Under Study


#1 [en] 

(sorry if it's already been reccomended)
I'd like to see either an independent bar or like under where your focus is, a exp gauge, where you click on a skill you want to track and can actively watch the exp go up. The B menu is bulky and I like to watch my exp to know if it's getting close to level, but I hate having to keep opening that bulky menu.

#2 [en] 

it's annoying to keep the skill tree open to track XP...

Last edited by Kalean (1 decade ago)


Kaléan McFerty
Pirate of the Lakes

#3 [en] 

I'm a bit confused whats your point of 'tracking xp' ? You get a nice effect and sys msg when you get a lvl, that should tell you well enough. sounds to me like you want to 'watch the grass grow' :p


~~Merchant, Wayfinder, Tracker~~

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#4 [en] 

sounds to me like you want to 'watch the grass grow' :p

Actually, that's just about right. This suggestion is sort of "meh" to me, but I can understand that people really like this feature. As you do something, you see the "grass grow" and get a sense that you're working toward something, instead of just keeping it in the back of your mind that things are moving like they should. Of course, when you hit the higher levels, you wonder if that skill bar is ever going to move =)

And even with the "meh" sentiment, when I'm close to a new level, I find myself checking 'B' after every few crafts or after digging all nodes from a prospect action to try to gauge how much longer I'm going to procrastinate sleep =)

#5 [en] 

there's several kids already asking for an exp bar, without realising you'd need 63 of them on screen.
Refreshing difference here, asking to be able to select a specific skill to track, but how long until someone complains you can't track more than one?

#6 [en] 

there's several kids already asking for an exp bar, without realising you'd need 63 of them on screen.
Refreshing difference here, asking to be able to select a specific skill to track, but how long until someone complains you can't track more than one?

Two ways to solve this really:
- a bar that would, by default, track the skill giving you experience at the moment.
- a "minimal" layout for skills window; much like you can switch between full-size connection window and "minimal" connection window (showing only numbers, not descriptions), you'd be able to switch between full skills window and "minimal" skills window (showing only numbers in the "XXX / YYY" format, not the sidebar with skill icons). You could then place such a window anywhere on your screen without obscuring your view.

But I agree with a general sentiment that this is pretty much an useless feature at the moment. Racing for the level cap isn't the point of this game.

#7 [en] 

I always track XP and this is not to watch the grass grow...

Few examples :

- When you hunt alone, you get a regen of your stats every time you level up.
So this is very usefull to track XP to anticipate this regeneration when you don't have a healer with you.
You can spare the use of auto-regen and keep it for later, or you can fight two creatures at the same time, knowing that you'll get a regen after the first kill.
This is conveniant when you're hunting flora, if two plants are too close you can keep them for that "level up" moment.

- When you craft, if you miss let's say 100xp to finish a level, you can use lower quality mats to level up and spare your better mats. Because when you level up you get only the xp you miss to finish the level. Crafting a 2000xp worth item is useless as 1900xp will be lost in the cyber void. So crafting a 200xp worth item is enough and will give you exactly the same gain, and allow you to spare your high quality mats.
I play a kami character and always try to dig less mats as possible, and recycle crapy mats, to follow my roleplay.

These are just examples, you don't have to play that way. But some people like to play that way, and optimize their actions to be more efficient or follow their RP.

Last edited by Kalean (1 decade ago)


Kaléan McFerty
Pirate of the Lakes

#8 [en] 

Saves wasting cats too when close to levelling as extra xp doesn't carry over.

I don't see that it'd be that hard, could just display applicable levels based on equipped tools or weapons. However I wouldn't exactly consider this a priority request. :p


Noble Jayce
Reaper Leader

#9 [en] 

sysinfo message could also be improved to show the info. something like 98.01% and not XP/TotalXP
UI modification not needed.



#10 [en] 

To me the whole point of playing MMORPG's is to socially, watch the grass grow lol

#11 [en] 

I don't see that it'd be that hard, could just display applicable levels based on equipped tools or weapons. However I wouldn't exactly consider this a priority request. :p

hmm. When I'm carrying a pick, I've an option of 5 skills to use that are specific to that tool.
Or I can cast spells (albeit slowly) with it, wich potentially also give exp, thus adding another 4 for a total of 9 skills that would have to be tracked for just that tool.

A craft tool is similar. In the extreme, an armour crafting tool can be used to make 18 different items, for 18 different skills. Add those same 4 magic skills, and that's 22 skills that would have to be displayed when using that tool.

There goes triviality :)

#12 [en] 

It's the journey, not the destination Grasshopper :)


#13 [en] 

+1 = une barre d'amélioration de niveau , un peu comme la barre de chargement d'action


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#14 [en] 

What about a bar that appears for a few seconds on screen that shows the xp bar when you receive xp in a certain skill? Seems like the cleanest solution to me.



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