
#1 [en] 

All auras in game use the same cooldown timer. If you hit one, all others became unavailable. This pretty much kills variety, as everyone spare aura timers for MPA and thus rarely use anything else. However other auras such as War Cry or regen ones could get more use if they won't crossover with MPA. I suggest to put every aura on its own timer and give players more flexibility in choosing what action to use according to situation.

#2 [en] 

If all auras were on a separate timer then it wouldn't be much fun. You would be able to avoid much damage and easily regen. It is a challenge to overcome the damage. If in a team you can have people use different auras and you can even link the auras. Having every aura on a separate timer takes away the challenge.


Meagy :)
Spirit of Atys
High Officer of Spiritus Artificis
Never argue with an idiot; they will just drag you down to their level, and beat you with experience.

#3 [en] 

Sounds good. Pity everyone always hit MPA in case of trouble and not bothering about anything else. So in team it comes in form of chain of MPA's.

#4 [en] 

yeppers, war cry / beserker should be diff timers, so should self heal and the aura heal....

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Sywindt(Yubo) (1 decade ago)


mayhem - where no one is an island

#5 [en] 

If at all it would make sense to group Melee magic and range auras
then group berserker, war cry and electricity
perhaps group the hp/sap/stam auras as well

Self heals are already grouped?? Unless you meant separate them completely then that would not make much sense.

Maybe I'm a stickler for the old ways or perhaps don't like change? If too much changes it will stop seeming like Ryzom to me... I mean I already hate the new in-game forums

Last edited by Meagon (1 decade ago)


Meagy :)
Spirit of Atys
High Officer of Spiritus Artificis
Never argue with an idiot; they will just drag you down to their level, and beat you with experience.

#6 [en] 

Change for the sake of change is usually bad, and we should avoid it. I'm with Meagon here, the current system is pretty solid and sets Ryzom apart in being a place where you have to think about your actions and their consequences before you do something.

#7 [en] 

All i have to think about is when i should hit MPA while i'm travelling around. That's all.

The problem is that MPA beats anything as it's one of the most useful actions in game. This and other two auras are major things in terms of usabiity, anything else is minor compared to them. What's the point in having all these Berserks and regen auras, if they are literally never get any real use? They are only making illusion of choice, while in fact we are forced to use very limited set of actions by picking up only one at time, which doesn't do any favor to gameplay.

#8 [en] 

I don't agree that MPA beats anything... it depends on the context.
I use different aura in different context, for example :

If I've got a healer with me :
- electric aura when I fight a mob or boss with a high level of parry/dodge
- warcry when I hunt, to kill mobs quicker

Without healer :
- HP, stam or sap aura when I hunt flora (but it's less true now with occupation's products)

OP tactics :
- magic shield if my team is harassed by magicians
- range shield if my team is harassed by launchers

In case of trouble you can use invulnerability
I don't spare my auras just in case I might need MPA


Kaléan McFerty
Pirate of the Lakes

#9 [en] 

Kalean (Aniro)
I don't spare my auras just in case I might need MPA


I think the current system works well. I find that the people I group with use auras that match the particular circumstances. Now we have a reasonable cooldown for aura usage, if the auras were to be separated I foresee a HUGE cooldown implemented with it to avoid exploitation. I would rather have the shorter cooldown with the current system.

It seems to me that you are looking for solo player solutions with this and by nature a MMO is multi-player environment. To that effect, different auras can be used by a team and stacked, as Meagon pointed out, and does give the flexibility you described in your original post. If indeed you are looking for solo solutions: patience is the best skill to master.

Peace, luv & cookies,


Peace, Luv & Cookies,

#10 [en] 

Yes please! Been asking for that for years!

One shared timer for all protection auras, one for the regen auras, and one for the funky auras. Simple as that.
They are only making illusion of choice
This exactly. The Ryzom skill system seems incredibly rich at first but when you get down to it a lot of the more interesting skills have such neglible effects they might as well not exist.

Sure, you can *find* situations wherein they are useful if you look for it, I've done it, but that's not the same as being useful.

For the case of the auras, cool down is 15 minutes. Lets say you're hunting at 1 kill per minute - if protection aura saves you a death, that easily saves you up to 10 minutes, while warcry let you kill just 1 of those 15 mobs only 30% faster, and regen aura gives you double regen for only 2 of the 15 minutes. That is nowhere near comparable.

#11 [en] 

What auras might be used by trekking team or a team looking for some bosses? MPA for sure. Antimagic or Antiranged? But there are no mobs dealing these kinds of damage, apart from plants - and nobody hit plants on treks or boss hunts, it's only if you are going after some plant boss. War Cry? You need to have no less than three melees in your team to make this effect notable. And all that for what? To kill a pair of aggro a bit faster? Not a big deal, there will be much more on the route. To increase damage output on a boss? But this is ridicilous increase and MPA is way more useful in case things go out of hand and team is about to go down. Regen auras? No point, we have healers. Berserk? Don't make me laugh. As for grinding teams, you need only MPA and only if you got adds on you.

Therefore, the only thing you really need in PvE team is MPA, anything else can be easily neglected with no drawbacks at all. As for PvP teams - that's the only case when chaining protection auras is needed and useful.

#12 [en] 

War Cry might be useful in PvP as well - in such a rare occasion when you have full team of melee fighters or heavy gunners.

Back to my point. Honestly, i think, if anything but protection auras would be taken away one day, nobody would noticed. And even if the change would get noticed, nobody would miss those things, as they do no real impact on daily gameplay and rare occasions are rare. But cross over with protection auras completely dumping them down. Separated timers could do the trick and make those minor things a bit more useful. At least for soloing.

#13 [en] 

What auras might be used by trekking team or a team looking for some bosses?

Just this week teams I participated in used: War cry for 4 tanks. Stamina regen for tanks. Sap regen for mage pod. Antimagic for boss mob effect. Antiranged for boss mob effect. HP Balance for team. Shield for the mage that had non-tauntable aggro.

The only time I used MPA, so far this week, was when I was being lazy and didn't want to sneak through an area with aggro.

Perhaps it is just your inexperience with some of the mobs of Atys as the bosses all have their particular style and weakness and just like weapons, part of the fun for me is figuring out which auras are put to best use on them. If I had the ability to use all auras one after another after another, what challenge would there be? Why bother at all, just have the devs make all the mobs dead when you eye them.

Peace, luv & cookies,

Last edited by Inifuss (1 decade ago)


Peace, Luv & Cookies,

#14 [en] 

I'm agree with Meagon. Also, I think that grouping the auras cooldown by skill class would be wise

#15 [en] 

Just as a note, Ranged and Magic protection as well as warcry aura are highly usefull in PvP. But not so much in PvE as there's just very few mobs that use ranged or magic attacks.

I agree that there needs to be an element of chosing the best aura, so I'd be against all auras having their own timer. I'm in favor of one timer for all protection auras, a seperate timer for regen auras, and yet another one for the remaining auras, as those groups just aren't comparable in usefullness.

Berserk is already on it's individual timer so is irrelevant to this discussion.

To the stories meant to serve as examples that these other auras can be useful, I say they miss the point. Yes, you used them, and yes, they helped. But you only used them because you knew you wouldn't need the protection aura, and though they helped a little, if you hadn't used them the outcome would've been the same. It's still not comparable to a protection aura that can by itself make the difference between a victory and a wipe.
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