expert Larvesters. They would know more about the kitin. Matis are experimenting with plants, they are garden gnomes. Trykers are the explorers, the foragers, the tinkerers.

#7 Report | Quote[en] 

Topic moved


Sywindt | Game Master | EN, NL, de, fr

#8 Report | Quote[en] 

There starting to be a pattern here... Anything Fyros, Zoraï and/or Kami related event ( not that i seen any Kami related event yet, or Zoraï is not getting as much attention, or time span like the Matis, and Karavan events.)
Tryker events, never heard of one...

for years 99% of all events were fyro based...
Noone complained...
Now there's one long event line in the forest, and the Fyro complain they don't get any events...


So long and thanks for all the fish

#9 Report | Quote[en] 

Iala I have been around for a while and the last Fyros event I remember was some mektoub races we had. Evreything else has been community events. What Amnesia and I are upset about now is the lack of interest in getting the Fyros government running again. They told me this last winter cycle something could be arranged.. Now its been four months with no election and a dead government.

#10 Report | Quote[en] 

elections have been announced, in case you'd missed it...

I don't know about "last event", but last year and before almost every single major event for 2-3 years straight was in the desert, or centered around Fyro activity at least.
Remember the water caravans? The kitin invasions? The Frahar uprising?


So long and thanks for all the fish

#11 Report | Quote[en] 

Sry i only know of one of them the Kitin Invasion and the Kitin of the Depth were in ALL lands not only in Desert. That is how you could get Titles of Guardian of each land and Atys Guardian.

And it looks like you missed it they posted about the Upcoming Akenak elections AFTER i posted asking for it again.

But furthermore you totally missed my point, My point was that they are abandoning Events. I say DONT make them if you not gonna see it through! What would you say if there was some Important Matis event and than they just abandone it because they can't log on as often as it would be needed to collect the mats YOU collect and than say well players werent contributing?

#12 Report | Quote[en] 

I guess I did hear of those but I wasnt playing at those times. I didnt notice they announced the elections until you did say something so hopefully with some new Akenaks we can get some Fyros based events going.

#13 Report | Quote[en] 

It might be best if one views events as chapters in a book. Just because there is no visible activity or change in a story does not mean it has been forgotten, it just means that the mundane things (like researching collected materials) are happening in the background while another chapter in the story takes the spotlight. Add to that the dynamic way that you the player can effect the story and that adds another complete dimension to the story as well; as the Ryzom story unfolds it is also written. As with any good story, all the characters, plot, subplot, etc. are not introduced/unfolded in the first chapter and it may take the first half or more of a story before one can make sense of the the pieces of the puzzle that they have been given.


SEM Arispotle
Last visit Monday, 17 February 08:44:16 UTC

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