
Do you like competitive activities?
Not at all, just collaborative. 14 (1)
A good mixture of competition and collaboration is always welcome. 27 (5)
Yes! I want to compete against everybody! 6 (1)
Other 0
Abstain 1

#20 Report | Quote[en] 

Really, this is the same question as is generally raised regarding PvP, probably because PvP is the most common form of competition between players, and is the only one which can be unilaterally initiated (you can't go up to a random homin and make them race you if they don't want to). Ryzom is a sandbox game, and part of that is that pretty much everything you can do is consensual - that includes competition. In some circumstances, consent is pretty obviously already given... if you go to an OP battle, or sign up for a mektoub race, or turn up to a supernode carrying twenty tonnes of weapons and armour, then you're obviously up for a little competition.

The problem with kill stealing and dragging, among a few other things, is that they're generally done to people who are just trying to play and have fun, and don't want someone else interfering. That ruins everyone's fun, and ruining everyone's fun ruins the community - we are, as has been said, a small and tight-knit community, and we don't like drama and aggravation because it tends to lead to people, who are always someone's close friend or loyal guildie, no longer wishing to play.
Of course, if the "victim" IS up for it, then it's not griefing - Ripset tries to drag on me quite frequently, and I don't really consider it griefing, because he knows I don't mind it and, in any case, he's a n00b and anything that could kill me would kill him before he got it to me. ;) Rather than taking polls, though, I'd suggest you get to know individuals, and work out what their boundaries are individually.

#21 Report | Quote[en] 

Bosses, like outposts, are scarce resources and they are not in private instances. Limited number for the whole server means conflict, and conflict is part of online games.


Back to the point, there are many ways to handle that situation. Should the second team fight for the boss? Should they leave the area? Should that area be marked as arena? The answer for this question defines what kind of community you are. 

My argument about the origin of conflict had a flaw: Ryzom population is even more scarce than resources right now, so the need for real competence and (becuase of that) real collaboration is void. It's more like a social enviroment where most "conflict" comes from uni chat and personal differences (see this thread for instance).

Imagine a population 10 times the current one, where that new 90% have their own ideas. Some would think according to the dominant culture inherited from years of carebearing, some would decide to be more competitive despite of those "rules", and finally some others will try and ask for more hardcore style.

That number could be easily achived by a good system like Ryzom. So... what is stopping new players?

#22 Report | Quote[en] 

By the way I have never lured aggro upon others.

Wrong xD

I tried to lure some upon the matis king on the way to the wedding site because it was boring like heaven. But! I was always there to heal and support the ones fighting them.

The king is still alive :S

#23 Report | Quote[en] 

The king is still alive :S

Until we decide not to pay the kidnappers their ransom, anyways.

#24 Report | Quote[en] 

Maybe it's just me being cranky, but I'm reading your last few posts as if you feel the community is the main reason for the low population. If you're not, apologies for the misunderstanding. If you are, sorry, but that's a bit simplistic. I'm not going to lie, the community has been the reason for some people leaving the game, and not all of them deserved, but the commuity is also the reason for some new people staying longer than initially planned. Problem of the low population is multi-faceted, and something that would need its own thread to discuss, but community isn't high on the list of reasons.

As for competition, there's a lot less here than in some other games, that is undeniable. We are more co-operative than competitive. You say we're a carebear game, well I personally wear that phrase with pride. After dealing with the dregs and muppets in my real life, the last thing I want to do is to log on and see more examples of why the human population is going down the toilet. (bleh, more to come)

#25 Report | Quote[en] 

But that's just me. On the other hand, I had a dear friend who, if you were to aggro-drag on him, he would see it as a challenge, and should he survive, he would never let you live down the fact that you were too n00b to aggro-drag properly, and proceed to give you practical tuitions...lots of practical tuitions. There is competition here, but the game was not built for competition, it is not ingrained. It's there, it can be put together, but you will have to find willing partners, like my old friend.

Huek, I think you can get the competitive buzz you want, you just need to find the right clique of ppl to enjoy it with, but bear in mind, not everybody is of your mindset, and while you rightly reserve the right for competition, try not to deny others the right of more co-operation. Sounds cheesy I know, but that's the problem you get with a game like Ryzom, lots of mouths to feed and egoes to manage :D

#26 Report | Quote[en] 

I would like to put an end to all these political posts since they are damaging the goal of the thread, which is creating a list of the supported and allowed types of competition (along with the poll).

Please post more information about the different activities or ask me to make changes if you see fit.

Thank you.

(I apoligize for helping it happen)

Last edited by Huek (1 decade ago)

#27 Report | Quote[en] 

Please remove item #4 under the "For Profit" category, the item referring to kill stealing on bosses. It is not competition; it is griefing and is punishable by the CSRs as detailed in this post (specifically paragraphs 3 and 4).

That post also answers your question on how to react when someone else finds a boss first.

#28 Report | Quote[en] 



#29 Report | Quote[en] 

Does Assassin Season still run? I know Marelli hasn't put down her pointy sticks... :p

#30 Report | Quote[en] 

Today while helping a Guild mate gain some fame I realized that this while being cooperative is also competitive. How so? I am happy to help noobs out but my friends of equal level I want to be higher, stronger, ... than them.

Great discussion.

#31 Report | Quote[en] 

Does Assassin Season still run? I know Marelli hasn't put down her pointy sticks... :p
That was organised by Sunce I believe, and only ran twice.

Kinds of impressive how he got such huge, long-lasting Atys-wide events going...

#32 Report | Quote[en] 

What's that Assassin Season thing? ^^

#33 Report | Quote[en] 

There used to be a few weeks (months?) each year during which players would put out contracts on each other, and other players would accept those contracts and head out to try and kill the target, for payment/prestige/lols/whatever. It was fun - the assassins were always very gracious about it all and didn't try to kill people in a nasty/malicious way (some even went as far as to only attack their targets when the targets were surrounded by guildies and the assassins were on their own, right Mar? ;) ), but it was sort of a matter of good sportsmanship for the target to agree to fight the assassin, and much entertainment was provided.

I'm not surprised that it wasn't a terribly important scheme - I just remember it because it was one of my formative noob memories. Which means you have been a nearly-master-but-a-little-too-lazy-to-quite-get-there longer than I've been playing.

Last edited by Nysha (1 decade ago)

#34 Report | Quote[en] 

I need some more information about Supernodes, Fyros Akenak and Yubo Ball (Ora forgive us).

Thanks! :D
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