Do you think this is a good Idea? on a scale of 1-10, 1 being terrible and 10 being Best idea
10 19 (5)
9 0
8 0
7 0
6 0
5 2
4 0
3 3
2 1
1 14 (2)
Other 0
Abstain 3

#1 [en] 

There should be a few days spread out where players go to a person who teleports them to a war zone where it is PVP but the Zorai are in side, the Tryker are on one side, and Matis are on one side and Fyros on their own team. The environment has few aggros but mainly players attacking others on different teams while all weapons are allowed and all levels are allowed to join at their own risk.

#2 [en] 

The big problem with that is what is a faction?, is a zorai in a tryker guild a zorai or a tryker in your idea?, and what if he has become a tryker citizin zorai?

We already have some kind of faction wars most op's are mostly tryker/matis guilds against fyros/zorai guilds.

And how does this work in relationship to the lore? If we all fight against each other to own a piece of land in your idea how can we port out and be friends in each other city's after? Wouldn't this mean all trade relationships between the factions are broken? This would need to be a whole new story and probably even a rewritten history to get implemented.


#3 [en] 

Something like the old temple wars would be great however that was Kara vsKami and wasnt completly PvP based, it also allowed diggers to help the building of temples. Would love t see something simular to them come back in the game for a period of time.

Would be nice to see Alamati Woods have a purpose again apart from gaining access to the lair.

#4 [en] 

Nah, i kinda meant like a mini-game where you get teleported to the land and you fight. the species you are determines what side you are conscripted onto. Only in the land are the species against each other and once off the land then the war ends for the player who leaves. So there would be no need for changes in story or history. and i'm new to this game so i dont know what Kitin invasions are or Temple wars are.

#5 [en] 

When I read the resources on the Ryzom website about five years ago -- I didn't know about the lore at this time -- I chose Matis because it looked like they would be more independent, seeing themselves above the two factions; I had no desire to choose sides until I met a group of people I enjoyed playing with. Come to find out, they are the most devoted followers of one of the factions. Not only that, they are also prideful and arrogant such that they compare to the ultra-wealthy class.

I would not participate in any event that forced me to fight on behalf of the Matis. In fact, I would actually spend money to change my race, were it possible.

Just because we are one particular race, that doesn't mean we have the same ideals and best interests of that race in mind.

#6 [en] 

ok, then i would change the game so any1 could fight for any side they choose to fight for. same rules for everything else. I do understand all of your vaid points and by debateing them we make ideas better

#7 [en] 

If this were a big area and you were able to go to one of the respective camps (Civs/Religions) and take a mission from them to kill the opposing faction. Doing this mission would gain/loose you fame respectively. And taking this mission would flag you as an agent of that civ others couls try to kill for their missions. I would be all for this.

Last edited by Loryen (1 decade ago)

#8 [en] 

Loryen, you've said my basic idea better than i did that's what i meant from the beghinning

#9 [en] 

If this were implemented, I hope the player governments would declare "enemies" and "allies". And the CSRs/Event team have to have an easy way to switch the missions based upon the different factions and the decisions of the civ governments. This would allow the battlefield to represent the current zeitgeist of the server population.

This would make players feel as if they actually have a say in the flow of the game, while not really changing anything in the game or ML itself.

So, a self declared neutral civ may not have any missions at all on the battlefield.

Last edited by Loryen (1 decade ago)

Last visit Tuesday, 25 February 18:49:19 UTC

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