
#43 [en] 

The collections guy seems to have disappeared while the deadline isn't passed yet.

Collections guy had to go into hiding while the world came to an end and was rebuilt in a sudden and inexplicable manner. He only just changed into clean shorts and is now back at his post.

Last edited by Onavar (1 decade ago) | Reason: Typos? Nah, not me


Onavar Event Manager

#44 [en] 

The collections guy seems to have disappeared while the deadline isn't passed yet.

Probably kidnapped by paranoid Fyros.

Kidnapped??? We don't kidnap. If we had anything to do with it you would find charred remains.
I would do it. I don't like them sending homins down there to meddle around. They will just anger the Kitin and we get another swarming.

It would seem your GOD'S followers the Karavan are TOO SCARED to go into Prime Roots. Not in a single place of Prime Roots they are present. But the Kami are. The Karavan hires Homins to stand guard and give guidance to Homins at their altars in PR.... Some bunch... They don't trust Jena enough to protect them in there...

PS: I wish i could delete Onavar's post it is also off topic.

Last edited by Amnesia(arispotle) (1 decade ago)

#45 [en] 

Final result according to the collections guy:

144 Kipee bits (144% of required)
167 Kipesta bits (223% of required)
92 Kirosta bits (184% of required)

Though I wonder how many of those are actually from the Lair....

#46 [en] 

Final....thot deadline was 5H - Tria, Frutor, 27th ? Isn't that the end of winter ?

Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (1 decade ago)


#47 [en] 

Though I wonder how many of those are actually from the Lair....

Make it require something from the lair, and not something you can get anywhere. Otherwise, don't expect the bits to be from the lair.

#48 [en] 

Assistant took but didn't register 2 outta the 3 stacks of "fine" stuff I had from lair 1st trip.

Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (1 decade ago)


#49 [en] 

Well, deadline came and went .... ?????????


#50 [en] 

A courier posts a small, carefully described label:
Deles Silam,

Many materials were delivered during the collection period. Fortunately, the minimum demands of the Karavan were completely satisfied and materials have finally been packed to be transferred to the Karavan agents.

We hope that the research results will contribute to further education about the reasons behind the current Kitin activities. Study results will be posted once available.

I thank you for your efforts,

Nisti Tinanti
Royal Kitinologist

#51 [en] 

Methinks we need to excavate the areas where the tunnels are blocked and go further in to investigate.


#52 [en] 

Spoken like a true Fyros

#53 [en] 

Pick my reason .......

1. I wanna see the dragon

2. I want a new area to explore


#54 [en] 

Dig dig dig! Let's make history! Excavate!

#55 [en] 

Better to permanently seal off the prime roots, blocking in the kitin menace and leaving them alone down there where it is damp and dark.
Had the Fyro not released the kitins in the first place, the Great Swarming would never have happened.
And now that same irresponsible race wants to do it all over again, just to see what's down there?

They're worse than that madman Zorai reporter who set out to interview the Dragon, they're either actively seeking the destruction of hominity at the hands of the kitins in another Great Swarming or they've forgotten history's lessons about what happens when homins dig too deep.

Homins of all nations, come together to stop this madness!

#56 [en] 

Better to permanently seal off the prime roots, blocking in the kitin menace and leaving them alone down there where it is damp and dark.

Because the Kitin are completely incapable of creating their own tunnels and passages. Go out and see things for yourself instead of blindly trusting your Karavan masters. If you actually looked, you'd see breaches through which Kitin have been observed to travel scattered all over Atys. Those are certainly not Homin-made.

#57 [en] 

Yeah no kitin, that would be sooooo fun ..... same ole, same ole ..... let's just keep doing the same stuff we doing for the last 8 years. maybe I could master a new dig tree (yawn)......nope, all done.


Been a year and half since anything new happened. I'm ready for something exciting.....someplace I haven't been before.

New Plan ...... getting my zorai electric pick and excavating tunnel from Egg Room to under a certain apartment.

Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (1 decade ago)


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