Web Apps



Dear all,

Hopefully someone has some ideas for my prob.
Whenever I log in and change the settings in any way it never gets saved.
Speaking of title, interface, window settings, flags on maps, macros, opened windows (eg. missions) and so on.... nothing gets saved and everytime I have to change/adjust things.

I run Ryzom on a Windows 7 system and I do right click and start it as an admin.

Anything else I need to do?


Hi Razrah,

This is a support issue and as such should be in the Leanon support forum. (This forum is only for issues related to the web apps)

Please aks your question there, but first you can try to see if you have read and write access to the "save" subfolder of your Ryzom install folder and all its files.


Sywindt | Game Master | EN, NL, de, fr

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