

#1 Report | Quote[en] 

After tonights secret meeting, i would find it strange if i have to help protect the city"s and op's from marauders, since i'm one

means i've been getting bad prices at shops and some hawkers and towns not trading with me since i'm over -30 fame

Why would i need to be forced to protect those lands and give up my friend marauders and kill them?

Can't us marauder chars be on the other side of the event helping the marauders? these events are in character anyway and have nothing to do with guild and stuff, so for my roleplaying being on the side with marauders is only thing that sounds right or why would i have made my character marauder to roleplay if i have to do the oposite in roleplaying events?

wanna hear your toughts on this

Last edited by Jaliun (1 decade ago)


#2 Report | Quote[en] 

i totaly agree,

i'm a marauder too, and i would like to be a marauder in these events.
That's one of the only ways to do something with it.
otherwise it's just bad trading.....

#3 Report | Quote[en] 

I absolutely agree.

I'm not a Marauder (the opposite in fact) but this is the heart of Roleplay.  If the Roleplay events team doesn't let people correctly roleplay their faction/civ, well ... that's just plain wrong.  

#4 Report | Quote[en] 

On leanon we had something similar, marauders (players and npc) attacked some diggers trying to get materials for dexton's cure as part of an event. That one was in Umbra, I dont know if npc allegiance can be set the same way in areas without GvG enabled.

Maybe the 'protectors' would need to enable pvp flag outside umbra to be attackable by player marauders... which would enable the protectors to attack each other as well (and after some ricochets disable healing).


Casy * Foreign Secretary * Alliance of Honor
Intensive Care Bear

#5 Report | Quote[en] 

I absolutely agree, I will be terribly disappointed if they do not allow players to join either side in this debate/fight.

I would like it to be set up like a mobile OP. When you approach the caravan you flag Attacker/Defender/Neutral. Attackers can attack the caravan and guards; Defenders can of course, defend; and Neutral cannot do either. All they can do is passively watch.

Optional: It would also be interesting if they allowed (or required) defenders to be anonymous. Or, if they considered each caravan a separate entity which only affects the fame of the region the caravan is invading (for instance, fighting the caravan in the Desert would raise Fyros Fame, but not the other civs...and vice versa). It might play into the ongoing civ debates to actively assist the caravans in enemy lands.

#6 Report | Quote[en] 

Here here, power to the players! etc...

You'll be wanting to RP kitin next. :p


Noble Jayce
Reaper Leader

#7 Report | Quote[en] 

What is a marauder (aside from the fame-based distinction)? The wiki seems to paint them as a separate faction with multiple mostly-independent tribes. And it would seem they are not-only anti-civ but also anti-theists.

Would a marauder clan trust a homin who still remained friendly to the four civs, or who expressed faith in Jena or Ma-Duk? Certainly the recent "Marauder" fame designation might be a good start, but I can imagine they would be very way of any outsiders, those who had the "easy life" and didn't have to fight for every scrap of food or for every breath when they were abandoned.

Ultimately, could you find peace with the Marauder tribes and still be liked, or even tolerated, by the civs? Personally, I think a requirement (based on the Wiki) would be -50 with all civs, and at least -25 with both factions. Then, only after completely abandoning your previous way of life, might the marauder tribes be willing to start trusting you, an outsider.

#8 Report | Quote[en] 

Well aren't the other civs also just some fame, ok you do some quests for them but still it's also just fame based that's how this game works to become a tryker you have to know nothing about the game or it's lore just go kill a couple of bandits today and do quest where you go drink a stinga rum on a small island, and it's a bit the same matis and tryker are both karavan but matis and tryker kami citizens are still allowed nothing against that (the other way around is possible aswell). Right now i see the marauder fame (and hominist) just as an RP stance and nothing more (what you prpose for marauders is no way to enter towns or even go to gh, no teleports and nobody to sell to makeing the game impossible to play


#9 Report | Quote[en] 

(breaking this up to make it easier to follow)

Marauders aren't "just another civ", at least they way they are represented in the lore, described in the Wiki, and implemented in the game.

Marauders are bitter and antagonistic toward "established" civilizations. They do not trust them because they betrayed and abandoned them in the past; who is to say they won't do it again? The Kami and Karavan both are also similarly distrusted, because they abandoned them as well. Remember, Marauders are the descendants of the people left behind in the Old Lands after the Great Swarming. They survived, despite the odds, despite being abandoned by everyone they knew at the time.

#10 Report | Quote[en] 

You and I begin our in-game lives as normal, unassuming participants in the established civilizations, simply because that is our only option. We were, basically, born into the group of refugees. We begin our in-game lives as a part of everything the Marauders fight against, as part of everything they do not trust. We begin the game as a member of the group of people who abandoned them and their ancestors to the Kitin armies, perhaps leaving them behind to make our own escape a tiny bit easier.

