
#18 [en] 

This is my farewel and good luck to the members of the great Guild the Sanctuary. I have been playing for some months but no other from the guild has logged in during that time.

I have joined the Souland hope to have as great time there as I had when this Guild was in full force before the great break-down in 2007-08.


#19 [en] 

We welcome you to The Soul Bikersword.

If any other Sanctuary members are looking for an active kami guild and old friends, then you too would be most welcome.



#20 [en] 

That's right folks The sanctuary is back in business :)

faction alignment: Kami
Civilization allegiance:= neutral but based in the desert (pyr) this may change due to active guildies wishes

Some brief guild history
The guild was started by myself and Ryz many years ago and grew into a well known (and i hope respected) guild supporting the kami faction and also taking a active role in all aspects of game play available in ryzom.
We concentrated in playing together as a guild to achieve the best game experience for all involved, be that digging in the dirt to raise our craft skills or to be out hunting boss creatures that are holding those shiny shiny mats. And even pvp events such as outpost battles and player organised events (bring them back please someone)
This will continue to be the Ethos of the guild, my aim is to start from scratch as most the old guild members no longer play the game sadly but this also offers a opportunity to new to the game players as there will be positions of responsibility open to the most promising recruits.

I play euro zone hours (evenings weekdays and anytime weekends) So anyone interested would ideally need to be in that time zone.
that way i can offer assistance and mentor duties to our most wonder full complex game we call ryzom.

those interested send me a /tell theharvester in game


We've been fairly quiet enjoying our summer holidays and playing the most challenging game of all, Real Life. However, The Sanctuary continues to be an active guild and now under new leadership. Harve has stepped down as leader and taken a supporting role. I will do my best to lead the Sanctuary into the next chapter. I invite new and old players to join our ranks and be part of this great guild.

The Sanctuary is a Kami guild and I plan to make the guild a Fyros Patriot guild. We are based in the city of Pyr, the Fyros capital city. I'm EST zone but play euro zone hours too and always available to offer assistance and mentor new players to the game. If you are looking for a guild where having fun is the only duty, and want to learn about all aspects of the game, and play with mature and friendly players send Trixie a tell.


Hemos estado bastante tranquilos, disfrutando de nuestras vacaciones de verano y jugando el juego más difícil de todos, la vida real. Sin embargo, El Santuario sigue siendo un gremio activo y ahora bajo un nuevo liderazgo. Harvey ha cesado el rango de líder y toma un papel de apoyo. Haré mi mejor esfuerzo para llevar al Santuario ha su próximo capítulo. Invito a nuevos y viejos jugadores a unirse a nuestros rangos y sean parte de este gran gremio.

El Santuario es un gremio alineados a los Kami y pienso incluir el gremio como Patriota de los Fyros. Estamos ubicados en la ciudad de Pyr, la capital de los Fyros. Soy de zona EST, pero juego en horas de la zona euro también y siempre disponible para ofrecer asistencia y ser mentor de nuevos jugadores al juego. Si usted está buscando un clan donde la diversión es el único deber, y quieren aprender sobre todos los aspectos del juego, y jugar con jugadores maduros y amigables comunícate con Trixie para una invitación.

Last edited by Trixie (1 decade ago)

#21 [en] 

Nice seeing you back, always good to have old names come back!

#22 [en] 

Thank you Arcueid. Nice to see you still around. Great job with Kipee-Craft! :D

#23 [en] 

I'm always around hiding in the dark eheheh :P

#24 [en] 

Afternoon Sanctuary!

I am a returning player and am looking to get into a guild based mainly around Pyr, if this is still the case?

I have played in beta (back when you could dual wield swords and heal yourself!) and a few times since but never really got that far due to lack of social support.

I am a professional, 27 and looking to just get a few hours in when I can.

I will see who is online when I next am and will hopefully get a positive response!


#25 [en] 

Greetings Jaffacake!

WB to Ryzom! My appologies for the late reply but I've been out of game due to RL events. There are very few of us active, and I've not seen anyone other than Jaim since my return. If you haven't already found a fyros guild can give us a try and if you have say hello anyway, I look forward to meeting you in game.


#26 [en] 

The Sanctuary is looking forward to a new beginning and will be present when the servers reopen. We have mix emotions about the days ahead, but we are happy to see old players return to game. The guild's founder, Ryz, will be leading the Sanctuary in this new chapter. The guild has always been a sanctuary for players that seek to enjoy every aspect of the game as individuals in an atmosphere that encourages skill progression and comradeship. We look forward to sharing many adventures with our friends and players that make Ryzom the great game it is today.

#27 [en] 

Thank you for the introduction dear Trixie :), right.....The Sanctuary originally founded back in the older days by me Ryz and my companion founders Theharvester and Zore ( my son ) is back on Athys situated in Pyr.
I have been out of game for several years but am back again and planning to stay for undesignated time, i`m looking forward to the rebuild of the Guild and some good times on Athys.

If you like to join The Sanctuary ....well send me a tell or an ingame mail, or just add me to your friendslist to see whenever i get or am online for an invite.



#28 [en] 

Nice to see u and the Sanctuary back in Game...hope they will grow fast and strong again like in old times =) see you guys around =)


Lexius Shiras -Atys Sexiest Zorai-
Born: 10th April 2005

Zorai for Life
GoJ for Life
Atys for Life
Ryzom for Life

someone told me a day : Let the past be the past and never look back...except there is a kitin behind ya ^^
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