
#51 Report | Quote[en] 

guess someone can't count > 9 :)
Of course I'd have preferred hexadecimal version numbers myself...

#52 Report | Quote[en] 

no. Nor is there a way to change it so it copies the content of another of your action bars except for #1.

That was clearly stated in the post. :)


Peace, Luv & Cookies,

#53 Report | Quote[en] 

Did the new occupations make it into the game yet?

#54 Report | Quote[en] 

no, those were delayed.

#55 Report | Quote[en] 

no, those were delayed.

Is there a schedule for the new occupations already or have they been indefinitely postponed ?


#56 Report | Quote[en] 

Yes, waiting for same answer.


#57 Report | Quote[en] 

Servers will be shutdown on Wednesday morning in order to apply a small patch.
Scheduled shutdown of between 60-90 mins expected at this stage.

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Mokoi(arispotle) (1 decade ago)


Yumeroh | Senior Gamemaster | Community Manager | Senior Tester Manager

#58 Report | Quote[en] 

You now have the update available for Linux users, for this you just have to run


Yumeroh | Senior Gamemaster | Community Manager | Senior Tester Manager

#59 Report | Quote[en] 

First new advanced occupation available: Catalyst Artificer! Now you never have to beg for your cat fix again ;)

The occupations main interface is now in your Identity Window ("P" by default), "Occupations" tab.


Sywindt | Game Master | EN, NL, de, fr

#60 Report | Quote[en] 

I'm running under Ubuntu 11.04. I have just updated the client to the latest release and sadly, my clients now crash, within 15 seconds of loading the main window. I have cleared all cached files, to no avail.

I will investigate further.

#61 Report | Quote[en] 

I've had the same problem and the solution is not very nice...
I had to create a secondary directory from where you launch the second client and create a symbolic link to the data directory, then copy the remaining files, including the binaries. You can do:

cd <your directory containing the "ryzom" install directory>
mv ryzom/data backup_data
cp -R ryzom ryzom_2nd
mv backup_data ryzom/data
cd ryzom_2nd
ln -s ../ryzom/data data

Then you run one client from "ryzom" and the other from "ryzom_2nd"

I suspect that both clients otherwise access the same config and/or log files and there is some form of race between the two.

Now it's running smoothly.


#62 Report | Quote[en] 

I suppose you should also be able to launch several clients starting them from different directories with client.cfg there.

/home/user/ryzom/ <= official static client

go to /home/user/ryzom1/client.cfg and start ../ryzom/ryzom_client

Btw don't forget to edit client.cfg and setup PreDataPath to your data absolute path.

I didn't tested that but it should work because Ryzom is checking first if there is a client.cfg in current folder and then in ~/.ryzom and use that folder for creating its files.

Edit: If you compiled yourself the client and it's installed in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin, you'll just to copy ~/.ryzom/client.cfg in a new folder without needing to edit it and launch ryzom with ryzom_client

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Xiombarg (1 decade ago)


Kervala - Ryzom volunteer developer - Working on different clients

#63 Report | Quote[en] 

Where is the master for the Catalyst Artificer?

#64 Report | Quote[en] 

There is none. You don't ned to see a Master. See the thread here on the forum that covers the subject.


#65 Report | Quote[en] 

If catalyst artificer is a representative example of how advanced occupations will be, then I must say, though I find this system inferior to that of the basic occupations, I applaud that the advanced occupations have a new and different system so they're not just more of the same.
Last visit Wednesday, 11 December 22:14:10 UTC

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