

#27 Report | Quote[en] 

Hmm, well, did you really want to go back to the fires issue, being as all the posts were deleted? And are you really telling homins off for saying what they didn't like about the response? Oh well ...

Fires issue? Im not going back to anything. I stopped paying attention to that when a couple of peope took it too far and dragged it on for too long. I mentioned it as an example of roleplay gone wrong. And thats exactly what it was. That caused arguements and bad blood and for absolutely nothing.

I did not tell anyone off for saying how they feel about anything. There are ways and places (and limits) for that sort of thing. I would like to point out that the people I see here in this thread with valid points to make were not the people making personal attacks at anyone else in uni. I did not think they had that much to be upset about, but I didnt call them whining little children. I simply said "its over, get over it" and was abruptly attacked in a personal way.


#28 Report | Quote[en] 

It wasn't roleplaying, it was harassment. Pure and simple.
Dozens were there to enjoy the event, and a few people decided to turn up with no other intention than to ruin it for all of them.
I applaud the CSRs and event team for the way they handled it. First attempting to solve things in character, and only after taking the extreme step (after several in character warnings) to get rid of the troublemakers.

I've no trouble with improvising during an event, and the event team did just that.
But I do have trouble with people trying to ruin the enjoyment of others, which the culprits here were clearly intending to do.


So long and thanks for all the fish

#29 Report | Quote[en] 

It wasn't roleplaying, it was harassment. Pure and simple.

moar stuff

Iala you are always too bitter and biased. Marelli said clearly that it was known they would come and protest, and even gave blessing, so how can you state what you say. Its probably more the event team not having the tools or the people, to be able to react in a more pleasant way.

#30 Report | Quote[en] 

roleplay gone wrong.

Beefie, if it was done In Character, it is not "Role-Play gone wrong." It is "Role-Play moving in a direction other than what was expected, anticipated, and desired by the organizers." And that is 100% acceptable. ESPECIALLY in a sand-box game like Ryzom purports to be.

I like Loryen but she hit that "butcher of Thesos... Bloodsoaked clothing" macro 3 times before you were all silenced and ported. If this was meant to be taken as a serious attempt to include the Fyros' issues into the pre-organised roleplay event and not a purposeful disruption, perhaps things could have been done differently to avoid confusion. The repeated use of a chat macro probably didnt help matters. Still it seems some of you are picking specific things out of my posts to comment on. My biggest problem and the only one I will not yield to different opinions on is the lengthy heated complaints in uni afterwards that dragged everyone else into it. It was shameful.


#31 Report | Quote[en] 

It wasn't roleplaying, it was harassment. Pure and simple.
Dozens were there to enjoy the event, and a few people decided to turn up with no other intention than to ruin it for all of them.
I applaud the CSRs and event team for the way they handled it. First attempting to solve things in character, and only after taking the extreme step (after several in character warnings) to get rid of the troublemakers.

I've no trouble with improvising during an event, and the event team did just that.
But I do have trouble with people trying to ruin the enjoyment of others, which the culprits here were clearly intending to do.

It was known by most karavan there that the kami would try something there it's not like the kami kept it all that secret and I for once and most of my guild i know wouldn't never have gone to the event if we didn't know about the kami trying something. So maybe there wouldn't have been dozens of ppl but only some matis if this would not have been known.
It's roleplaying and if an event doesn't go like planned then improvise but going for an OOC aprouch by the event team really put me off.


#32 Report | Quote[en] 

Well the disscussion on the muting of players in the recent event seems very constructive so far.

I also have a few comments to make:
Those players who wanted to RP interject for whatever reason had a 20min walk to the location to play their card or voice their concerns, this would have at least given the event team some indication of intent and what to expect and/or even prepare, to wait until a well documented (aka scripted) 'Wedding' Ceremony had started was well just rude in my opinion hence the reaction.

I was asked to participate in the event due to a shortfall in event team numbers for the event.
The event team do a wonderful job with the limited resources they have, the tools required to action some of the suggestions mentioned just do not exist.

If you would like to blame someone for the muting then blame me, I did not interpret the guise of some of the various "roleplay" interjections to be particulally genuine and my reaction in hindsite was probably more "CSR" than "Events" themed you might say.

I think some of the more negative comments/concerns about 'Events' and the event team bias are way over the top and and you need to chill, if you really feel that strongly about the way events are run then thats easily fixed, donate some of your free time and volunteer to help.

#33 Report | Quote[en] 

Next time Mokoi could you please be a bit more RP ish ? Letting those gathered know that you cast a spell of Silence on those who refused to be quiet might have been preferable. Maybe get artists to make an Aura of Silence showing a gag in the mouth would be great :)

#34 Report | Quote[en] 

to wait until a well documented (aka scripted) 'Wedding' Ceremony had started was well just rude in my opinion hence the reaction.
Aaaand for that you've nobody else to blame but me. I asked the intruders OOCly to show up in the moments after we were all seated but before the ceremony started, as I figured that'd give the minimum disruption.

#35 Report | Quote[en] 

See, 't is all just a series of misunderstandings back and forth. To the guests at an event it may seem like everything goes very slowly, but to people involved in organising parts of it (be they players or event team) it's very busy behind the scenes, often with multiple tell windows open and/or switching between characters.