There is little for us to do to prove ourselves to our native civilization; it takes slightly more work for us to prove ourselves to any of the other civilizations. It takes the most amount of work to prove ourselves to all of the civilizations, but we are still considered as "one of them" .

The work involved to really become accepted by the Marauder tribes, and not just have a fancy title that we can get right now should be comparable to changing your alignment from one faction to another (Kara to Kami, or vice versa).

You must first renounce your "alignment" with your current faction. You become neutral, but you are still hated by your intended faction, and must work to gain their acceptance and then their trust. I have recently worked Lagoon Brothers fame from -67 to -20 or so; it's a slow process that only speeds up once you get past a few hurdles; for me, it involved a lot of missions accepted while invulnerable that ended in my death. For the civs, you have very few options below the negative rating. That symbolizes the fact that it's a long process to gain the trust of your target faction after having aligned yourself with their enemies.

Once you DO align with your new target faction, any residual positive fame from your old faction is wiped out, and they instantly hate you.

#11 Report | Quote[en] 

Like with the factions, the Marauder tribes would (or should) require you to abandon your old way of life. If you truly want to join them, that means you also share their same views and outlooks on life, namely that the established civilizations are self-serving, untrustworthy, and will betray whomever whenever it suits them, and that the Kami and Karavan are no better, nothing more than hypocritical liars. Since you share their same outlook on life, it doesn't matter that you abandon the ways of your youth.

The longer you have served the people hated by the Marauder tribes, the longer it should take for you to gain Marauder tribal acceptance. To prove your devotion, the Marauders should have you kill members of the civs, as well as both a Kami and Kara Adept. Once you are a Marauder, you should no longer be allowed near the Civ guards; would they let Aen or Lixie just stroll into Fairhaven?

It will be a hard life to follow. But Marauders have had a very hard life to live so far. The only faith a Marauder tribesman has is his own wits, his weapons and armour, and maybe some of his closest associates.

#12 Report | Quote[en] 

What we have that is called "Marauder" now is nothing more than a fancy title and chat channel. It's a minor inconvenience, sure, but no one has to make it any harder than they have to.

Spend a few minutes at each civ recruiter and cuss them a little, and you are easily and effortlessly in the -25 fame range. It's not hard to accomplish at all, even if it's an annoying click-fest. There are no missions, no killing, no deliveries; you only have to travel to four places, find the right NPC at each place, and do a bunch of clicking.

Real Marauders tribesmen would laugh at what we call "Marauder" today.

#13 Report | Quote[en] 

It would be hilarious if marauder players could go on an NPC killing rampage in the cities (after they get past the guards, of course)... :p



#14 Report | Quote[en] 

I would love to see the fancy title but right now it's just bad prices and no hawkers. (no titles i know about)
I've been almost every faction in this game: 100% tryker/fyros/zorai+kara/kami, 50/50/50/50/50/50 theist/hominist, right now it's 100kara & -25% - -48% marauder so i have done quite a few of those quests and know how to do them (i did the insult  thing 125 times to get from 100 tryker fame to -25, so let's say i was pretty determind to go for it, so if there had been quests i would have done them aswell.
They did make it possible to be a kami/hominist or a kara/marauder when they implemented them and i do hope they taught about implementing it in the lore.
On the q&a event last month or so the event team did say events catering to hominist/marauder/theist/anti-theist where something being tought of

The wiki you linked to is not offical part of ryzom lore it's an interpretation of ppl making the wiki, but on the official website there is also quite allot to find about marauders like the interview with the imprisoned marauder Stabre Sicco where he does say the kara and kami have noting to say on the lands but that the marauders do find the kami/kara verry usefull themself and that they will "liberate" the kami/karavan but when he is asked about that liberation he refuses to answer so who knows maybe another force is at play here, maybe the civilisation have the kami/kara captured to balckmail TP's from them?
I did have a quick look at the artikles on the official lore and can nowhere find anywhere that the marauders are against the kami/kara except that interview where is said the are usefull and that the marauders want to 'liberate kara/kami'.

Another point i have is since when are we born in civilisations? We all start out the game being a refugee found by bold explorers that decided the ppl left behind should be found and brought to the new civilisations, so in fact we are all a bit marauder we all lived in the wild until we are found and brought to the new civilisations so the chance of your father being a marauder is really big, the chance of your father being a real tryker/fyros/matis/zorai is next to impossible => it would mean he brought you back in the wild because he didn't want you (about refugees you can read in the 'overview' artikle in the official wiki)

ps i'm sure i'll have some stuff wrong aswell but i'm just responding to lore you told about that i can't find anywhere to back up in the official wiki/lore


#15 Report | Quote[en] 

It would be hilarious if marauder players could go on an NPC killing rampage in the cities (after they get past the guards, of course)... :p

i have been at -50 fame for some civ aswell but only thing is they kill you but you can't att back (atleast if they kill you you don't get XP)


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