
#1 [en] 

Kara, my mother,

I apologize for the brevity of this letter, mother, but time passes swiftly. Time is against me now as I finalize my plans and observe my orders being carried out. We prepare to break camp soon*.

Father, our King, orders that we carry on quickly and I find myself obliged to agree. We will put the plan into action, we march to reclaim our lands.

This will be the last letter I will be able to write before my return. Triumph or fail; the time has finally come. The end is upon us.

Your loving son,

* Saturday, 9 April @ 20:00 GMT at Zachini Ward

#2 [en] 

[OOC] This has been one of my favourite events so far! The interaction with the environment was just great, the secret plan was hilarious and briliant aswell!

I wish to thank the event team for this wonderful night we had, looking forward to the next one!

arc [/OOC]

Zuletzt geändert von Arcueid(arispotle) (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)

#3 [en] 

<OOC>During this event, the town of Thesos was taken by Matis troops and set on fire, and currently it's still occupied by Matis troops and burning.

It's quite a sight, so go check it out before the server reset tomorrow resets it!</OOC>

Zuletzt geändert von Marelli(arispotle) (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)

#4 [en] 

I'm still training on Silan. Has anyone posted any screenshots?

#5 [en] 

Summary and screenshots of the event posted:

Thesos is still occupied and burning after the server reset, so likely will be all week.

#6 [en] 

hmmm. The link seems to be down atm.

#7 [en] 

Been checking the site regularly over the last weeks and I've never seen it down. I suggest you check again later and if it still doesn't work, check if you've got the url right? (You're not trying to open it in the ingame browser, are you?)
Last visit Sonntag 2 Juni 07:11:39 UTC

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