
#19 [en] 

Deles Silam homins of Atys,

The Assistant Royal Kitionologist has reported to me that very few samples have been collected. I fear that without a substantial amount of samples we will not gain the knowledge we will need to assess the true threat of the Kitin activity in the Kitins' Lair.

I urge each and every able bodied homin to gather up your guild and associates to coordinate maximum safe collecting parties. It is imperative that these samples are gathered as soon as possible.

Nisti Tianti
Royal Kitinologist

#20 [en] 

Deleted by Onavar (1 decade ago) | Reason: Removed off topic post

#21 [en] 

Speaking of...I am not sure helping Matis learn more about the Fauna of Atys is a good idea. I mean, we can only judge intent by previous actions...and you can get a much bigger bomb on a kiban or kipee than you can a yubo.

At the same time...I have never met a "Kincher Whisperer" might be amusing to watch Matis Nobles get eaten by their own weapons.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Loryen (1 decade ago)

#22 [en] 

In case the assistant doesnt take ya stuff and ya don't know why ..... mats gotta be fine.


#23 [en] 

Deleted by Onavar (1 decade ago) | Reason: Removed off topic post

#24 [en] 

Deleted by Onavar (1 decade ago) | Reason: Removed off topic post

#25 [en] 

I thought he was working on behalf of the Royal that not an arm of the Matis Civilization? The civilization that just used Yubo Bombs to kill innocent Fyros women and children. The civilization now being ruled by the very homin who led that attack. Does the Royal Acadmeny not answer to the call of this evil homin? Also, Professor Tinanti is working with a Karavan Researcher...the Karavan, the ones who ask us to "clear the lands so they can exploit them"?

Yeah, please explain where logic does not demand paranoia. But, just to be clear, these are only my own concerns, I am just sharing my thoughts with those who might care to listen, I am not sharing the collective zeitgeist of the Kami Faction.

#26 [en] 

Deleted by Onavar (1 decade ago) | Reason: Removed off topic post

#27 [en] 

Thanks Jayce, good to know Matis and Karavan have limits.

#28 [en] 

Handed in 54 Kirosta Secretions (Done 50 needed)
Handed in 76 Kipesta Wings (Done - 75 needed)
Handed in 100 Kipee Secretions (Done - 100 needed)

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (1 decade ago)


#29 [en] 

[Currently collected totals]

The totals are recalculated once every 10 minutes.

Last edited by Onavar (1 decade ago)


Onavar Event Manager

#30 [en] 

[Currently collected totals]

The totals are recalculated once every 10 minutes.

Doesn't seem to be updating. Says 97 Total Kipee Secretions but looking at Kitinologist "You have collected" window, says I handed in 100.....and I watched a movie in between.


#31 [en] 

See...proof the Matis of syphoning off resources to their "black bag" operations.

#32 [en] 

They are planning again something for sure.

#33 [en] 

*Classified letter, deliver personally and handle with care!*

To: Nisti Tinanti, Royal Kitinologist.

I hear your research is having some setbacks, and that you are having trouble gathering enough Kitin specimens from the Lair. I even hear your volunteers keep trying to trick your assistant by handing him Kitin specimens acquired outside the Lair. I already feared the other races could not be trusted... and I fear the Nobles are too busy to offer much help either.

No doubt a man of your position has heard via via about the situation in the Kingdom by now. It is true our beloved King has gone missing and your patron, Duke Rodi di Varello, has been arrested on suspicion of being complicit in his disappearance. I urge you to keep quiet about these matters to your assistants and students so as not to cause panic. Worry not, the Kingdom is in good hands and this shall not affect your research. You've been granted permission to operate independently alongside the Karavan and all homin races, and the Nobles have no intention of withdrawing this permission.

But the reason I write you is because of a thought that occurred to me. Since your expedition is already a public one where all help is welcomed, have you thought about involving the Kitin Gatherers tribe? Do forgive my ignorance if I am saying something silly, I admit I know little about this mysterious tribe as even when I visit their camp in the Prime Roots they welcome me politely but do not talk of themselves much. But their name would seem to imply they must know a great deal about gathering Kitin specimens.

And what I do know about them is that they have members of all races, are in good standing with all civilisations and are allied to the Karavan to boot! Would they not be ideal to have along in an expedition like yours; an expedition to gather Kitin specimens by all 4 races under the guidance of the Karavan? If you wish I can send an envoy to them on your behalf to ask their assistance. Just let me know.

Deles necat, Jena aiye!
Marelli, Matis Noble
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