
#18 [en] 

Just this week teams I participated in used: War cry for 4 tanks. Stamina regen for tanks. Sap regen for mage pod. Antimagic for boss mob effect. Antiranged for boss mob effect. HP Balance for team. Shield for the mage that had non-tauntable aggro.
Was it necessary?

Yes, some auras are necessary for particular bosses and are impossible to achieve without. Some of the auras used meant a close to wipe situation was avoided. My point is that MPA is not the be all aura that you make it out to be and that if players understand when is the proper time to use the other auras that they may find they can be just as, if not more, beneficial than MPA. Perhaps during their power-grinding-cat-infused state many players just have not learned the benefits *shrug*.. but that doesn't mean that all the auras but MPA are currently useless.

I agree with the part of this thread about grouping similar types of auras, but that was not your topic.. I am also not saying that auras on their own timers is necessarily bad.. just that I can see where that system could be exploited and the easiest solution for that would be massive cooldowns, or less powerful - which then makes the change not worth it nor the devs time, imo there are more important things they need to concentrate on.

I enjoy change and new things, but change just for the sake of change is not a good idea. No need to reinvent the wheel if the tire just needs patched.

Peace, luv & cookies,


Peace, Luv & Cookies,

#19 [en] 

Ideally in your team you would assign auras per team mate. mpa used in a team will effect the other team mates for that aura. but the other team mates still have the ability to choose another aura of their own each. Its possible to have all the auras active at the same time.

Edited 5 times | Last edited by Final (1 decade ago)



#20 [en] 

Exactly Final!


Peace, Luv & Cookies,

#21 [en] 

As a tangent, there are alternate ways to balancing the auras than seperating the timers. For example, still a shared timer, but the regen auras having a shorter reset time than the protection ones. Protection auras are currently 15 minutes, and regen auras 20 minutes, so this could be set back to for example 5 minutes, to make it more tempting to use, while still preserving the choice element.

Also, let me note that the fact that all auras except Melee-Protection seem useless to some players, seems to me part of a bigger problem that PvE is generally quite... unvaried compared to PvP. Consider:
* almost all mobs use melee attacks, only about 10% uses ranged or magic.
* almost all mobs are far more vulnerable to magic damage than to physical damage.
* there are very few mobs for which it actually makes much difference which elemental spell you use on them.
* all mobs have equal armor on every body part.
A little more variety here would generally be better, imo.

#22 [en] 

As a tangent, there are alternate ways to balancing the auras than seperating the timers. For example, still a shared timer, but the regen auras having a shorter reset time than the protection ones. Protection auras are currently 15 minutes, and regen auras 20 minutes, so this could be set back to for example 5 minutes, to make it more tempting to use, while still preserving the choice element.
+1 for this idea


Kaléan McFerty
Pirate of the Lakes

#23 [en] 

tee hee, neverax / new owners should complete the descope and make each ele spell a training class muahahaha :o)
ps. wonder if there all finals characters in the piccy :o}

Last edited by Ghuiss (1 decade ago)


mayhem - where no one is an island

#24 [en] 

+1 for separate timers or shorter cooldown
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