Enhance the Guild Hall - Multi choice!
I vote for Idea 1 26 (5)
I vote for Idea 2 23 (5)
I vote for Idea 3 25 (5)
I vote for Idea 4 20 (6)
Get back to the drawing board Way 4 (1)
Other 5
Abstain 2

#1 [en] 

Basically a fairly boring place. Good for the odd guild meeting or ceremony but generally speaking they don't serve much point beyond a bank.

It would be nice to now make further advances on the already setup appartment invitations to allow the leadership of a guild to invite others into the guild hall along with the ability to "tart the place up" a little.

1 - New room & Display items:
Rather than just going with more tables, chairs and some such as is current for our homes i would suggest that a new room is added "The Armoury" which guilds can use display racks/dummies etc to put weapons & armour on display with attached "notes" system to allow a small description to the rack/dummy that anyone who clicks on it sees.

None of the items leave the guild bank so they remain taking up bulk and space but have a new tab that allows you to select what item to what rack/dummy and then rack/dummy description.

The icon would need to be removed from the "Rack/Dummy" tab prior to being available to be taken from the guild hall.

2 - Guild hall furniture:
Then i'd add in plenty of furniture, wall draps, banners etc that hold your Guilds logo on that you can place around the whole guild hall.

I'd suggest that this being the case all members can donate materials that can be used by the leadership to make these items themselves and place them. The resources have to be a certain level example of 200 but don't make them region specific this way a whole guild can get involved and we're adding more Guild content, activity.

In this case i would also add a guild requires tab that tells the members what the guild leaders want digging up to go towards the furniture that they are looking to build.

3 - Guild Hall invitation system (same as the appartment):
The invitation system would allow guilds to hold meetings with other guilds, invite folks in for generally showing the place off and add a bit more interaction in the guild halls.

4 - Guild Trainers
Activate the guild trainers making use of them rather than them being redundant waste of rooms.

Lets make something of the guild halls!!

The Soul

For those selecting "Get back to the drawing board Way" please take the time to put why so that the suggestion can be improved and the negative aspects reworked.

Last edited by Waylanda(arispotle) (1 decade ago)

#2 [en] 

I voted for everything but #4, the easiest and most obvious, 'cause I'm cool like that. What I really mean is that I like all the ideas, but #4 is, I'd say, the least useful and exciting - although after however many years it should probably be done anyway. >.>

#3 [en] 

I like them all, guilds could also use guild points to add additional items / guild goodies etc if they where ever brought into game like they where ment to be.

#4 [en] 

1 - I like the idea of display dummies, but don't really see why we'd need a new room for it.

4 - And have them train what? Guild skills is a whole other suggestion, and if they just train the same skills as other trainers, I'd say they're redundant and please remove them entirely so we can use their rooms for something else. Like the #1 idea :D

#5 [en] 

4 was more if its their get it functioning :) but is by fair the least of the 4 suggested parts.

#6 [en] 

Addition to #1:
Have boxes show up for each type of item (a "Sap" box, a "Jewelry" box...). Right-click open to have a window pop up with only the item type listed. Have the boxes laid out more or less tidily depending on how often the Hall is visited.

General addition:

Have a training room. Basically a PvP room where:
  • coma is impossible: no need to respawn or get heals (cannot go below 1 HP).
  • regeneration when sitting down is extra fast: back to full bars in 5s (except Focus so that can't be exploited by crafters).
  • ideally, no wear on gear: PvP in that room should not wear out equipment at all, as it is a tryout/practice room and not a gladiator arena.

"You think that's air you're breathing now?"

#7 [en] 

All good ideas including using the trainers, I may come back to the game for this

#8 [en] 

For those selecting "Get back to the drawing board Way" please take the time to put why so that the suggestion can be improved and the negative aspects reworked.

Suggestions only get better when folks actively take part.

#9 [en] 

I like all the idea
But idea 1 the most ;).

#10 [en] 

5 - Framed paintings (screenshots) of important guild events. Frames could either be crafted from wood and fiber or bought for civilisation points and be available in various sizes. For example, small portraits of the Guild Leaders, group picture with all the members after a trek/bosshunt.


An object called "Photo Album" that you buy and place in the Guildhall and in which the leadership places such pictures with short descriptions.

Seems to me like a great way to both trace guild history and create strong sense of belonging for the members.


Crazy Marshmallow Lady
Former Guild Leader of Exodus Syndicate
Member of Phaedra's Tears
Girl Playing Roles

#11 [en] 

Reviving as a little "Vanity" gear for your Guild hall can make the place much more inviting and have a greater meaning when holding guild events

#12 [en] 

4. Trainers

Also some kind of basic merchants ortraining dummies would be good.
Merchants that would have the basic stock + maby some guildexclusive items.
Training dummies - kind of adjustable ragdoll to test combat sanzas before real combat (OP battle or boss fight).


#13 [en] 

I would settle for more sane entry/exit. Vanity? Meh, don't you get enough of that IRL?

On one hand, yes dummies would come handy for beginners but c'mon, fight mechanics don't really need a lot of tweaking, do they? Plus, people asking about various stanzas and their combinations and usage promotes intra guild interaction which is a good thing. If you by any chance mean testing stanzas before purchase, then strong no.

#14 [en] 

I like all the ideas presented, but if I had to do without one of them it would be the trainers. We had similar concepts on a text-based MUD that I played for the longest time, but had to end up taking them out because in our game, we had multiple trainers scattered throughout the world and they all taught different skills. (It made for great excuses to get into groups and go hauling off to find said trainers - mages learning Lightning Bolt, in particular, found the task of learning the skill quite difficult without a group behind 'em.)

But my favorite is the one someone else presented after the fact - guild paintings. They are NOT difficult to do - simply take a screen shot, use PhotoShop to give it a painting effect, and submit! Painting done, ready for framing and hanging on the virtual wall of any Guild Hall.

(The armory idea is my second-favorite. You should have SEEN my clan's collection. We needed four armories and almost four dozen racks/wardrobes to hold all of our trophies!)


"What doesn't kill me gives me XP. :-p" -Sherkalyn
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