

#1 Report | Quote[en] 

Why can't it be at a more player friendly time? Some of us do work on Saturday as well. Or do a re-run at another time as well....

#2 Report | Quote[en] 

Arispotle covers multiple different time zones, so what is "player-friendly" for some, may not be for others The first convoy, for me, was at a very bad time, while as this one is very convenient. Given that the Devs/Event staff understand Aris' diverse player-base, I would imagine they'll keep rotating it.

Last edited by Hechicera (1 decade ago)

#3 Report | Quote[en] 

Bah i have not seen a single event that was at a convinient time for me... I always had to stay up real late for them...

#4 Report | Quote[en] 

I think that the Zorai informant really should come up with a more exact time... *sits and waits*

#5 Report | Quote[en] 

Rigged !


#6 Report | Quote[en] 

Rigged !


I for one am feeling entirely ripped off right now - first we wait hours, literally, for the convoy, and then we don't even get to spot them when they do come. Plus Kara lands are apparently safer than Kami lands, as the Marauders aren't pulling new tricks there, and there're fewer portals. Regardless of the RP value of the convoy actions, it makes for a very un-enjoyable player experience. And no, we can't just carry on with our normal business while waiting; first because someone's got to keep watch, and second because we have to be ready to join a major battle on a minute's notice.

Last edited by Aniya(arispotle) (1 decade ago) | Reason: Additional explanation.

#7 Report | Quote[en] 

I completely ignored this event and went about my day.
Which was good, from the sound of the comments;  I was listening to the convoy channel for almost two hours before I took off, and nothing happened.

Which is too bad, because I'm sure I would love these type of events.
I just don't have eight hours to waste waiting near portals hoping the event will start soon.

Good event idea, but it would work a lot better if the convoy triggered a global announcement so that people didn't have to wait all over KL hoping the event would start.

#8 Report | Quote[en] 

I understand the frustration concerning missing the convoy today, but it also pleasantly surprised me. This evidently is not a sit by the portal and kill the bad guys when they show event; today illustarted that.

Instead, the events team have shared their objective, given their rough timeframe, and are actually tring to accomplish their objectives. The marauders are suppose to be a new people, we know little about their motives and objectives...and even worse, we know we were not the only ones sitting at the meeting. This means we know they have allies in our lands. They are playing the part and I for one welcome the challenge. I was not frustrated today because of what they did, I was frustrated because I was stupid for underestimating them.

For me, playing guard duty for 6 hours is still playing...in sandbox style, it is my responsability to find some way to make it fun for me and my guild. It is a greater fear for me that they make this or future events less difficult or less intellectually stimulating.

#9 Report | Quote[en] 

my last line above made me think of something...are MMO's the only place a WoW factor is bad? =P

#10 Report | Quote[en] 

For me, playing guard duty for 6 hours is still playing...in sandbox style, it is my responsability to find some way to make it fun for me and my guild. It is a greater fear for me that they make this or future events less difficult or less intellectually stimulating.

So how exactly did you sell the event to guildies?
"hey guys want to stand around random portals for 5 hrs doing nothing productive for standard npc marauders to only then apparently make their delivery by some mysterious route some how slipping past at least 20 people on lookout" ?

The event window is stupid should be 2hrs max and more of them or even multiple targets, this is mean't to be fun and it simply is not!

a disillusioned homin from pyr

#11 Report | Quote[en] 

Well, unfortunately I have not yet...they are as disillusioned as you seem to be. But I am working on it...and if I come up with something I will invite everyone. If not, then I must admit you are probably right.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Loryen (1 decade ago)

#12 Report | Quote[en] 

I understand the frustration concerning missing the convoy today, but it also pleasantly surprised me. This evidently is not a sit by the portal and kill the bad guys when they show event; today illustarted that. Instead, the events team have shared their objective, given their rough timeframe ......

Problem is we were given a read herring. The Informant specifically said

"Akilia Ash Storm has scheduled its departure from the Prime Roots to the desert."

That didn't happen. I have no problem with us guessing wrong or suffering for a mistake in strategy. But we shouldn't be fed "confidential information" from an a suppossed ally which is misleading. And 6 hours is far too large a window especially when it keeps a major part of the playing population from participating because it runs till 2, 3 or 4 in the morning.


#13 Report | Quote[en] 

Well, unfortunately I have not yet...they are as disillusioned as you seem to be. But I am working on it...and if I come up with something I will invite everyone. If not, then I must admit you are probably right.

"Disillusioned" isn't the right word =P

Asking players to sit and wait for up to 6-8 hours, doing little else, for one (maybe two) chances at attacking a "convoy" that doesn't even stop when attacked is a little bit ridiculous, and is extremely inconsiderate of the people who are expected to participate.

This is the same kind of issue that I had with the Fyros turn-in event, though fortunately it is -slightly- better. At least we knew somewhere within a 6-8 hour window that something was going to happen somewhere as opposed to having no forewarning whatsoever. I chose to show my "support" of this event in the same way as I "supported" the Fyros event: ignore the thing completely.

Events team, I would love to participate in your events. However, some of us do have other things we enjoy in this game as much as, or more than, the events that seem to encompass your entire existence. Please be considerate to those of us who have more interests than sitting for up to 6-8 hours on pins and needles waiting for your precious events to take place.

Oh, and to continue to avoid arguments of partiality, as have been plaguing your events thus far, maybe in this case where Kami lands have more entrances into PR than Kara lands, you should specify which exit from PR will be taken. Or allow multiple locations for entry into Kara lands, which is the only feasible option for this last leg of the event: Add Hidden Source and Grove Of Confusion as possible exit locations for the convoy.

Y'know, just to be fair to everyone.

#14 Report | Quote[en] 

To be fair to the Event Team several of us thought about the EF portal, but discounted that possibility as that route is too long and dangerous.

We failed to remember that marauders are not attacked by aggro, so for them the route while a bit long was quite safe.

The marauders knew their enemy and how they would probably think :)

This was a good lesson for all of us :)
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