
#22 [en] 

Thank you Arcueid. Nice to see you still around. Great job with Kipee-Craft! :D

#23 [en] 

I'm always around hiding in the dark eheheh :P

#24 [en] 

Afternoon Sanctuary!

I am a returning player and am looking to get into a guild based mainly around Pyr, if this is still the case?

I have played in beta (back when you could dual wield swords and heal yourself!) and a few times since but never really got that far due to lack of social support.

I am a professional, 27 and looking to just get a few hours in when I can.

I will see who is online when I next am and will hopefully get a positive response!


#25 [en] 

Greetings Jaffacake!

WB to Ryzom! My appologies for the late reply but I've been out of game due to RL events. There are very few of us active, and I've not seen anyone other than Jaim since my return. If you haven't already found a fyros guild can give us a try and if you have say hello anyway, I look forward to meeting you in game.


#26 [en] 

The Sanctuary is looking forward to a new beginning and will be present when the servers reopen. We have mix emotions about the days ahead, but we are happy to see old players return to game. The guild's founder, Ryz, will be leading the Sanctuary in this new chapter. The guild has always been a sanctuary for players that seek to enjoy every aspect of the game as individuals in an atmosphere that encourages skill progression and comradeship. We look forward to sharing many adventures with our friends and players that make Ryzom the great game it is today.

#27 [en] 

Thank you for the introduction dear Trixie :), right.....The Sanctuary originally founded back in the older days by me Ryz and my companion founders Theharvester and Zore ( my son ) is back on Athys situated in Pyr.
I have been out of game for several years but am back again and planning to stay for undesignated time, i`m looking forward to the rebuild of the Guild and some good times on Athys.

If you like to join The Sanctuary ....well send me a tell or an ingame mail, or just add me to your friendslist to see whenever i get or am online for an invite.



#28 [en] 

Nice to see u and the Sanctuary back in Game...hope they will grow fast and strong again like in old times =) see you guys around =)


Lexius Shiras -Atys Sexiest Zorai-
Born: 10th April 2005

Zorai for Life
GoJ for Life
Atys for Life
Ryzom for Life

someone told me a day : Let the past be the past and never look back...except there is a kitin behind ya ^^
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