
#16 [en] 

We currently do not force people to join teams. A chain of command already exists by default in the levels and experience of players. As a midlevel player I offer what I can to a team. If I was able to best serve the team as a healer, (weakest) than as a fighter (strongest) than I would be happy to do so. If I choose to run amok, dragging aggro onto the team then I am not really helping. In a battle it is teamwork that will win the day.

Joining a certain squad or team is up to the individual and is therefore still a choice.

Organization is not "dumbing down" but making the players more efficient. If the players are more efficient and the tasks are easier then the developer and events team will be pushed to make them more difficult. I see little challenge in swarm tactics. That is like playing "fools mate" everytime in chess hoping your opponent falls for the trap. If they are familiar with your strategy you will lose everytime.




#17 [en] 

Perhaps I was a bit unclear on what I ment.
in another game noy WOW when you are joined in a raid you get a raid channel like your team channel .
just a thought it could be popped in in the same way your team channel is generated
This is what I ment as dumbing down. Blizzard did a really good job at turning WoW into a real cookie-cutter-game. One of the strengths of Ryzom is that we actually have to think, play around, and experiment. By forcing us to make our own channels, it also gives us the initiative to think up other ways than the straight one-raid-one-channel way of thinking.

Id like to see a system for raids/multiple-large-groups that allows us to use classic strategies like your sharpshooter- / healer- / melee - groups, all arranged nicely. Id even like room for Squad/Platoon/Company/Batallion.
But what I dont want, is a system that locks us to One style of thinking. Give us room to do that, and much much more with our team setups. -just like everything else in this game..

Last edited by Jinjindao(arispotle) (1 decade ago) | Reason: changed a word for clearer meaning; to One from That.

#18 [en] 

you may of miss read my typo :) in another game (not)!!!! sorry


#19 [en] 

I totally agree. The system should be flexible players. We could already organize our teams in such a way but that will require organizing it. I think that if a structure existed then the players would benefit.

I see what you mean and thank to for clarifying.

#20 [en] 

By forcing us to make our own channels, it also gives us the initiative to think up other ways than the straight one-raid-one-channel way of thinking.

By that logic, we should also not have the automatic Team chat channel.

#21 [en] 

I agree w/ Jin..... I am totally missing why "/channel raid" doesn't satisfy here. The sytem we have is far more flexible as you can create"

/channel teamleaders
/channel everybody

or any other stucture that fits the particular situation

Ryzom's always been about player creation and players determining own destiny and methods.


#22 [en] 


I bow to your knowledge. Until now I did not know that such commands existed. I see no reason why this is not sufficient.

As a followup question. Does anyone know of a document/website where all such commands are listed?

#23 [en]

#24 [en] 

Thank you Marelli. I shall explore this further. I had read these before but as one gains a deeper understanding of the game it pays to look at things again.

#25 [en] 

There are at least two reasons for having a separate channel, and perhaps more than that. The first is so you don't clutter up any other channel with non-related information. The second is because you don't want everyone and their grandmother to hear what you're talking about (secrecy).

Right now, if someone else finds out the name and/or password to your "secret" channel, you can't stop them from getting in. You have to make a new channel, pass this out to everyone (again), have everyone join the new channel (again), and hope that no one spills the beans (again). ("Shared keys" are only as secure as everyone who knows the password; ie: not very)

If there were a built-in "super-group" channel (whatever name is chosen), membership in the channel results directly from membership in the group. If you do get a "spy", you can use the group mangement windows to see which group that spy is in, and kick that group out. The spy is gone, and the offending group is gone.

You can't have a secure channel without the ability to control who can join that channel. The current mechanics prevent this beyond anything simplistic, and "super-group" implementations in other games provide this, so I personally was suggesting any such similar "super-group" implementation in this game should also provide this. This also follows naturally from the existing Team chat built-in channel.

Now, if no one feels the need for this kind of control over channel membership, that's another matter and one of individual opinion where, most likely, majority rules =)

#26 [en] 

Some pic's, hope these help people understand what i am talking about since we went of track
photo shopped the same team of 5 x4 times but as you can see in the main screenshot there are over 20 ppl for a NPC hunt, it would be nice to to see everyone in raid frames, easy to res and to see when someone is taking focus fire for Outpost wars.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Nitrouss (1 decade ago)


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Through passion, you gain strength.
Through strength, you gain power.
Through power, you gain victory.
Through victory, your chains are broken.
Ma-Duk shall free you.
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