
#16 [en] 

All possible guild logos are combinations of the shields, logos, and colours used by the various tribes of Atys.
This has always been the case, and is of course rooted in the lore.

Creating new options would require expanding the lore. While I'm not opposed to that, it'll have to be done carefully.


So long and thanks for all the fish

#17 [en] 

And one thing we totally need is a Zoraï symbol!

If anyone wants to play with it, then click on 'empty' symbol on visualizer



#18 [en] 

Heh, nice one Karu!

Now how about the Matis writing? ;)

#19 [en] 

Heh, nice one Karu!

Now how about the Matis writing? ;)



#20 [en] 


Now give us... a yubo! :D

No, seriously, fun as this has been, I think I should let you get back to fixing the game now ;)

#21 [en] 

Well, I was searching for this exact topic, so I guess a bit of necromancy is ok: could we get some more guild symbols? At some indefinite point in time? :)

Last edited by Laoviel (5 years ago)


My home is always sweet Yrkanis..

#22 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
Well, I was searching for this exact topic, so I guess a bit of necromancy is ok: could we get some more guild symbols? At some indefinite point in time? :)

I would prefer to know, seeing a Guild's icon, to know if its a

  • kami
  • kara
  • marauds
  • Ranger
  • neutral guild.

For new comers, factions and Guild factions are a nightmare LOL

Specially in some zone (PvP zones)...




Mon profil sur le wiki Francais

Craftjenn, Ranger

#23 [en] 

Besides I wonder since when a Ranger cares about a homin faction, wouldn't it be too easy then? Why not color avatars by allegiance? :)

I think that players have several homin knowledge resources, if insufficient, they should do something to change it, themselves or motivate their scholars to work on such knowledge.

#24 [fr] 


Je préférerais savoir, en voyant l'icône d'une guilde, si elle est de faction

  • kami
  • kara
  • marauds
  • Ranger
  • neutre.

Pour les nouveaux arrivants, les factions et savoir si cette guilde est kara/kami/maraud/etc un cauchemar MDR

Surtout dans certaines zones (zones PvP)...


Si les créateurs de guilde font attention dans le choix du symbole, on peut savoir déjà si la guilde est proche de tel ou tel peuple. Les symboles sont pour partie zorai/fyros/matis ou tryker. Après, la plupart des guilde choisissent leur symbole pour d'autre raison (les larmes ont choisi la goutte parce que bon, c'est logique, larmes donc la goutte) , sans se soucier si le symbole utilisé est fyros/matis etc.

Pour remédier un peu à ça, on peut imaginer faire un résumé de chaque symbole avec leur signification. ça permettrait aux nouvelles guildes de choisir leur symbole en connaissance de cause. Et encore, ça n'empêcherait pas une guilde de préférer un symbole fyros alors qu'elle est tryker ou autre. Les homins peuvent tout à fait se réapproprier les symboles. Mélange des cultures, tout ça.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Fyrenor (5 years ago)


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