The intruders could have made an early protest in region to warn us of their coming, the people present at the wedding (including me) could have warned the officials that they were coming, the official could've invoked Xatokar's "begone or be silenced!" idea.... and any one of those simple actions by a single person could've prevented this drama, but everybody was just too busy to think of it in the heat of the chaotic moment.

That's how misunderstandings happen, it doesn't always mean people were purposely out to ruin your experience. :)

#36 Report | Quote[en] 

LoL .. This has been one of the funniest reads I have had in a long time. I guess I just can't imagine the painful anguish that you went through at the "horrifying" mute... OMG!!! Really?!? I suppose now you will have to go see a shrink and spend hours and hours and hours of therapy for the horrible atrocity that occured.

What I find sad is that no matter what the events people would have done, this thread will still exist.


Peace, Luv & Cookies,

#37 Report | Quote[en] 

As one of the people that got muted.. Whatever you muted us I logged out. I did hear that people were muted several hours.. Not cool. I was prepared to die for my interruption as I was PvP tagged as well. So I know there were more then Kara to take me and my alt down. To those pissed at us coming. I invite you to attend anything with the Kamis. We will hear you out but if you get out of line and are tagged we will kill you. Simple fix I think. I was told by a Matis they thought we looked cool being all in red and I agree.

#38 Report | Quote[en] 

Loryen but she hit that "butcher of Thesos... Bloodsoaked clothing" macro 3 times before you were all silenced and ported.

This I did Beeficus, and this is the only thing about the whole affair that I feel guilt for. In explanation (not defense) I did not see the first one (and hence was not sure it worked) because a wall of text came at the same time...and the other two, well, it explained our reason for being there, so in the heat of the moment I was trying to get it in in a chat lull, but also before we got killed...as we were expecting. So, my apologies, to me under stress it probably seemed a larger time gap between the two.

Reading the other comments here, I have three points I would like to address:

One, the difference (imo) between RP and griefing, give those of you think we just griefed a chance to convince me, but this I will start a new thread for.

Two, if the event team would like me to clear my future actions with them then I need to know how to contact them. And this brings me to my third point...

A warning. I see building community as part of my and my guilds role, especially within our faction(s). We will continue to use RP as a tool to do this. Being that the story includes many factions at war, it can be expected that some of our pro-faction RP might not be appreciated by the opposing faction(s). On the other hand, when it is mutually beneficial, I hope the whole community will appreciate it. This is the nature of conflict and therefore the nature of RP within the bounds of this conflict.

Last edited by Loryen (1 decade ago)

#39 Report | Quote[en] 

If you see building communities as your role, disrupting events with the purpose of causing others to not have a good time (which is the only purpose of what you guys did, however you may try to defend it "within the lore") isn't the way to go about it.

You crossed a line there, and while it might have been in character is was also griefing.
We're not sending troops of assassins into Pyr to kill the Akenak during their sessions, even though the current political situation between the Matis Kingdom and the Fyro empire would certainly make for an ideal excuse to do so for that very reason.


So long and thanks for all the fish

#40 Report | Quote[en] 

You will have to explain yourself in the other thread about what is RP and what is griefing. I tried to lay out my argument in a rational manner. Stating something is...does not make it so. Give your position and support it with arguments and some of us might understand it.

Not to mention...you say I acted to "caus[e] others to not have a good time"..more Kami enjoyed the event because of what we did. We had 35+ people who got to enjoy the event, and build "faction pride", who would not have enjoyed it otherwise. And some Karavan even suggested they only came to see what the Kami would do and would have been disappointed had we NOT done something. I would go so far as to even say more people enjoyed what we did than did not.

We fully intended to be dead or teleported away within minutes of arriving, hence leaving you to your event. We would have to apologise for the few minute delay, but that would have been the worst of our crimes.

Even your example here does not stand, I think most of the community would enjoy a good assassination attempt, for the very reason you are trying to deny.

(To address something else, more along the actual point of this thread: the anger in universe...I agree that got loud, but it was not because they got muted...it was because no one (such as the CSR) would answer them about how long it would last. This would have made me mad too if I did not know if I could not play my character indefinitely (I only got teleported to Yrk).)

Edited 5 times | Last edited by Loryen (1 decade ago)

#41 Report | Quote[en] 

I dont agree with the few people posting here who think the Fyros (seems to be extended to all Kamis) had no right to try to include themselves in the event. However I was unaware of the plan, others in vent with me were unaware of the plan. The events team was obviously unaware of the plan.

I never thought of this as being a Kara vs Kami issue. Some of you want to make it a Faction issue tho. Specifically the people insulting me and calling me a "typical Kara" in uni for telling them to get over it when they hijacked uni chat with their complaints. Also Binarabi tried to make this an issue of the event teams favoritism towards Karavan and there are others.

Some of the Kamis there were obviously there to make it a faction vs faction event if it wasnt the intention during the planning of it. I have no interest in being forced into participating in faction v faction roleplay. Lets face it that was the outcome wasnt it? I think we already have enough tension and drama in this area without having to impose more

Last edited by Beeficus (1 decade ago)


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