

#1 Report | Quote[en] 

Anybody remember the recent event chain about the sick Fyros Emperor and the evil Matis prince who burned Thesos? This was an official event held on all three servers, but apparently it had very different outcomes per server.

This was posted on the wiki a few days ago:
While I have heard that there was a war between the Matis and the Fyros on both Arispotle and Aniro, the Matis won on one of the severs and the Fyros on the other. The burning of Thesos therefore did happen on only one server. On Leanon, where the community of the Matis is the smallest and about 90% of the Trykers are neutral and mostly pacifist as well, the diplomacy of the Matis not only prevented a war almost provoked by Lykos but also saved King Yrkanis a place on the stele erected to celebrate the recovery of Emperor Dexton.

#2 Report | Quote[en] 

So on our server, the Matis won the war and burned Thesos, but on the French server, the Fyros won it (I wonder if they burned any Matis towns?). And on the German server, it was the Fyros prince who turned evil instead of the Matis prince, and the Matis actually helped cure the Emperor. And they got a stele to celebrate it. Wow.

My point is I want to hear these kinds of things! Hearing how the same event had very different outcomes on the other servers really drives home how we players can affect the outcomes of events! We don't notice that if we only see one outcome; our own. We're left wondering if we really affected this outcome or if it was rigged from the start.

I've tried reading the other server's forums but often the outcome of their events can't even be found on there - only the anouncements. If the 3 event teams could work together to give us this info, that'd be awesome. If we have any players who play on two servers, please also share this info with us! As seen above, it only takes 4 sentences.

#3 Report | Quote[en] 

I completely agree with this. I would love to hear how the other events are going on the other servers. I've always wondered this but I don't speak French or German to go and see how things are so different.


Meagy :)
Spirit of Atys
High Officer of Spiritus Artificis
Never argue with an idiot; they will just drag you down to their level, and beat you with experience.

#4 Report | Quote[en] 

It would be great to see the differences on the various servers.-Kil


#5 Report | Quote[en] 

Just no spoilers. :p


Noble Jayce
Reaper Leader

#6 Report | Quote[en] 

Naturally only after the event has concluded on all 3 servers :p

#7 Report | Quote[en] 

Very cool to see alternate histories. I agree seeing the outcomes would be fantastic.

#8 Report | Quote[en] 

Yes I find this mightily fascinating myself, for that (and other) reasons I do sneak glimpses into the Arispotle forums.
Sadly french is a total mystery to me, so maybe somebody knows somebody who can tell a little..?

I didn't think Leanon Lycos turned evil. He was just very Fyros and quite right about it too.
But it is true, that the matter was peacefully resolved.
There was a borderskirmish because a very well loved fyros scientist and story teller was taken hostage by a Matis border tribe and Yrkanis himself had a very flashy entrance onto the scene on a Mekoub with a wonderfull green hat ..oh I'm still fascinated by his hat!
And the fyros commander was taken prisoner, as he had not acted on the emperors command.
and this was it. ahh they still discuss what to do with the poor guy.
(I'm sure the ambassadors to the different nations could tell you more juicy details, but what do I know, I'm just one of the millions of peaceloving trykers skuttling about minding their own business ;) )
(which is not true either :p there is just a tryker abundance, but they do come in all forms of believes and different formats of peacefulness)
By the way, do you have ambassadors? On Leanon each government has one or more of these dedicated individuals to each nation. They do make themselves very useful!

hmm. what else? we are a little short on Matis inhabitants. So if you know anybody who wants to come and live there, they'd be wellcome I guess.
The prince there although is a little...ööörm...well...I don't know what to say. ahh better not say anything wrong. Come and see for yourself :)

#9 Report | Quote[en] 

Well I could argue our Arispotle Matis prince was just being very Matis, but I'm sure Fyros would say he's evil ;) He provoked the war in our case anyways.

Okay, even that's debatable as Fyros troops did invade Hidden Source, but the point is on Arispotle the Matis prince was the one spouting war rhetoric while the Fyros prince barely showed himself.

Ambassadors? Are you kidding me? O_o We can't even find enough players to fill out half of our governments. Does Leanon have that much players who are into events? Maybe I should move there then and fill out your Matis shortage a bit . :D

Oh, so I guess Leanon's King Yrkanis isn't missing like ours either, huh?

#10 Report | Quote[en] 

Well, in our case the Matis Prince doesn't show himself so much, since he was once slapped by a Tryker, so the rumor goes. He was rather young then I think. Unfortunately I was not there to whitness it, I was still hiding in some hole being a refugee I guess.
He is not married and has not even started to look for a wife. (as far as I know)
And last time I checked Leanon Yrkanis was still there...well somebody would say, if he was missing I hope? Actually I only saw him once in my life there on this battlefield...Very impressive green hat, I tell you! But he is a king, why should he run about but on important occasions.

No. there are not soo many players, that fill the governments.
Tryker and Fyros are enough, alive and kicking, actually at the moment those two do quarrel about water, heated discussions ongoing, very much RP, total exciting storyline!
I think much of it is playerdriven, or did u have this?
Fyros Akenak do strive to establish themselves as a real power in the Imperium and I think they do a wonderfull job at it.
National Assembly gathers enough Tryker to really make a lively evening with very direkt democracy and discussion.

Matis and Zorai are very little at the moment..not enough I would say. And they would say so too I think. But those who hold the fort are HQ roleplayers so they still do represent their nations visibly, speak and sceme and act.

Please consider, these are my very personal impressions.

#11 Report | Quote[en] 

there was a chain of events last year about water shipments between the lakes and the desert, which the Matis tried to block by demanding tolls for any packer transiting their territory.
This was a humanitarian effort however, there was no quabbling about price (later there was some rp involving the potential for regular shipments, pricing, maybe even building pipelines).


So long and thanks for all the fish

#12 Report | Quote[en] 

The Taliar originaly donated the emergency shipments of water. Later we were to be paid for subsequent shipments.The Fyros have not paid for that water to date.-Kilgoretrout Guild leader of Ballistic Mystix,Member of the Tryker Taliar


#13 Report | Quote[en] 

From what I rode from the english and german forum, Aniro had more or less similar events.

Here, Fyros won the war against the Matis. They imprisoned the king Yrkanis and annexed the Hidden Source where you can see Fyros guards patrolling now.
The Matis burned Thesos too and Stevano governs the matis kingdom.

Most of our reports about events are done in national assemblies, players explain others what happened during those events.

About national assemblies, the four assemblies are quite lively (between 4 or 5 active players in each). Most of them have dedicated ambassadors that play a role with others nations (official requests, trades ...).

We have a lot of player initiated events; we
* made a vote to decide who Trykers will support in war
* make almost regular shipments of water even when there is no official needs, only for trading purposes.
* growed jubla in Trench of Trial to force the shipments of water to pass on matis kingdom.
* bought and build a new market at Fairhaven
* juged Rodi di Valero and imprisoned him
* made a national Tryker fest during 2 days.
* have player market in Zora, Pyr, Yrkanis and Fairhaven each week
* did a lot of other things too ...

Kaaon - Taliar and Fairhaven's bar first regular

Last edited by Kaaon (1 decade ago)

#14 Report | Quote[en] 

Sweet, thanks for the info :)

We did have the Taliari vote on who to support in the war, and they voted "none of the above". And we have player markets in Fairhaven.

#15 Report | Quote[en] 

Anybody remember the recent event chain about the sick Fyros Emperor and the evil Matis prince who burned Thesos? This was an official event held on all three servers, but apparently it had very different outcomes per server.

wrooooooooog, thesos just burn on ari

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Klayton (1 decade ago)

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