
#1 [en] 

Nobody really does tagged pvp anymore (i stopped aswell) because the stuff be be bought with faction points and are just way to expancive only ppl is see now doing tagged pvp are cheating (killing each other with 5min intervals) now, and some ppl that are really into it but not much

lowering the prizes or adding more shoul give an incentive for more ppl to tag up and have fun with it


#2 [en] 

I made very similar thread with proposals for new faction gear and items while ago. You can find it few pages below. Prices at faction vendors is definitely another thing to reconsider. Either make them lower or rise up honor point gains on each kill. I mean, over 45k for best items while getting about 30 points for killing someone of equal level? Are you kidding me?.. It looks not like fun, but more like grind of worst kind, making obtaining high-level rewards rather pointless. 

Ideally, temple shops should offer wide range of gear with stats comparable to supreme gear. That way PvP dedicated players could get full sets of equipment through PvP activity, with lesser need to stick with PvE. Sure thing, that would galvanise PvP a bit.

Last edited by Tumbleweed (1 decade ago)

#3 [en] 

Nobody really does tagged pvp anymore (i stopped aswell) because the stuff be be bought with faction points and are just way to expancive only ppl is see now doing tagged pvp are cheating (killing each other with 5min intervals) now, and some ppl that are really into it but not much

lowering the prizes or adding more shoul give an incentive for more ppl to tag up and have fun with it

Actually, I commonly see people tagged; Depravity regularly has members who are tagged for PvP while they go about their business around the world, and sometimes I see tagged Knights Leviers and Fireflies as well. I heard recently of a battle in Yrk, and several weeks ago was another in which I participated with a handful of people from both sides.

Right now, people are doing it for the fun of it. This shouldn't be changed.

You used to mention there weren't people who would tag up, and that you were the only one who did ... that seems to be the case no longer. Tag up and go find the fun =)

#4 [en] 

true in some points and i haven't been tagged a week or 2 but there is no fun in it right now we still have the odd battle at FH stables aswell but most ppl right now i see doing tagged pvp is to cheat on getting the prizes and they start to wine when you join in


#5 [en] 

If, as you say, most people are tagging only to cheat the system, then the answer isn't to increase the rewards or make them cheaper, it's to remove all rewards altogether.

Then again, the other side of that coin is ... if people get what they want from the PvP points, will they stop cheating and then leave only the real people to PvP? That question is hard to answer, but I suspect there would be more people cheating if rewards were made more readily available.

Find the people cheating, kill them, and hug their corpse when they complain =)

#6 [en] 

Being one of the people who rarely take off my pvp tag I will say this. More items could be good but making them cheaper is a no go for me. I think the faction items would be less special if they were made cheaper and honestly the lower quality stuff is pretty dooable.

#7 [en] 

If, as you say, most people are tagging only to cheat the system, then the answer isn't to increase the rewards or make them cheaper, it's to remove all rewards altogether.
Heh, this seems similar to a discussion I once had about events. If you give rewards for something, people will just game the system for optimum rewards rather than really participate, thereby spoiling it for people who do just want to play and have fun. But if you don't give rewards for it, nobody will participate at all.

It seems to me tagged PvP was never really supposed to be the primary way of earning faction points, but that small faction point rewards were just added to the PvP to give a little extra incentive and at least some reward. Would be nice to have a proper way of earning faction points again, imo.

#8 [en] 

It seems to me tagged PvP was never really supposed to be the primary way of earning faction points.

+100 Marelli

When that whole pvp system was put in place for the temple construction that's all there was.... pvp. Points were easy.

With the recent event ( Marauders ) it seems to me like they are ramping up for another scenario like that.

Once an event like that kicks off you will have loads of points.

I have 5 shields, 5 skirts, about a dozen picks, and points to spare, and that was from casual pvp from the temple event.

If they awarded points for OP battles you would have tens of thousands of points pretty quick. But they dont :)~

Stop complaining that you have to pull a Cartman and kill boars for months to get X item of uberness. When the next pvp event comes around and pvp is ALL that you can do..... I don't wanna hear that you wanna go back to the way it was.




I don't wanna die without scars

#9 [en] 

I agree that back in the temple construction period, faction points we're way to easy to achieve. I still have way too many master karavaneer picks.

On the other hand, I just worked my karavan fame to 100. I received a pretty little TP graphic, but seems I should have gotten a few points for my loyalty as well.


