Web Apps



Recently transparent PNGs stopped working.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/47/PNG_tran sparency_demonstration_1.png/280px-PNG_transparency_demonstration _1.png

Last edited by Sywindt(Yubo) (1 decade ago)



Is it working again ?


Kervala - Ryzom volunteer developer - Working on different clients


No, the transparency is lost as soon as you post the image.

The image above should have a gray background (inherit from the underlaying table) and the contoures should be more smooth.

Here is your guild logo when rendered through the image proxy:



Should be fixed with new images or after purging your cache.

Thanks for the report.


Sywindt | Game Master | EN, NL, de, fr


Indeed, thank you.



Yes, thanks a lot that's working fine now :)


Kervala - Ryzom volunteer developer - Working on different clients

Last visit Tuesday, 4 June 18:57:23 UTC

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