
#1 Report | Quote[en] 

Came home to Ryzom tonight, resubscribed and everything. Got back to my apartment in-game... to find all my furniture had been confiscated!

There's a Ryzhome web api thingie I'm not familiar with, and an insufficient amount of "carvy seeds" to replace what used to be in the apartment.

Any idea how one acquires additional "Carvy seeds" ?

#2 Report | Quote[en] 

No way as of yet.

The initial announcement was that they'd be given out at events. But so far they've only given away whole furniture pieces at events.

#3 Report | Quote[en] 

The minimalist look is in fashion now.

#4 Report | Quote[en] 

you should have enough points to rebuy everything that came in there originally.
Bed, table, some chairs, with leftover points for a few lamps :)


So long and thanks for all the fish

#5 Report | Quote[en] 

Not for a Matis appartment. We're missing 5 lamps and 3 chairs; not enough carvy seeds to buy that and the bed and the closet and the table.

#6 Report | Quote[en] 

Not to mention our beautiful gardens which cannot be purchased back at all :(

#7 Report | Quote[en] 

ah. Tryker apartments were rather sparse originally. No closet or lamps, only 3 chairs.
So we've got points to spare.


So long and thanks for all the fish

#8 Report | Quote[en] 

It would be nice to see expansion of apt furnishing. Overdue in my opinion.

#9 Report | Quote[en] 

Quite, what's the point of all the work that went into creating this new appartment system if there's still no new furniture almost a year later?

Even worse, there has been some new furniture, but it's only been given to people who attended the Halloween and/or Christmas events. Making that stuff buyable with carvy seeds would've at least given everyone something to play with under the appartment system.

Some event-only goodies are nice and dandy, but not if it's the only goodies you have to give out and a complete aspect as the game is pointless for any players who don't have those goodies. By restricting access to the only new furniture they had to give out like this, they basically chose to make the new apt system pointless for 95% of the players.

#10 Report | Quote[en] 

look out for yubo's flying ybers in aps near you :o)


mayhem - where no one is an island

#11 Report | Quote[en] 

I suppose what I'm most upset about is that in my Matis apartment, the big pink Rotom flower (that I had to buy back) no longer has the glowy lamp-effect coming up from the bottom. That was my favorite of all. And I can't seem to get it back.

Did notice I can see everything that used to be default in the apartment at the character selection screen. Insult to injury?

Last edited by Eirae(arispotle) (1 decade ago)

#12 Report | Quote[en] 

ye should move ;o)


mayhem - where no one is an island

#13 Report | Quote[en] 

I just purchased and got to setting up my first apartment (Tryker) and I have to say that for the first time so far in the world of Atys - I am unimpressed.

Overall I like it - I like how the inventory system works just like the mounts and packers do, etc. The place obviously looks "Tryker-ish" and so forth, but most items are only placeable in one spot, others have a few places, and yet others can be momved around on various axis like normal.

I would also have to agree that there is an incredible lack of items. I mean I am normally a pretty sparse person as it is, but a closet, table, pillow, hammok, and a lamp. Ehrmmm... ok Got any rugs or chests, perhaps a potted plant or something?

Also, the closet only has one location, and it blocks nearly 3/4 of one of the only 3 windows in the place! Seriously though come on guys - it's a fugly closet - surely there could be more than one style of closet / furniture to pick from? I realize apts are probably low priority, but when you start working on them again - puhlease!!

Anyway, I guess I shouldn't complain about one tiny detail out of so many positives - but since the thread is here, I'm throwing in my 2 cents.

Take care all,
- Zift


You know it is too late when you wake up crying out into the darkness... "White Orange, Orange, White Green, Blue, White Blue...."

#14 Report | Quote[en] 

Actually, any item can now be placed anywhere in the appartment by standing where you want to place it and setting it in your position.

Would be better if we could also move them with the axes though.

#15 Report | Quote[en] 

jep :), can turn the tryker closet in a hot-tub with some beer barrels next to it what does a homin need more :p


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