#10 [en] 

I am what you would say a "cheater". This is only because realistically it is the only way to get the required points. Having said that, i have only managed to get 5k from it. I find the process boring and if the points were lowered i would not cheat and actually take part in some PvP properly. A system along the lines of; higher players can attack you only if you engage them would be nice and then I would remain tagged rather than be worried of being destroyed in 1 hit.

thanks, virg



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#11 [en] 

true in some points and i haven't been tagged a week or 2 but there is no fun in it right now we still have the odd battle at FH stables
I quit tagged PvP ages ago, as in current state it's generally boring and rewardless. Years ago there used to be quite entertaining battles in Yrk, FH and Dyron going on almost every day involving many people from both factions, but then numbers of participants drastically dropped when most of PvP-oriented players left for other games. In my opinion, tagged PvP is dead for years and last so called "PvP patch" actually brought nothing to revive it. Like adding a couple of new tags could do the trick while things need some serious revision.

There is kind of a loop right now: people cheat because there is nobody to play with, and there is nobody to play with, because people cheat. Yes, reconsideration of honor points gain and adding more stuff to the vendors would brought more cheaters, but also more people willing to go for real PvP would get involved.
When the next pvp event comes around and pvp is ALL that you can do
So i have to wait for another rare occasion happening once in several years to obtain some honor points? This is ridicilous. Is it sandbox game or not? I thought, in true sandbox game players don't need to wait for events run by the devteam to participate in some activity. They go for it when they are up for it, and game reward them respectively. Tagged PvP in Ryzom is out of this scheme.

Last edited by Tumbleweed (1 decade ago)

#12 [en] 

I thought, in true sandbox game players don't need to wait for events run by the devteam to participate in some activity. They go for it when they are up for it, and game reward them respectively. Tagged PvP in Ryzom is out of this scheme.

I always thought a sandbox meant that players were free to build their own content, not that demanded content (or rewards) would appear...I have never seen any players try to pre-organize large scale PvP (other than OPs of course). If you want it, set it up! The events team have showed time and again that they are willing to help with player driven content...make a story, set it up, and make it happen.

Give us a good RP story and NS will show (NS, my guild is not RP, but we like a good story). Or, give us a yell and we will help organize.

Last edited by Loryen (1 decade ago)

#13 [en] 

Again, why tagged PvP need any kinds of "events" to be done properly, while it could run on its own if some changes would be implemented. It's like digging mats. I don't need to organise my own event or wait till the event team will do it in order to dig them. They are already there, loads of them, all i have to do is get my focus gear, pick and go to the spot.  

If gaining honor points initially was based mostly on PvP events, like Marelli supposed, then it needs to be changed.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tumbleweed (1 decade ago)

#14 [en] 

I still dont agree because the problem is simply coordination. It is not that there are not enough people who want to PvP with you...they just do not know when and where you want to PvP. There is no reason this could not be coordinated out of game.

Perhaps my difficulty is that PvPers are getting all the love...yet do nothing but complain that they are not getting enough. When OPs were added, there was a mass exodus from the game...and everytime since that the drums of war start beating, people leave. Yet the PvPers always want more no matter how much the community suffers.

Dont misunderstand me, I have no problem with fact I really enjoy it. Were PvP not possible I would be here supporting a call for it. But I do not think PvPers can complain...aren't they promising us a new PvP region and a new PvP based faction? Where is the content for those who just want to explore the lore? I would love to be sifting through ruins in PR trying to figure out who homin/Atys/Kami/Karavan are and where they came from...these are questions I have been waiting to have answered for 5-6 years, (not to mention finding and exploring the rumored path to the old lands)...Or what about those who want new crafting and/or harvesting content?

Last edited by Loryen (1 decade ago)

#15 [en] 

To be fair, we don't know that Marauders are a PvP-based faction, only that there is a Marauder city in the works. I strongly believe we have a chance to influence the direction the announced additions will take, but so far the devs are keeping their cards hidden.

I definitely agree with the rest of your points though. We need PvE- and PvP-based content for people who prefer those aspects of the game; but the game is no longer pure PvE, nor is it pure PvP. We also need exploration-based content. That is something this game is sorely lacking. But that drifts off into another topic of discussion.

Because of the lack of people interested in regular PvP, beyond what they feel they are forced to participate in for outpost wars, there is a reduced chance for "spontaneous" PvP to happen. In the new PvP-zone that is being added, there is another attempt to rectify that. Hopefully there will be something to do there besides dig and boss hunt that will give players an (OPTIONAL) opportunity to spend time in that zone.

If gaining honor points initially was based mostly on PvP events, like Marelli supposed, then it needs to be changed.

Maybe there should also be some sort of distinction made between those who want to PvP because they enjoy PvP, and those who want to PvP because it offers benefits. The latter type are usually only "part-time" PvPers, and usually only PvP when things fall in their favour so they can reap maximum benefits with minimum effort.

The Faction Points (Honour Points is a different game) offered for PvP should remain as Marelli defined them: a nice little perk for those who PvP because they enjoy PvP. Unlike (that game), on Ryzom you PvP because you like PvP, not because you want to buy the latest and greatest purple/epic item.
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